
Specifying Equity in Practice: A Focus on Ambitious Mathematics and Science Teaching


Three projects report findings about supporting mathematics and science teachers’ development of ambitious teaching and focus analyses on equity perspectives related to students’ opportunities to learn.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion

In this session, presenters from three projects seek to elaborate teaching practices in mathematics and science that support the development of central mathematical or scientific ideas and result in significant learning opportunities for students. More specifically, they seek to ground a larger conversation about equity in mathematics and science education in the sharing of specific analyses of their work. All three presentations focus on supporting teachers’ development of ambitious (rigorous and equitable) instructional practices.

Using Analysis of Practice to Improve Science and Mathematics Teaching: Ways to Support and Study Teacher Learning


This session examines different approaches to engaging mathematics and science teachers in analysis of practice (e.g., using video, student work, and online tools) and different strategies for assessing impact of this work.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

There is much support for embedding teachers’ professional learning in the analysis of practice. This approach can engage teachers in deepening both their content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge in more meaningful contexts than typical courses or professional development workshops. The purposes of this session are (1) to examine four different approaches to analysis of practice in professional development work with mathematics and science teachers and (2) to consider the affordances and constraints of different strategies for assessing the impact of these approaches.

Effective Programs in Elementary Science: A Best Evidence Synthesis


This session reports the findings of a systematic review of research on elementary science. Treatments reviewed included instructional processes, science kits, and technology.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

In this session, presenters describe a systematic review of research on the achievement outcomes of all types of approaches to teaching science in elementary schools. Presenters discuss the need for the review and will detail the research design. Study inclusion criteria included use of randomized or matched control groups, study duration of at least four weeks, and use of achievement measures independent of the experimental treatment. A total of 17 studies met these criteria.