The Use of Theory in Research on Broadening Participation in PreK–12 STEM Education

This new CADRE paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK–12 grantees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK–12 grantees are using in their research on broadening participation. It reflects the results of a synthesis process with a volunteer group of principal investigators (PIs). It offers information that might not be easily found or accessible, partly because some of these projects have not yet reached the publication stage.

CASIS (International Space Station) Partnering Opportunity

A critical goal for the National Science Foundation is to “develop a robust research community that can conduct rigorous research and evaluation that will support excellence in STEM education and that integrates research and education”. The International Space Station (ISS) is a perfect laboratory for such integration on a variety of potential DRK-12, AISL, ITEST, Cyberlearning projects and other solicitations.