
Lynn Stephens Discipline Specialist (STEM) Post Doctoral Researcher University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst…
Post Doctoral Researcher
Christine Lee Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Assistant Professor…
Assistant Professor
Natalya St. Clair
Ana Butler
Ana Butler
Sara Baszczewski
Carlos LopezLeiva Carlos A. LópezLeiva is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies at the University of New Mexico, whose research…
Assistant Professor
Robert Blair I am a professor of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology. My wildlife research focuses on birds in human dominated landscapes. My education focus is on using…
Patricia Udomprasert Patricia Udomprasert is Project Director for the WorldWide Telescope Ambassadors Program at Harvard University. She holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Caltech and…
Project Director
Eric Greenwald
Joseph Henderson Henderson, J. B. & Aguilera, E. (in press). Utilizing Technology to Support Scientific Argumentation in Active Learning Classrooms. In J. Mintzes & E. Walter (…
Benjamin Kelcey University of Cincinnati (UC)
Alfred Hall LeMoyne-Owen College
Oliver Hill Virginia State University Research Foundation
Tracey Hall Center for Applied Special Technology, Inc. (CAST)
Gwen Nugent University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Peter White Michigan State University (MSU)
Amelia Gotwals Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor Michigan State…
Associate Professor
Caroline Ebby Email University of Pennsylvania (Penn) Ebby, C. B., Hulbert, E. T., and Fletcher, N. (…
Edith Aurora Graf Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Arthur Baroody University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Judy Storeygard TERC, Inc.
Elizabeth Phillips Michigan State University (MSU) Edson, A.J., Phillips, E.D., & Bieda, K. (2018). Transitioning a problem-based curriculum from…
June Ahn
June Ahn New York University (NYU) Ahn, J., Campos, F., Hays, M., & DiGiacomo, D. (2019). Designing in context: Reaching beyond usability in…
Luis Rodriguez University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chandra Orrill University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth) Orrill, C. H., Copur-Gencturk, Y., Cohen, A., & Templin, J. (2020).…
Heidi Schweingruber Heidi Schweingruber, Ph.D., is the director of the Board on Science Education at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. In that role, she…
Director, Board on Science Education
Ilana Horn
Ilana Horn Vanderbilt University Ehrenfeld, N. & Horn, I. S. (In press). Initiation-Entry-Focus-Exit: A Framework for Understanding Pedagogical…
Michelle Perry University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Henricks, G., Jay, V., Beilstein, S., Perry, M. Bates, M., Moran, C., & Cimpian, J. (…
Kelly Mix
Kelly Mix Michigan State University (MSU)
Linda Smith Indiana University (IU)
Nicole Garcia Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Research Specialist Mathematics…
Research Specialist
test test
first last This is my bio Administrator My Job
My Job
Kelsey Lipsitz Email
Katie Schenkel Email Assistant Professor, Science Education San Diego State University (SDSU…
Assistant Professor, Science Education
Lindsey Mann Lindsey Mann is a doctoral candidate in mathematics education at the University of Michigan School of Education. Lindsey’s research focuses on the work of beginning…
Kyle Cox
Kyle Cox Email Graduate Research Assistant University of Cincinnati (UC…
Graduate Research Assistant
Gladys Krause Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Mathematics
Andrea Palmiter Policy Studies Associates, Inc. (PSA) Other
Derek Riley Policy Studies Associates, Inc. (PSA) Other
Moya Hynes
David Rose
David Rose David Rose capitalizes on his background in classroom teaching, clinical neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience to develop innovative solutions to challenging problems…
Founder and Chief Education Officer
Jacqueline Miller Jacqueline S. Miller has decades of experience designing innovative, rigorous science curricula that align with national standards, engage and motivate students to…
Senior Research Scientist
Jacqueline DeLisi Jacqueline DeLisi, Ed.D., senior research associate at EDC, currently works on a variety of projects related to program evaluation in formal and informal settings and…
Yael Wyner
Yael Wyner Yael Wyner is Assistant Professor of Secondary Education in the School of Education in the City College of New York. She is the PI of Ecology Disrupted: Using scientific…
Assistant Professor
Kim Frumin
Kim Frumin Email
Tina Vo
Tina Vo Email Doctoral Candidate University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Doctoral Candidate
Xueying Prawat
Linlin Li
Linlin Li Mathematics Science
Steve Kerlin Stroud Water Research Center