Designing Learning Environments to Foster Productive and Powerful Discussions among Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary Mathematics (NSF #1553708)

We are studying how to create high school math classrooms where bilingual students who are classified as English learners (ELs) can participate in robust classroom discussions. Our redesign focuses on creating accessible and powerful curriculum materials, developing equitable instructional routines, and supporting student engagement in mathematical discourse practices.

Target Audience
Secondary Mathematics Teachers and Students
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

This project supports ELs in STEM through making classroom discussions more accessible. We know from prior research that when students engage in classroom discussions, they can learn important mathematical concepts and develop a positive identity as a mathematics student. At the same time, we also know that many bilingual students who are classified as English learners, especially at the high school level, experience mathematics classes characterized by low-level mathematical and linguistic demands. Our goal is to transform this reality through a program of design research, done in collaboration with local teachers at a linguistically diverse school and student researchers from San Diego State University.

Our specific strategy is to research and develop design principles for high school classroom learning environments in which ELs participate in robust discussions. We started by observing mathematics classes during a "business as usual" phase and interviewing a linguistically diverse group of students about mathematics and about their experiences in school mathematics. We have taken what we learned from those observations and we are working with teachers to redesign the classroom learning environment to ensure all students can participate in classroom discussions. Three specific foci of our work are: 1) maintaining a consistent conceptual focus across the units we design, 2) integrating mathematical and language-related goals in each lesson, and 3) incorporating language supports in each lesson to make discussions available and fruitful for all students.

William Zahner

Proof in Secondary Classrooms: Decomposing a Central Mathematical Practice (PISC Project) (NSF #1453493)

Through lesson study, the PISC Project explores the effect of an intervention to support the teaching and learning of proof in secondary geometry. PISC takes as its premise that if we scaffold proof, by first teaching particular sub-goals of proof, then students will be more successful with proof later on.

Target Audience
Secondary Students Learning Proof in Geometry
STEM Discipline(s)
Mathematics; Geometry
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Despite that fact that proof is considered a central mathematical process, and policy documents have consistently recommended that proof be taught in school mathematics, success with proof remains elusive. A preponderance of evidence suggests that proof is challenging for teachers to teach (e.g., Cirillo, 2011; Knuth, 2002) and for students to learn (e.g., Chazan, 1993; Senk, 1985). Factors identified as contributing to these challenges include: impoverished curricula (Otten et al., 2014); teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge (Knuth, 2002); and the lack of recommendations about how to scaffold proof so that students can be successful (Cirillo et al, 2017).

PISC draws on pilot study data and findings that suggest a promising approach to scaffolding the introduction to proof in geometry. Based on these findings, we developed the Geometry Proof Scaffold (GPS)⁠—a pedagogical framework that outlines eight sub-goals and corresponding competencies that can be taught one at a time. For example, prior to being asked to work on a proof, students learn to draw valid conclusions from given information or assumptions. The eight sub-goals in the GPS are: Understanding Geometric Concepts, Defining, Coordinating Geometric Modalities, Conjecturing, Drawing Conclusions, Using Common Sub-Arguments, Understanding Theorems, and Understanding the Nature of Proof.       

What are your Findings?

A set of 16 detailed lessons plans and corresponding student investigations, focused on the sub-goals of proof, served as the study intervention. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected from control and experimental groups to test the effect of the intervention. Comparing student interviews and written assessments from these groups provided compelling evidence that the PISC lessons had a positive impact on student learning. Statistical analyses demonstrate that gains made by students were significantly larger under the PISC curriculum. Clinical interviews conducted with students in control and experimental groups also provided compelling qualitative evidence about the effect of the intervention.

Michelle Cirillo

Spreading Computational Literacy Equitably via Integration of Computing in Preservice Teacher Preparation (NSF #1941642)

This project studies the effect of integrating computing into preservice teacher programs across grade bands and disciplines. The project explores how to connect computing concepts and integration activities to teachers' subject area knowledge and teaching practice, and which computing concepts are most valuable for general computational literacy.

Target Audience
All Grades; Preservice Teachers; Urban
STEM Discipline(s)
All Disciplines, STEM
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

The project broadens participation in computer science and computational thinking by preparing all preservice teachers at Georgia State University to integrate computing activities into their courses. The impact of preparing all teachers to use computing activities is that students receive exposure to multiple computing activities throughout preK-12 and understand how computing is used in all disciplines. Even if students do not pursue a job in computer science, they are better prepared to use computing solutions in their chosen profession and in their personal lives. Integrating computing activities also gives teachers new tools to teach within their discipline, and the computing activities are co-designed with teacher preparation faculty to ensure that they are authentic to the primary discipline. This project is unique because it is integrating computing activities across disciplines and grade bands simultaneously. In this context, researchers can explore which computing concepts and practices are universal and should be considered part of a general computational literacy, a topic that is debated on computing education researchers.

What are your Findings?

In our pilot work, we have found that early in the learning process teachers appreciate activities that also include a detailed lesson plan for how they can use it with students. More structured activities that come with a detailed lesson plans make teachers more comfortable to use the activities in student teaching or practicums. Once teachers use the activities with students, the enthusiasm of the students to engage with the activity makes the teachers motivated to continue to use the activity and to explore variations of the activity or other activities.

Lauren Margulieux

UPDATED: Noticing and Using Students’ Prior Knowledge in Problem-based Instruction (NSF #1253081)

For this project, we created an adaptation to lesson study. Teachers discussed animations made by the research team to get ideas for planning a problem-based lesson. We recorded the teachers’ implementation of the lessons and led video clubs in the reflection step for teachers to pay attention to student thinking.

Target Audience
High School; High-Needs Schools
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

The project addresses three fundamental problems in professional development.  One problem is the lack of a centralized curriculum that affects teachers’ discussions pedagogical issues around specific content. The animations anchor teachers’ discussions of pedagogical issues by showing examples of problem-based lessons and promoting teachers’ development of an inquiry stance for understanding student thinking during problem-solving. A second problem involves teachers’ difficulties focusing their observations on student thinking. The video clubs allow for showcasing examples from various classrooms and provide opportunities for a deep analysis of student thinking when solving complex tasks. A third problem is that of providing opportunities for practice-based professional development. By having all teachers teach the lesson in their classrooms, the adaptation to lesson study supported teachers in applying what they learned in professional development sessions. Overall, the project enhances lesson study implementation in the U.S. by producing a viable model that engages teachers across school districts who teach the same content area, thus helping to overcome teachers’ sense of isolation by building a professional community.

What are your Findings?

Teachers’ discussions of student thinking in the study group meetings was significant and their implementation of the same lessons in the second year involved higher levels of reasoning with students’ ideas than in the first year. The process of revising and re-teaching the lessons optimized teachers’ discussions of student thinking. We also learned that the facilitator of teachers’ discussions plays a crucial role in promoting an inquiry stance when discussing animations and videos. A continuous challenge is that of recruiting and supporting teachers’ participation in professional development, which may require strong partnerships with schools and districts.

Gloriana Gonzalez

Promoting Equitable and Inclusive STEM Contexts in High School (NSF #1941992)

This project centers on creating STEM classrooms where students from all backgrounds feel included and empowered to intervene if they observe stereotyping, bias, and prejudice. Using surveys and interviews of adolescents as well as testing a new intervention, the findings will document factors related to resilience in STEM fields.

Target Audience
Suburban and Rural High School Students; Districts Serving Low-income and Ethnically Diverse Populations
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

An important barrier to persistence in STEM fields for marginalized groups, including women and ethnic minorities, relates to cultures in many STEM organizations, such as academic institutions, that foster discrimination, harassment and prejudicial treatment. This research will contribute to understanding the STEM educational climates in high schools and will help to identify factors that promote resilience in STEM contexts, documenting how K-12 educators can structure their classrooms to foster success of all students in STEM classes. We are examining inclusive STEM classes with attention both to college preparatory STEM classes as well as specialized STEM programs that are preparing youth for immediate entry into the STEM workforce upon graduation. Further, this work will explore how to create schools where students stand-up for each other and support each other so that any interested student will feel welcome in STEM classes and programs. This work is innovative in bringing a bystander intervention lens to classroom-based exclusionary experiences. Research on aggression demonstrates how powerful bystanders can be in interrupting unacceptable behavior, but no prior work has examined whether students can be empowered to serve as active bystanders in STEM classrooms to help create inclusive spaces for all students.

What are your Findings?

We are just getting started! Right now, we are setting up our partnerships with districts and thinking about how the new landscape of education since COVID-19 may shape the findings we obtain.

Kelly Lynn Mulvey

Cultivating Teachers’ Epistemic Empathy to Promote Responsive Teaching (NSF #1844453)

This project aims to study and cultivate science and mathematics teachers’ “epistemic empathy”—their capacity for tuning into and valuing someone’s cognitive and emotional experiences in the process of constructing, communicating, and critiquing knowledge. The research will examine how such empathy influences teachers’ responsiveness and how it shapes students’ engagement.

Target Audience
Preservice and In-service Science and Mathematics Teachers
STEM Discipline(s)
Science; Mathematics
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

When students perceive that their experiences are not relevant to their science and mathematics learning, they may view these fields as inaccessible to them. This in turn creates an obstacle to their engagement, which becomes particularly consequential for students from traditionally underrepresented populations. There is a pressing need, then, to prepare STEM teachers to be open and responsive to students’ diverse ideas and  experiences—including their linguistic, emotional, and cultural knowledge—and to leverage them as instructional resources. To address this need, this project aims to cultivate teachers’ “epistemic empathy” to promote an asset-based orientation towards all students as sense-makers, an orientation that may support teachers to be more responsive to students’ ideas and experiences. Using a design-based approach, the team designs and implements educative experiences for teachers aimed at fostering their attunement to and ways of leveraging learners’ ideas and emotions in science and mathematics. Further, the project explores how epistemic empathy shapes teachers’ views of their roles, goals, and priorities and how it influences their enactment of responsive teaching that pursues the productive beginnings in student work. Lastly, the project will investigate how teachers’ empathy shapes students’ engagement and responsiveness to each other’s experiences in the classroom.

What are your Findings?

Preliminary findings provide important insights regarding the complex ways in which epistemic empathy can be expressed and cultivated. An assortment of educative experiences seems particularly powerful for cultivating epistemic empathy, including the use of videos to showcase student reasoning around science and mathematics questions and teachers experiencing those same questions as learners. Additionally, our analysis surfaces several tensions between epistemic empathy and more general manifestations of empathy that may hinder learners’ epistemic pursuits and agency. Lastly, preliminary findings suggest potential connections between empathy, epistemic empathy, and the enactment of responsive teaching practices, motivating further explorations of the relationship between these constructs.


Related Products:

  • Jaber, L. Z. (2016). Attending to students’ epistemic affect. In A. D. Robertson, R. E. Scherr, & D. Hammer (Eds.), Responsive Teaching in Science and Mathematics (pp. 162-188). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Jaber, L. Z., Herbster, C., & Truett, J. (2019). Responsive teaching: Embracing students’ divergent questions. Science and Children, 57(2), 89-89.
  • Jaber, L. Z., Southerland, S., & Dake, F. (2018). Cultivating epistemic empathy in preservice teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 72, 13-23.
Lama Jaber

UPDATED: Supporting Model Based Inference as an Integrated Effort Between Mathematics and Science (NSF #1942770)

This project is exploring how to productively coordinate instruction around data, statistics, modeling, and inference in middle grades mathematics and science classes to support students to develop competencies in statistical model-based inference. We are conducting design-based research to develop and study innovative tools that support students to generate knowledge about ecological systems by using models of variability to make inferences.

Target Audience
6th and 7th grade; Students from diverse backgrounds
STEM Discipline(s)
Statistics; Data Science; Mathematics; Science; Ecology
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Data models of variability inform inferences within STEM communities across disciplines. Making inferences that are informed by models of variability is an increasingly important learning goal for both science and mathematics education. For STEM professionals, though, these inferences involve interdisciplinary networks of ideas and practices that emerge from local questions and problems. But institutional boundaries in schools separate mathematics and science disciplines in ways that undermine interdisciplinarity, and students are rarely supported to develop a coherent image of how ideas and practices from different disciplinary communities inform one another.

Our project aims to support middle grades students to create, revise, and use models of variability to make inferences about ecological systems. We are developing innovative curricular infrastructures to help mathematics and science teachers coordinate their instruction and support students to use interdisciplinary networks of ideas as they make inferences about organisms in local ecological systems. We are using a design-based research approach in partnership with middle grades math and science teachers to iteratively design, implement, and study these curricular infrastructures. This project is designed to generate new knowledge about how to conceptualize and support interdisciplinary learning goals related to making inferences with data.

What are your Findings?

We are learning about both the opportunities and the challenges for math and science teachers as they work to coordinate opportunities for students to make inferences with variable data. Some of these challenges are logistical. For example, science teachers often ask students to conduct investigations that produce forms of data they have yet to encounter in their math classes, and may not encounter for months or years. Other challenges, though, are conceptual as teachers across the different disciplines and grade levels often think differently about data, justifying claims, and supporting students. But there are also many opportunities that we have identified, such as common forms of data across disciplines, that we are now working to coordinate among the teachers at our partner school.

Ryan "Seth" Jones

Investigating Differentiated Instruction and Relationships between Rational Number Knowledge and Algebraic Reasoning in Middle School (IDR2eAM) (NSF #1252575)

This project is investigating how to differentiate instruction to meet middle school students’ mathematical learning needs. We are also investigating how students’ ideas about rational numbers and algebra are related. We have studied the PI’s teaching of students in after school classes and then in classrooms, co-teaching with teachers.

Target Audience
Middle School Students and Teachers
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Today’s middle school mathematics classrooms are marked by increasing diversity (National Center of Educational Statistics, 2018; U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). Traditional responses to diversity are tracked classes that contribute to opportunity gaps (Flores, 2007) and can result in achievement gaps. Differentiating instruction (DI) is a pedagogical approach to manage classroom diversity in which teachers proactively plan to adapt curricula, teaching methods, and products of learning to address individual students’ needs in an effort to maximize learning for all (Heacox, 2002; Tomlinson, 2005). Thus, DI involves systematic forethought rather than only reactive adaptation.

In addition, broadly speaking, students enter middle school at three different levels of multiplicative reasoning that have significant implications for how they build mathematical knowledge in middle school, including their fractions knowledge (e.g., Hackenberg & Tillema, 2009; Steffe & Olive, 2010), integers (Ulrich, 2012), and aspects of their algebraic reasoning (Hackenberg, 2013; Hackenberg & Lee, 2015; Olive & Caglayan, 2008). Teaching students at all of these levels is a significant challenge and requires research into student thinking at these levels.

In our project, we are using iterative design experiment methodology to study these issues with middle school students in after school settings and classrooms. We are also creating a community of teachers engaged in these issues through a teacher study group.

What are your Findings?

We have developed a theory of differentiating mathematics instruction for middle school students (see below), and we have several papers that report findings on students’ thinking and learning in the domains of rational number knowledge and algebraic reasoning (see below). We have developed a video case of differentiating instruction for prospective secondary teachers that is also represented in a publication for teachers. One thing we have learned is that differentiating mathematics instruction well is very challenging when done thoroughly but very rewarding when done well.

  • Project Website
  • CADRE Project Page
  • Video: 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase
  • Publications
  • Hackenberg, A. J. (in press). Differentiating instruction. In Tabor, P., Dibley, D., Hackenberg, A. J., & Norton, A. H. (Eds.), Numeracy for all: Teaching mathematics to learners with special needs. London: SAGE.
  • Hackenberg, A. J., Aydeniz, F., & Matyska, R. (2019). Tiering instruction on speed for middle school students. In Otten, S., Candela, A., de Araujo, Z., Haines, C., & Munter, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Forty-first Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1396-1404). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri.
  • Hackenberg, A. J. Norton, A. H., Wright, R. J. (2016). Developing fractions knowledge. London: SAGE. [Chapter 13 is about the IDReAM project]
Amy Hackenberg

Implement Mathematical Modeling for Emergent Bilinguals (IM2EB) (NSF #1941668)

Responding to the rapid increase of emergent bilinguals (EBs) and their need to learn quality mathematics, this project implements modeling through co-developing and co-teaching with math teachers. This study investigates how mathematics teachers change their positioning and practices for EBs through a teacher-researcher collaboration of effective mathematical modeling instructions.

Target Audience
Emergent Bilinguals; Teacher Educators; Mathematics Teachers and ELL Coordinators; Urban Districts
STEM Discipline(s)
Mathematics; Pre-Algebra; Algebra
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

The project idea originated from the misconception that it is inappropriate to provide challenging mathematics tasks such as word problems to EBs due to their lack of English proficiency. If EBs receive only easy tasks, such as simple computation worksheets, EBs are denied opportunities to engage in high-level cognitive demand tasks like problem-solving or reasoning tasks that cultivate a more profound understanding in mathematics. More importantly, providing rigorous learning opportunities to all students, including EBs, is crucial for equity in education. Although teaching EBs is becoming an unavoidable challenge for mathematics teachers as the EB population grows in the U.S., almost half of surveyed teachers believe helping EBs adapt to the school culture is not their responsibility; in fact, approximately 20% of the teachers refuse to modify their instruction for EBs. While the student population in the U.S. is becoming culturally and linguistically diverse, many teachers feel unprepared to teach EBs effectively, and as mentioned above, the research found teachers tend to position EBs as low performers in mathematics. Based on the belief that teacher perspectives are related to teaching practices, this study will examine how teachers position EBs and what quality of instruction they provide by implementing modeling tasks and situated PD.

What are your Findings?

This NSF funded project is starting this fall 2020, so we do not have any data or findings. But our pilot data indicates the promising project design to improve the learning of EBs.

Ji Yeong I

L-MAP: Pre-service Middle School Teachers’ Knowledge of Mathematical Argumentation and Proving (NSF #1350802)

This project supports grades 1-8 prospective teachers in developing knowledge and dispositions for teaching and learning K-8 mathematics with a focus on mathematical argumentation. The project explores the development of prospective teachers’ knowledge of argumentation in mathematics and mathematics-focused pedagogy and field experience courses and follows them into their student-teaching practice.

Target Audience
Grades K-8; Preservice Teacher Education
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Argumentation is an essential practice that is relevant to all STEM-related fields. Encouraging students to formulate and test conjectures supports their ability to critically question claims, which is a critical habit in the 21st century.

Facilitating argumentation in elementary and middle grades mathematics is challenging for many teachers. Teacher education programs have then a great deal of responsibility in preparing prospective teachers to effectively respond to curricular visions about argumentation in mathematics teaching and learning. The objective of this program of research is to examine how middle school prospective teachers’ knowledge of mathematical argumentation develops in a teacher preparation program. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of prospective teachers’ models or systems of interpretation of mathematical argumentation are conducted to provide an understanding of the trajectory that captures how prospective teachers develop their knowledge of mathematical argumentation throughout their university mathematics and pedagogy courses, and into their student teaching.

What are your Findings?

Using problem-solving as a context for our examination of explanatory arguments generated by prospective teachers, we examined explanations prospective teachers constructed to support their own problem solutions, and explanations they provided in support of their critiques of student-generated explanations. We also examined features of explanations on which PSTs drew in their critiques of mathematical explanations of students. Our results show the importance of helping prospective teachers develop competencies in constructing and critiquing mathematical explanations concurrently. The results also suggest that prospective teachers might benefit from activities that help them recognize different features of student-generated explanations by explicitly directing their attention to the specific aspects of explanations (e.g., justifications, generality, foundations—which may also include any assumptions that underlie the solution to the problem). Engaging prospective teachers in analyzing and critiquing student-generated explanations gives them tools to self-critique of explanations they generate.

Magiera, M. T. & Zambak, V. S. (2020). Exploring prospective teachers’ ability to generate and analyze evidence-based explanatory arguments. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(2), 327-346.


We report on a teaching experiment with prospective teachers intended to support their understanding of the validity of mathematical arguments, and their ability to formulate mathematical arguments by conducting case analysis. We used Toulmin’s framework and engaged prospective teachers in collective argumentation in the context of solving crypto-arithmetic problems about a multi-digit addition algorithm. The problems facilitated reasoning about cases. We show the evolution of prospective teachers’ reasoning skills over time. A significant proportion of prospective teachers moved away from providing unsupported claims, towards constructing all-encompassing deductive-like arguments with clearly stated claims, supporting evidence, and reasons. We suggest a plausible sequence of learning activities for mathematics teacher educators to consider in an effort to strengthen prospective teachers’ argumentation skills. The goal is to support their ability to reason about and analyze cases while solving problems that lend themselves to drawing logical inferences with strategic approaches.

Zambak, V. S., & Magiera, M. T. (In press). Supporting grades 1-8 PSTs’ argumentation skills: Constructing mathematical arguments in situations that facilitate analyzing cases. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. DOI 10.1080/0020739X.2020.1762938


Our work shows that by carefully designing learning environments for prospective teachers, they develop positive dispositions and views on argumentation in elementary and middle school mathematics. We document that prospective teachers value argumentation primarily as a teaching-learning practice, not as a disciplinary practice of doing mathematics. This result is significant for two reasons. Prospective K-8 teachers who value argumentation as a teaching-learning practice are more likely to facilitate argumentation in their classrooms. On the other hand, prospective teachers who do not see argumentation as a way of doingmathematics might limit opportunities for their students to engage in argumentation as an inquiry into the truth of mathematical claims. Our result provides insights into the design of interventions focused on supporting teacher candidates in developing this latter, complementary vision of argumentation in school mathematics.

Park, H., & Magiera, M. T. (2019). Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of mathematical argumentation. In S. Otten, A. Candela, Z. deAraujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds.). Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1264-1268). St Louis, MO: University of Missouri.


We explored three teaching competencies: Prospective teachers’ professional noticing of student mathematical reasoning and strategies, their ability to assess the validity of student reasoning and strategies, and their ability to select student strategy for class discussion to engage students in argumentation. Our results reveal that PSTs with a strong awareness of mathematically significant aspects of student reasoning and strategies are better positioned to assess the validity of student reasoning and strategies. PSTs with higher strategy evaluation skills are also more likely to choose the strategy to engage students in a discussion focused on justification or to advance students’ conceptual understanding, compared to PSTs with low strategy evaluation skills

Zambak, V. S., & Magiera, M. T. (2018). Pre-service K-8 teachers’ professional noticing and strategy evaluation skills: An exploratory study. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(11), 1-19. DOI:

Marta Magiera