About Me (Bio)
Brenda Turnbull has been studying school improvement since the 1970s. She is Co-Principal Investigator for the national evaluation of the Comprehensive Centers, which provide technical assistance to states in implementing the No Child Left Behind Act, and she directs external evaluations for the Science of Learning Center on the Temporal Dynamics of Learning and for Teachers for a New Era at the University of Texas at El Paso. She previously evaluated the Public Education Network's policy initiatives and was principal investigator for the Study of District Strategies for Comprehensive School Reform. Previously, Ms. Turnbull co-directed the Longitudinal Evaluation of School Change and Performance in Title I Schools. Her experience with the Title I program also includes participation in Congressionally mandated studies since the 1980s, lead roles in numerous research and evaluation studies, and membership on the Chapter 1 Commission in the early 1990s. Ms. Turnbull received her Ed.D. in Social Policy Analysis from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.