Learning Progression

Length Measurement in the Early Years: Teaching and Learning with Learning Trajectories

Measurement is a critical component of mathematics education, but research on the learning and teaching of measurement is limited. We previously introduced, refined, and validated a developmental progression – the cognitive core of a learning trajectory – for length measurement in the early years. A complete learning trajectory includes instructional activities and pedagogical strategies, correlated with each level of the developmental progression. This study evaluated a portion of our learning trajectory, focusing on the instructional component.


Julie Sarama

Douglas H. Clements

Jeffrey E. Barrett

Craig J. Cullen

Aaron Hudyma

Yuly Vanegas

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study evaluated a portion of our learning trajectory, focusing on the instructional component. We found that the instruction was successful in promoting a progression from one level to the next for 40% of the children, with others developing positive new behaviors (but not sufficient to progress to a new level).

The Role of Balance Scales in Supporting Productive Thinking about Equations Among Diverse Learners

This research focuses on ways in which balance scales mediate students’ relational understandings of the equal sign. Participants included 21 Kindergarten–Grade 2 students who took part in an early algebra classroom intervention focused in part on developing a relational understanding of the equal sign through the use of balance scales. Students participated in pre-, mid- and post-intervention interviews in which they were asked to evaluate true-false equations and solve open number sentences. Students often worked with balance scales while solving these tasks.


Ana Stephens

Yewon Sung

Susanne Strachota

Ranza Veltri Torres

Karisma Morton

Angela Murphy Gardiner

Maria Blanton

Eric Knuth

Rena Stroud

Short Description

This research focuses on ways in which balance scales mediate students’ relational understandings of the equal sign.

Experimental Impacts of the Ongoing Assessment Project on Teachers and Students

In this report, we describe the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of a mathematics initiative called Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two Philadelphia area school districts. OGAP is a mathematics program which combines teacher formative assessment practices with knowledge of student developmental progressions to build deeper student understanding of mathematics content. OGAP includes teacher professional development, classroom resources, school-based routines for regular practice, and ongoing school-based supports.

Jonathan A. Supovitz

Caroline B. Ebby

Janine Remillard

Robert A. Nathenson

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In this report, authors describe the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of a mathematics initiative called Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two Philadelphia area school districts.

Pathways for Analyzing and Responding to Student Work for Formative Assessment: The Role of Teachers’ Goals for Student Learning

This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own student work during the process of formative assessment. The study involved a purposefully selected sample of 32 teachers in grades K-5 who had been trained by the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) to use learning progressions to analyze and respond to evidence in student work.


Caroline Brayer Ebby

Janine Remillard

Jordan H. D'Olier

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own student work during the process of formative assessment.

Gina’s mathematics: Thinking, tricks, or “teaching”?

Students with learning disabilities display a diverse array of factors that interplay with their mathematical understanding. Our aim in this paper is to discuss the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. We present analysis and results from multiple sessions conducted during a teaching experiment cast as one-on-one intervention.


Jessica H.Hunt

Beth L.MacDonald


Short Description

This paper discusses the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions.

What Can We Learn from Correct Answers?

Dig deeper into classroom artifacts using research-based learning progressions to enhance your analysis and response to student work, even when most students solve a problem correctly.

Ebby, C. B., Hulbert, E. T., and Fletcher, N. (2019). What can we learn from correct answers? Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(6), 346-353.


Caroline B. Ebby

Elizabeth T. Hulbert

Nicole Fletcher

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes how research-based learning progressions can be used to enhance the analysis and response to student work.

Children’s Measurement: A Longitudinal Study of Children’s Knowledge and Learning of Length, Area, and Volume

Quantitative reasoning and measurement competencies support the development of mathematical and scientific thinking in children in the early and middle grades and are fundamental to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The sixteenth Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) monograph is a report on a four-year-long multisite longitudinal study that studied children’s thinking and learning about geometric measurement (i.e., length, area, and volume).


Jeffrey E. Barrett

Douglas H. Clements

Julie Sarama

Short Description

This monograph is a report on a four-year-long multisite longitudinal study that studied children’s thinking and learning about geometric measurement (i.e., length, area, and volume).

Evaluation of three interventions teaching area measurement as spatial structuring to young children

We evaluated the effects of three instructional interventions designed to support young children’s understanding of area measurement as a structuring process.


Douglas H. Clements

Julie Sarama

Jeffrey E. Barrett

Craig J. Cullen

Aaron Hudyma

Ron Dolgin

Amanda L. Cullen

Cheryl L. Eames

Short Description

In this article, authors evaluated the effects of three instructional interventions designed to support young children’s understanding of area measurement as a structuring process.

Scientific Modeling across the K–12 Continuum: Alignment between Theoretical Foundations and Classroom Interventions

STEM Categorization

Explore methods and challenges associated with supporting and evaluating scientific modeling in K–12 classrooms in this structured poster session.


In this interactive panel symposium, presenters will draw from a set of active DR K-12 projects to explore a diverse array of resources, models, and tools (RMTs) designed to operationalize varying perspectives on scientific modeling in elementary, middle, and secondary classrooms across disciplinary domains.

Session Types

Improving Student Learning and Teacher Practice in Mathematics: A Focus on Formative Assessment

STEM Categorization

Join a discussion with panelists from several projects about project model designs, initial findings, and implementation challenges associated with formative assessment in mathematics.

Session Materials

In this session, four projects will share their work on formative assessment and mathematics learning trajectories, and participants will discuss the implications for formative assessment practices in mathematics.

Session Types