Examining Potential Causal Connections and Mechanisms Between Children's Block Play and Mathematics Learning

Our primary goal in this project was to further develop, refine, and evaluate a research-based STEM learning tool (i.e., block play) that tests theories of mathematical learning. Specifically, we tested the impact of different types of block play (free play, semi-structured) on early mathematics and are working towards identifying potential mechanisms (e.g., mathematical language, executive function) underlying these relations.

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Target Audience:

Leveraging Dynamically Linked Representations in a Semi-Structured Workspace to Cultivate Mathematical Modeling Competencies Among Secondary Students (M2Studio)

The need for mathematical modeling is vital in answering critical questions like disease spread and climate change, but beginners lack the necessary skills to plan, organize, and execute such tasks. Also, current tools are insufficient for optimal learning. To address these issues, we're developing a web-based technology (M2Studio) and a 10.5-hour curriculum to introduce students to mathematical modeling using dynamically linked representations. This three-year project aims to enhance students' modeling skills and understanding.

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Mapping, Clarifying, and Communicating Key Ideas about Collaborative Learning

Principal Investigator:

Project goals are 1) to map and synthesize the research literature on computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), 2) identify topics relevant to K12 practitioners for use in practice and determine if new research is needed to create more usable knowledge, and 3) create materials with researchers and practitioners working together. In the three phases of the project, we use a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. In this poster we discuss findings from Phase 1.

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Exploratory Evidence on the Factors that Relate to Elementary School Science Learning Gains Among English Language Learners

Principal Investigator:

Using the nationally representative Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, we examine the correlates of elementary school science achievement gains for multilingual learners. We examine both science inputs - such as time on science, instructional materials, and topics taught - as well as language inputs - including ELL instructional model, languages spoken by educators, and multilingual resources. Our findings provide exploratory evidence on the factors related to science learning gains for multilingual learners.

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Target Audience:

Improving Multi-dimensional Assessment and Instruction: Building and Sustaining Elementary Science Teachers' Capacity Through Learning Communities (Collaborative Research: Strickland, Pellegrino)

Principal Investigator:

The NGSA Elementary project seeks to better understand how to build and sustain the capacity of elementary science teachers to instruct and formatively assess students in NGSS-aligned ways. Our professional learning model prioritizes teacher learning in a community of practice, places instructionally supportive assessments at the forefront, and centers student discourse on disciplinary knowledge and practices to engage in sensemaking and reasoning. Teacher partners use multi-dimensional tasks in their classrooms and discuss experiences during PL sessions.

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Target Audience:

Improving Multi-dimensional Assessment and Instruction: Building and Sustaining Elementary Science Teachers' Capacity Through Learning Communities (Collaborative Research: Strickland, Pellegrino)

Principal Investigator:

The NGSA Elementary project seeks to better understand how to build and sustain the capacity of elementary science teachers to instruct and formatively assess students in NGSS-aligned ways. Our professional learning model prioritizes teacher learning in a community of practice, places instructionally supportive assessments at the forefront, and centers student discourse on disciplinary knowledge and practices to engage in sensemaking and reasoning. Teacher partners use multi-dimensional tasks in their classrooms and discuss experiences during PL sessions.

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Target Audience:

Leveraging the Power of Reflection and Visual Representation in Middle-Schoolers' Learning During and After an Informal Science Experience (Collaborative Research: Dickes)

Principal Investigator:

The project uses design-based research to address: (1) whether and how interpreting and constructing visual representations improves students' understanding of science, and (2) what further benefits are conferred by marrying engagement with visual representations and prompts for reflection during informal science learning experiences. The project is grounded in the idea that visual representations can enhance science learning and encourage reflection on doing science that supports extension of that learning beyond a singular informal science experience.

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Target Audience:

Synchronous Online Video-based Development for Rural Mathematics Coaches (Collaborative Research: Amador)

Principal Investigator:

The major goals of the project are to develop and implement an innovative fully online video-based model for professional learning of mathematics coaches in rural districts who may lack access to such opportunities.
 Our professional model has three components: (a) an online course on content-focused coaching, (b) one-on-one video-based coaching cycles, and (c) an online video coaching club. Mentor Coaches (project personnel with expertise in coaching) support Coach Participants and are themselves supported by a Lead Mentor Coach.

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Target Audience:

The Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education Project

Principal Investigator:

The Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE, or “access”) project brings together partners from educational research and practice to promote equity and coherence in systems of science education. It involves a deep collaboration between the Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS), the University of Washington, and the University of Colorado Boulder. Strategies and resources from this project are being shared around the country through networks of science education leaders. See https://stemteachingtools.org/

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