
Heather King Email Other Postdoctoral Scholar The Center for Elementary Mathematics…
Postdoctoral Scholar
David Haury Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Program Director National Science…
Program Director
David Pagni Professor of Mathematics with an interest in Mathematics Education Email Educator…
Tanya Gupta Email Other Grand Valley State University (GVSU)…
Eric Berson Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Post-Doc Researcher Stanford University…
Post-Doc Researcher
Dylan Conger Email Other Associate Professor George Washington University (GW…
Associate Professor
Emily Weiss Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Science & Literacy Education Specialist…
Science & Literacy Education Specialist
Kyle Cheney Email
Jenny Dauer Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Post-doctoral Research Associate Michigan…
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Amy Roth McDuffie Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor, Mathematics Education…
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
Jon Davis
Jon Davis Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor of Mathematics Education…
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Dung Tran
Dung Tran Dung Tran is a Ph.D. candidate in mathematics education at the University of Missouri – Columbia with primary interests on mathematical knowledge for teaching, mathematical…
Michelle Whitacre I am a PhD candidate and graduate assistant in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. I have extensive experience in secondary science…
Courtney Arthur Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Curriculum and Instructional Design Associate…
Curriculum and Instructional Design Associate
Arnon Avitzur Arnon Avitzur is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in Mathematics Education at New York University. He is a research assistant to Dr. Martin A. Simon on the project “…
Research Assistant
Kat Laxton
Kat Laxton Kat Laxton is a second-year PhD candidate at the University of Washington in Science Education with primary research interests in science curriculum development, science…
Research and Teaching Assistant
AJ Stachelek Email Educator Graduate Research Assistant Brooklyn College, CUNY…
Graduate Research Assistant
Hadley Moore Other University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (UMass Donahue Institute)
Maria Oliver-Hoyo Email
Edward Geary
Katherine Taylor Haynes Email Other Research Associate Vanderbilt…
Research Associate
Ferdinand Rivera National Science Foundation (NSF)
William Carlsen Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Prof. of Science Education…
Prof. of Science Education
Zuzka Blasi Email Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Louisa Anastasopoulos Email Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Kevin Waterman Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Project Director Education…
Project Director
Kathy Haynie Email Educator External Evaluator Haynie Research and Evaluation…
External Evaluator
Imani Goffney Email University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP)
Janet Craig I am an early childhood educator for Minneapolis Early Childhood Family Education.We have begun offering a Preschool STEM class. Parents and their preschoolers come for 2…
Early Childhood Educator
Catherine McCulloch Catherine McCulloch is PI for CADRE, the resource network for DR K-12 awardees, and was Co-PI for the Massachusetts Engineering Innovation and Dissemination…
Project Director
Amy Hackenberg Amy Hackenberg taught middle and high school students for 9 years in Los Angeles and Chicago prior to earning her PhD in mathematics education from the University of…
associate professor
Gloriana Gonzalez Rivera University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jessica H. Hunt Discipline Specialist (STEM) North Carolina State University (NCSU)   *Hunt. J.H. & Ainslie, J.(2021).…
Kristen Wendell I am Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education at Tufts University, where I lead a research group at the Center for…
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Education
Higinio Dominguez Michigan State University (MSU)
Robert Russell Email National Science Foundation (NSF)
Barbara Berns Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Brenda Turnbull Brenda Turnbull has been studying school improvement since the 1970s. She is Co-Principal Investigator for the national evaluation of the Comprehensive Centers, which…
Samantha Carnall
Kreshnik Begolli Kreshnik Begolli is a 4th year PhD. Student in the Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine. He is primarily interested in how cognitive science…
Alina Martinez Alina Martinez is a Principal Researcher at Mathematica, in Cambridge, MA. Principal Researcher Mathematica…
Principal Researcher
Firat Soylu Email Postdoctoral Fellow Northwestern University (NU)…
Postdoctoral Fellow
Christine Brown Email Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Kirstin (K.C.) Busch K.C. Busch is a PhD candidate in science education at Stanford University. Currently, K.C. is researching how teachers and students communicate about climate…
PhD Candidate, Research Assistant
Brian O'Connell Brian O’Connell is a mechanical engineering PhD student at Tufts University and a research assistant at Tufts’ Center for Engineering Education and Outreach on the…
Doctoral Student
Betty Stennett Email Educator BSCS Science Classroom…
Ander Erickson Email Other Doctoral Candidate University of Michigan (UM…
Doctoral Candidate
Joel Mejia
Joel Mejia Joel Alejandro Mejia (Alex) is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Education interested in research regarding underrepresentation of minority groups in Science, Technology…
Assistant Professor
Sarah Rand
Sarah Rand Email Other Communications Consultant American Institutes for Research (AIR…
Communications Consultant