
STEM Smart Brief: Preparing and Supporting STEM Educators



Short Description

“Recent research emphasizes that teacher quality alone cannot improve student achievement at scale. School leadership, staff collaboration, and a positive climate are among essential organizational elements that contribute to meaningful change.” Read this brief to learn more about suggested methods for properly supporting STEM educators.

Standards in K-12 Tech Literacy & Engineering: Implications for Design & Research (Schunn)


Christian Schunn

Short Description

Join the panelists from the plenary presentation to continue conversations about common
standards in each of the STEM disciplines.


SGER: Assessing the Educational, Career and Social Impacts of the XO Laptop Program in Birmingham, AL City Schools (Cotten)


Shelia Cotten

Short Description

The goal of this study is to assess the educational, career, and social impacts of disseminating an innovative technology, the XO laptop computer, to minority 4th and 5th grade students in Birmingham City Schools (BCS) in Alabama. This is the largest XO dissemination in the U.S. and the first XO dissemination project to distribute XO laptops to all 1st – 5th grade students in a U.S. school district.

SGER: Assessing the Educational, Career and Social Impacts of the XO Laptop Program in Birmingham, AL City Schools (Cotten)


Shelia Cotten

Short Description

The goal of this study is to assess the educational, career, and social impacts of disseminating an innovative technology, the XO laptop computer, to minority 4th and 5th grade students in Birmingham City Schools (BCS) in Alabama. This is the largest XO dissemination in the U.S. and the first XO dissemination project to distribute XO laptops to all 1st – 5th grade students in a U.S. school district.

Prepare and Inspire: K-12 Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for America's Future

America is home to extraordinary assets in science, engineering, and mathematics that, if properly applied within the educational system, could revitalize student interest and increase proficiency in these subjects and support an American economic renewal, according to a new report from an independent council of Presidential advisors.




Networks and Social Media for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers

In this pdf are STEM education networks and social media sources that may be of interest to DR-K12 grantees for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end users. These networks and social media were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the work.




Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone

Heat transfer is widely taught in secondary Earth science and physics. Researchers have identified many misconceptions related to heat and temperature. These misconceptions primarily stem from hunches developed in everyday life (though the confusions in terminology often worsen them). Interactive computer simulations that visualize thermal energy, temperature distribution, and heat transfer may provide a straightforward method for teaching and learning these concepts.


Xie, Charles


Highlights from Dissemination in STEM Education R&D: Perspectives on Knowledge Use

Highlights from


Brenda J. Turnbull

Short Description

DRK–12 projects at all stages, from early design work through completion, can benefit from an awareness and understanding of the challenges of knowledge use, so that what is designed can be suitably adapted and scaled.

Fostering Knowledge Use in STEM Education: A Brief on R&D Partnerships with Districts and Schools

Produced by a CADRE work group of NSF-supported researchers and developers, this practice brief makes a case for substantive partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and districts and schools.  Despite leading a wide variety of pro


Barnes, David

Benenson, Gary

Heuer, Loretta

Hobbs, Mary

King, Karen

Kinzer, Cathy

Recker, Mimi

Riley, Derek

Schifter, Catherine

Turnbull, Brenda

Wiburg, Karin

Short Description

This practice brief makes a case for substantive partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and districts and schools.