UPDATED: Investigating Changes in Students’ Prior Mathematical Reasoning: An Exploration of Backward Transfer Effects in School Algebra (NSF #1651571)

This project is examining how learning about a new STEM concept changes students’ reasoning about concepts that are not new to them and focuses mainly on mathematics concepts. We also examine how to teach new concepts in ways that enhance students’ reasoning about not-new concepts.

Target Audience
Algebra Students and Teachers
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

The main issue our project addresses is how students’ reasoning about concepts that are not new to them changes when learning about a new concept, and we call this phenomenon backward transfer. We specifically focus on mathematics, but believe our backward transfer research is highly relevant within and across STEM content domains more broadly. For instance, this research is relevant to how learning about the relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration in physics could influence students’ reasoning about derivatives and integrals in calculus, and vice versa.

One way our project has been innovative is by being the first to use contrasting cases to examine backward transfer (i.e., comparing distinctly different instructional environments). By comparing backward transfer across contrasting cases (e.g., business-as-usual classroom environments, summer math camps), we have gained insights into backward transfer we would not have gained had we examined a single instructional environment alone. Another way our project has been innovative is by being the first to develop and test mathematics activities designed to teach students new concepts, while simultaneously enhancing their reasoning about concepts that are not new to them.

What are your Findings?

One finding relevant to STEM education is that teaching students about a new concept with a business-as-usual instructional approach led to extensive and varied unintended backward-transfer effects. A second finding is that, compared to a business-as-usual approach, when a new concept was taught using an approach designed to simultaneously produce particular backward-transfer effects, fewer unintended backward transfer effects associated with the not-new concept were realized. A third finding is that the types of changes in reasoning that students exhibited about a not-new concept after learning about a new concept, were related to their level of understanding of the not-new concept.

Charles Hohensee

UPDATED: Algebraic Knowledge for Teaching: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (NSF #1350068)

The goal of this project is to identify Algebraic Knowledge for Teaching (AKT) that is useful to develop students’ algebraic thinking. Through an exploration of U.S. and Chinese elementary expert teachers’ video-taped lessons in K-4, this project has discerned a type of AKT named Teaching through Example-based Problem Solving (TEPS).

Target Audience
Urban; K-5; Elementary school teachers; Mathematics educators and researchers
STEM Discipline(s)
Mathematics; Early Algebra
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Algebra readiness is recognized as an important gatekeeper to future success in mathematics. However, many U.S. students are ill-prepared for the study of algebra, indicating a great challenge facing elementary teachers in preparing students for their entry into algebra. 

This project aims to help address this issue by identifying necessary AKT that will support teachers to better teach early algebraic concepts, especially those fundamental mathematical ideas. Fundamental ideas such as inverse relations and basic properties are systematically emphasized by the Common Core; however, there is a lack of sufficient guidance on how these fundamentals can be effectively taught to students. Our project contributes to narrowing this gap by identifying an evidence-based approach that can be used to develop students’ algebraic thinking and beyond.

In addition, our project takes the middle ground of two long-debated research assertions: teaching through worked examples and teaching through problem-solving. As indicated by our project lessons, especially those from China, the above two debated assertions can be seamlessly integrated into a lesson to support student learning. By actively engaging students in working out an example task that is situated in a word problem context, students can construct a mental schema to solve subsequent problems.

What are your Findings?

Main findings of this project are the identified AKT named, Teaching through Example-based Problem Solving (TEPS). This approach emphasizes engaging students in the process of working out an example task through pertinent representation uses and deep questioning. With regard to representation uses, a teacher may situate a worked example in a real-world context (e.g., word problem), which can be modeled through “concreteness fading.” For deep questioning, a teacher may ask concept-specific and comparison questions to promote connection making. The components of TEPS and illustrative lesson episodes are documented in a book and piloted with project teachers who retaught the lessons.

Meixia Ding

Expanding Latinxs' Opportunities to Develop Complex Thinking in Secondary Science Classrooms through a Research-Practice Partnership (NSF #1846227)

This project aims to reduce youths’ opportunity gaps in secondary science classrooms by building a sustainable research–practice partnership. We explore how deliberately coordinated activities that facilitate the collaboration between researchers and practitioners can reduce opportunity gaps at schools, promote complex thinking in youth, and build on student ideas to promote responsible citizenship.

Target Audience
Grades 9-12
STEM Discipline(s)
Chemistry; Physics; Earth Science; Engineering
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Despite decades of reform efforts, research indicates that classroom learning for students remains largely procedural, undemanding, and disconnected from the development of substantive scientific ideas. Furthermore, access to high-quality science instruction that promotes such complex thinking is far scarcer for students of color in communities with high concentrations of families living in poverty compared to their white counterparts. Research shows that many students from disadvantaged communities experience instruction geared to promote development of rote skills, working at a low cognitive level on fill-in-the-blank worksheets and test-oriented tasks that are profoundly disconnected from the skills they need to learn to be successful citizens. This is especially alarming in the United States, as students of color are projected to comprise 54 percent of total enrollments in elementary and secondary schools by 2024 (Kena et al., 2015). The purpose of this project is to reduce the learning opportunity gap in secondary science classrooms by building a sustainable research–practice partnership over five years.

What are your Findings?

We found that it is possible to transform classroom teaching at the high school science level in a way that expands powerful learning opportunities for Latinx and ELs if a group of teachers and researchers work together with the shared vision, framework, and tools. We also found that this work is highly relational because it involves supporting teachers to expand their identities while de-settling existing norms, practices, and expectations. The amount of work that goes into this transition and the competing values and expectations among the multiple stakeholders, including teachers and parents, make it difficult to broaden participation.  

Hosun Kang

Job Embedded Education on Computational Thinking for Rural STEM Discipline Teachers (NSF #1942500)

This project cultivates a professional development model that allows rural teachers to build their professional skills at integrating STEM. Focusing on Pacific Islanders, a group with a unique cultural identity largely underrepresented in STEM fields, the project seeks to help teachers better teach STEM and Hawaii's computer science education standards.

Target Audience
Rural Middle School Teachers
STEM Discipline(s)
Science; Technology; Engineering; Mathematics
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

This project develops a new way of engaging teachers in professional learning that is situated in their classrooms while they perform the tasks of their paid employment. Traditional professional development structures frequently place financial and professional pressures on teachers, which limits participation. Rural teachers in particular may have fewer opportunities due to barriers of distance, limited resources, and lack of available staff. Further, they are most likely to be underqualified and most likely to spend their entire teaching careers at their first district prospectively teaching multiple generations of students from their community. The state of Hawaii has a high proportion of such rural schools and a shortage of STEM teachers especially in the area of computer science. This project will investigate a professional development model using fading scaffolds (support that is gradually reduced over time) as part of participants’ paid summer school teaching. Through this model, 20 rural teachers will learn to integrate computational thinking, coding, and science content while working with students from their own communities, with 10 becoming master teachers supporting others throughout the state. Improving teachers’ ability to prepare students to benefit from opportunities in STEM and computing will advance students’ opportunities for future prosperity. 

Colby Tofel-Grehl

Scaffolding Engineering Design to Develop Integrated STEM Understanding with WISEngineering (NSF #1253523)

This project helped teachers and students implement engineering design projects in secondary classrooms through knowledge integration-based scaffolds and technologies. The project investigated how cyberlearning technologies such as simulations, CAD tools, and automated feedback to teachers can help middle school students learn science and mathematics through engineering.

Target Audience
Grades 6-10
STEM Discipline(s)
Science; Technology; Engineering; Mathematics
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Engineering design projects can provide authentic and relevant contexts for students to learn and engage in mathematics and science. However, many mathematics and science teachers need support to implement engineering design projects and engage students in engineering design practices in classrooms. This project explored the use of a computer-based learning environment (WISEngineering) to support students and teachers to implement engineering design, based on technologies for knowledge integration from the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE; wise.berkeley.edu). WISEngineering projects explicitly scaffold engineering practices for students and teachers, including tools to help students define problems, generate ideas, and test and revise ideas. WISEngineering also incorporates simulations and visualizations to help students learn underlying scientific and mathematics concepts. To support teachers implementing design projects, the project also explored the use of automated feedback within WISEngineering to teachers to help teachers notice and respond to students’ ideas within design contexts.

What are your Findings?

Across multiple contexts and design projects, results demonstrated that WISEngineering projects engage students in engineering practices while also helping students learn underlying science and mathematics concepts. Findings also suggest the potential of supporting teachers to give high-quality feedback to students in design settings by putting teachers “in the loop” of automated technologies.

Jennifer Chiu

Mechanisms Underlying the Relation between Mathematical Language and Mathematical Knowledge (NSF #1749294)

The focus of this project is to understand how learning mathematical language concepts impacts development of math skills. We developed a series of picture books focused on quantitative and spatial language concepts to use in intervention studies with preschool children to understand how child best learn different math skills.

Target Audience
Preschool Children from Families with Low Income
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

The two main issues we’re addressing through this project are (1) how early math language skills impact the development of math skills broadly, and (2) how to test these mechanisms in methods that can be transformed into school-based interventions that are easy to implement for teachers. We’re using picture books with built-in dialogic reading prompts to naturally scaffold instruction across multiple readings. At the completion of the project, we’ll be working to make the books available in multiple formats so they are accessible to a broad range of schools and families.

What are your Findings?

At the moment, we are in the early stages of the project. During the first year we collaborated with a professional author and a profession illustrator, as well as educators and parents, to develop three picture books rich in spatial language. During this past year we were implementing the first year of intervention in schools and are currently addressing how to deal with implications of COVID-19 on the project.

David Purpura

Supporting Elementary Teaching and Learning by Integrating Uncertainty in Classroom Science Investigations (NSF #1749324)

In this project, researchers and K-5 practitioners work together to rethink the elementary school science investigation. We are designing tools and materials that allow elementary students to productively engage with some of the forms of uncertainty scientists grapple with as they design, conduct, and make sense of investigations.

Target Audience
Grades K-5
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Scientific activity is driven by the need to manage uncertainty; uncertainty not only about how to explain the world, but how to represent the world in the form of an experiment, what to measure, and how to convince peers to see what the scientist wants them to see. Yet elementary science investigations typically reflect little of the uncertainty that scientists grapple with. This project seeks to develop a conceptual framework and set of tools that allow teachers and elementary students to engage productively with uncertainty in empirical activity⁠—for example, uncertainty about how to represent phenomena in investigations, how to develop measures, and how to make sense of what investigations don’t explain. We use methods drawn from design-based research, co-design, and implementation research to examine existing investigations and students’ experience of them, re-design so that students can grapple with key uncertainties, and understand how to develop learning environments where uncertainty supports conceptual innovation and meaningful engagement in science practices such as investigation, argumentation, and explanation. We partner closely with a local school district and work with district leaders and teachers to develop and implement materials, analyze student engagement and learning, and develop professional learning experiences.

What are your Findings?

We are finding that several of the forms of uncertainty that we conjectured to be useful foci for elementary students appear to be productive in our investigations, in that as students grapple with these uncertainties we see them engaging in scientific practices and developing or refining conceptual understandings. We are particularly interested in how young students can engage productively in making sense of ways their investigations do not generalize to the phenomena of interest, and how examining the gap between what happened in an investigation and what could happen supports conceptual innovation. We are currently examining how students consider scale and relation when generalizing from an investigation to a target phenomenon they are seeking to understand.

Eve Manz

Leveraging Contrasting Cases to Investigate Integer Understanding (NSF #1350281)

What would happen if a student who had just solved 3 + 5 came across the problem 3 + -5, -3 + 5, or even -3 + -5?  We are investigating how factors, such as the order in which students learn integer problems, influences their integer understanding and solution strategies.

Target Audience
Elementary (Grades 2, 4, and 5); Rural; Urban
STEM Discipline(s)
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

One challenge that students face when learning about integers and integer operations is building on and also modifying their prior understanding of whole numbers. Through our project we seek to clarify how students build upon and revise their whole number knowledge to learn and develop strategies with integers depending on the types of contrasting cases they experience. For example, students who first learn adding two negative integers in contrast with two positive ones (e.g., -3 + -5 vs. 3 + 5) may overlearn that problems with negative integers have negative answers. Therefore, they may be more likely to think that -3 + 5 is -8.  On the other hand, students who first learn adding a positive integer to a negative integer (e.g., -3 + 5) may overlearn that they should always count up in the number sequence. Therefore, they may be more likely to think that -3 + -5 is 2. Through randomly assigning students to experimental conditions where they evaluate different contrasting cases of integer problems, we evaluate the role problem type sequence, with connections among language, operations, and symbols (e.g., + -2, plus negative two, and more negative two), plays in students’ learning of integer addition and subtraction. 

What are your Findings?

One of the biggest challenges we’ve had in working with our data is the overwhelming realization of how complicated students’ learning of negative integers is. Students’ reasoning about integers involves their understanding of whole numbers’ quantities, number order, symbols, operations, and language⁠—all of which take on new meaning with the introduction of negative integers. Students who may correctly answer a problem sometimes provide reasoning that indicates they do not have conceptual understanding of negative integers, leading us to change the way we determine if we should consider an answer correct or not. 

  • CADRE Project Page
  • Book: Temperature Turmoil
    Based on insights from this research, we wrote and illustrated a story illuminating the difficulty students have in thinking about magnitude versus number order and the use of language with integers, which is available in a digital form.
Laura Bofferding

Investigating Fifth Grade Teachers’ Knowledge of Noticing Appalachian Students’ Thinking in Science (NSF #1552428)

The project utilizes wearable video technology to both study and support teacher noticing of children’s thinking in elementary science classrooms in Appalachian school contexts. By examining teachers’ noticing practice this research builds a theory of teacher knowledge surrounding this practice to be leveraged in the design of teacher learning.

Target Audience
Grade 5; Rural and Semi-rural; Low SES Communities
STEM Discipline(s)
Science, STEM
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Children from “non-dominant communities” (Gutiérrez & Rogoff, 2003)—including Appalachian communities—are particularly affected by issues of equity and access to early science learning opportunities. Therefore, supporting elementary science teaching is key, as it can either open up or shut down opportunities for children to learn in science. An ultimate goal of this research is to impact science teaching in Appalachian communities in order to open up science learning opportunities for all children.

In this context, this research examines teachers’ noticing of children’s thinking in science and focuses on designing web-based teacher learning materials surrounding this teaching practice. It is grounded in constructivist and situated theories of children’s learning—children draw on rich and varied cultural resources to form ideas about the natural world and these ideas form the basis for science learning. Thus, teachers’ noticing of these rich and varied resources embedded in students’ thinking should be central to the work of teaching science.

This project involves both interpretive participant observational research and design-based research methodologies with a goal of building theory of teacher knowledge and practice surrounding teachers’ noticing that can be leveraged in the design of teacher learning materials and experiences—specific to an Appalachian context.

What are your Findings?

The teachers participating in this project have deep West Virginia roots—all were raised in Appalachian communities much like the ones from which their students come. While data analysis is ongoing, what has become clear is that when asked to notice their students’ thinking, these teachers draw on a vast knowledge base of the rich cultural resources their students bring to bear in science learning and this knowledge base seems to be unique and deeply connected to Appalachia. Although preliminary, this is quite interesting if the data shows that Appalachian teachers’ noticing is unique to the Appalachian context.

  • CADRE Project Page
  • The design of the web-based teacher noticing learning materials that are part of this project are in progress. These will be made publicly available in the future.
Melissa Luna

Making Science Visible: Using Visualization Technology to Support Linguistically Diverse Middle School Students' Learning in Physical and Life Sciences (NSF #1552114)

This project is studying how interactive, dynamic visualizations engage linguistically diverse students in discourse-rich science practices while exploring complex scientific phenomena. Collaborating with science and English as a second language (ESL) teachers at Title I schools, we develop visualizations (e.g., simulations, animations, and modeling tools) and inquiry-based projects through design-based research.

Target Audience
Grade 8; Linguistically Diverse Students
STEM Discipline(s)
Life Science; Physical Science
What Issue(s) in STEM Education is your Project Addressing?

Middle school students need to understand complex scientific systems through language-intensive science practices, such as developing models and analyzing data. While many students struggle with science practices, the challenges are amplified for ELs who are simultaneously developing proficiency in English.

To support all students in linguistically diverse science classrooms, we partner with eighth-grade science and ESL teachers to develop, test, and refine inquiry-based science materials featuring interactive, dynamic visualizations in physical and life sciences.

Our visualizations explicitly depict unobservable processes, such as relationships between energy, matter, and physical states, while providing students with multiple representations of content (e.g., molecular and macro animations, text, dynamic graphs, and symbols) to help reduce linguistic barriers to science learning.

Our visualizations are supported by scaffolding approaches, such as automated feedback and prediction-reflection prompts, to engage ELs in discourse-rich science practices. For example, students design virtual experiments exploring photosynthesis and cellular respiration by using simulations to explore content, analyze data, and reflect on their work to develop written explanations. Students also use modeling tools to develop visual models of abstract phenomena, such as how water molecules move during a phase change. Automated feedback helps students revise their models and link macro to micro changes.

What are your Findings?

Our findings from pre-post assessments and video data show that visualizations are significantly effective in not only improving both ELs’ and non-ELs’ understanding of scientific phenomena, but also in supporting their engagement in discourse-rich science practices. For instance, using scaffolded visualizations increased the opportunities for ELs to interpret multiple representations (e.g., dynamic graphs, animations, and explanations) of unobservable molecular phenomena. ELs also more frequently negotiated with partners about how to connect various sources of evidence to make sense of the visualizations. During this process, ELs used a wide range of linguistic and non-linguistic resources to communicate and refine their ideas.

Kihyun "Kelly" Ryoo