What's New on CADREK12.org

Announcement | NSF AISL, ECR and ITEST Solicitations
NSF's AISL, ECR and ITEST solicitations were recently announced. EHR Core Research (ECR)Deadline: September 10, 2015Solicitation: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15509/nsf15509.htm Advancing Informal STEM Learning  (AISL)Deadline: November 4, 2015Solicitation: http://nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15593/nsf15593.htm Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)Deadlines: November 13…
Posted: Thursday, August 06
Event | MAA MathFest
Learn more at http://www.maa.org/meetings/mathfest
Posted: Thursday, August 06
Announcement | NSF Grants Conference
The Fall 2015 National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants Conference will be held in Arlington, Virginia on November 2-3, 2015. This two-day conference will be hosted by Georgetown University and will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott. The conference registration fee will be $380. Conference registration will commence the second week of September. If you would like to be notified via email when…
Posted: Tuesday, August 04
Event | 2015 Mentoring Plan Webinar
Are you writing a proposal and not sure what to include in your mentoring plan? Or do you work with graduate students and want to learn more about mentoring strategies that work? Or are you actually a graduate student or post-doc who has specific interests and needs for professional growth, and want to know where to turn? Attend this webinar and hear the experiences of those who have engaged in…
Posted: Monday, August 03
Survey | Informational Webinar on DR K-12 Solicitation (15-592)
View slides and recordings of the information webinars on DR K-12 solicitation 15-592 for more information about the National Science Foundation Discovery Research PreK-12 (NSF DR K-12) program and funding: http://cadrek12.org/resources/slides-and-recording-2016-informational-w…  
Posted: Monday, August 03
Survey | Mentor/Mentee Recommendation Form
Have you had a particularly valuable mentor-mentee relationship, or know someone who has? CADRE is developing a series of resources on mentoring and would like to learn more about what contributes to a positive experience. We invite you to volunteer yourself, or recommend a PI, advisor, professor, student, or other member of the DR K-12 community, whose experiences could help inform others as …
Posted: Friday, July 31
Resource | Mentoring Plan Examples
Visit the Mentoring Spotlight for more resources at http://cadrek12.org/spotlight/mentoring.
Posted: Wednesday, July 29
Announcement | DR K-12 Solicitation
Now available! NSF's DR K-12 Solicitation Proposal Deadline: December 7, 2015 Synopsis: The Discovery Research PreK-12 program (DRK-12) seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by PreK-12 students and teachers, through research and development of STEM education innovations and approaches. Projects in the DRK-12 program…
Posted: Tuesday, July 28
Announcement | Now Accepting Applications!
2015-16 CADRE Fellowship CADRE is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 CADRE Fellowship. Learn more about the fellowship at:  http://cadrek12.org/cadre-fellows To apply, go to http://cadrek12.org/cadre-fellows-application Deadline: Monday, September 14, 2015. (Early applications are encouraged.) 
Posted: Tuesday, July 28
Announcement | Data Collector Position
Science Fairs Under the 'Scope is looking for part-time data collectors in the following greater metropolitan areas: Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL;  Detroit, MI; Atlanta, GA; Charlotte, NC; and Washington, DC. If interested, learn more at http://go.edc.org/science-fair-study-job.
Posted: Tuesday, July 28
Announcement | CADRE Summer Newsletter
The Summer newsletter is out! Learn more about the 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting, upcoming CADRE Webinars, newly announced 2015 DR K-12 Awardees, the Spotlight on the 2015 NSF Teaching and Learning Showcase, the CADRE Fellowship (now accepting applications for the 2015-16 Fellows!), our new mentoring brief, as well as newsbites from DR K-12 and NSF.
Posted: Tuesday, July 28
Newsletter | Summer 2015 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues: We've begun summer with a lot of enthusiasm about the coming year. Please save the date of June 1-3, 2016 for the DR K-12 PI Meeting to take place in Washington, D.C. On the basis of your evaluations of the 2014 meeting and other feedback collected by NSF and the CADRE team, the meeting wil incorporate multiple posters sessions, a gaming arcade, interactive sessions, and…
Posted: Tuesday, July 28
Announcement | 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting
The 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting will be held June 1-3, 2016 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. If you are on an active DR K-12 project and would like to serve as an advisor for the PI meeting, please let us know (cadre@edc.org).  
Posted: Thursday, July 09
Survey | CADRE Fellows Letter of Recommendation Upload
Please submit your letter of recommendation below. Alternatively, you can also email the letter to cadre@edc.org. Thank you in advance for taking the time to recommend someone for the CADRE Fellows program.
Posted: Monday, June 29
Announcement | Science Learning+
Science Learning Plus (SL+) funders will host an online CAISE forum called "Bridging the practice-research gap," from July 6-17. The forum seeks to bring together participants from the UK and the US to share promising practices for creating practice-research collaborations, a key goal of the SL+ Program. Topics will include: How to make collaborations effective; Bridging between practice and…
Posted: Thursday, June 25
Announcement | New White Paper on Collaboration
The Electronic Teacher Guide (eTG) project has a new white paper on collaboration: Re-imagining a curriculum guide for teachers in digital format: A collaboration crossing geographical, disciplinary and culture boundaries  
Posted: Monday, June 22
Resource | Re-imagining a curriculum guide for teachers in digital format: A collaboration crossing geographical, disciplinary and culture boundaries
The goal of the Electronic Teacher Guide project (NSF # 0918702) was to redesign the print teacher guide for the genetics unit of Foundation Science: Biology (NSF #0439443) as an exemplar of a cybertool that would support the implementation of the curriculum and enhance its educative impact. The completion of this goal required collaborative interactions among curriculum developers, technology…
Posted: Monday, June 22
Announcement | REL "Stated Briefly" Reports
Did you know that the Regional Educational Laboratories (REL) program has released several "Stated Briefly" reports? The "Stated Briefly" product line summarizes research findings in concise, 5-10 page briefs. These briefs are produced as short companion pieces to longer research reports—highlighting key findings, presenting a different perspective for a specific audience, or providing a deeper…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | AERA compendium deadline
ERA Centennial Education Research Compendium and ForumAERA Call for Knowledge and Findings deadline is next Wednesday, June 10th. Cover Note: The goal of the compendium is to present significant scholarship and notable findings through the lens of active researchers in the field. The aim is to identify important research accomplishments across the breadth of arenas of inquiry that constitute…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | 2015 Summer STEM
Chancellor, Microsoft, and NYU Polytechnic Announce NYC Summer STEM 2015 Pilot Program Will Provide Hands-On STEM Opportunities for 1,200 Students See details: http://engineering.nyu.edu/press-release/2015/05/07/chancellor-microsoft-nyu-polytechnic-announce-nyc-summer-stem-2015  http://schools.nyc.gov/Offices/mediarelations/NewsandSpeeches/2014-2015…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | Upcoming papers: Int. Conf. Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, France, July 21-23, 2015
1. J.A. Frank and V. Kapila, “Using Tablets in the Vision-Based Control of a Ball and Beam Test-bed,” Proc. Int. Conf. Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, Colmar, Alsace, France, July 2015. 10 pages. To appear. 2. J.A. Frank, A. Brill, and V. Kapila, “Exploring the Role of a Smartphone as a Motion Sensing and Control Device in the Wireless Networked Control of a Motor Test-bed,”…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | Upcoming papers: American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 15-17, 2015, Seattle, WA
1. A. Brill, J. Listman, and V. Kapila, “Using Robotics as the Technological Foundation for the TPACK Framework in K-12 Classrooms,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Seattle, WA, June 2015. 20 pages. To appear. 2. M. Moorhead, J. Listman, and V. Kapila, “A Robotics-Focused Instructional Framework for Design-Based Research in Middle School Classrooms,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Seattle, WA, June 2015…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | EcoMobile and ROAR
Two DR K-12 projects were recently featured in the Hechinger Report article, "Can some video games get kids to play (and learn) outside more rather than less?" Read the full article at: http://hechingerreport.org/can-some-video-games-get-kids-to-play-and-le…  
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | EcoMobile and ROAR
Two DR K-12 projects were recently featured in the Hechinger Report article, "Can some video games get kids to play (and learn) outside more rather than less?" Read the full article at: http://hechingerreport.org/can-some-video-games-get-kids-to-play-and-le…  
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | NGSS for All Students
DR K-12 PI Okhee Lee recently wrote an NSTA blog on her new book which focuses on NGSS and diversity and science for all: http://nstacommunities.org/blog/2015/05/20/ngss-for-all-students/
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | DR K-12 NSF Discoveries
An April NSF Discoveries titled Teaching tykes to program robots featured DR K-12 work by Marina Bers. Read more about her work at: http://nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=134768&org=NSF
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | Video Showcase
The 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase features 112 short videos on STEM education research & development. Forty-one of these 3-minute videos showcase the work of NSF's Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program.  View the DR K-12 videos. The interactive portion of the showcase was held May 11-15th, 2015. However, you can still view the videos and read the discussions that took place…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Announcement | Call for Papers
AERA Open Special Topic Call for PapersImplementation and Preliminary Effects of the Common Core StandardsSpecial topic editor: Morgan S. Polikoff, USC The Common Core Standards represent the latest generation of standards-based reform in U.S. schools. The standards have been adopted in more than 40 states and, despite ongoing political controversy, are currently being implemented in classrooms…
Posted: Thursday, June 18
Project Spotlight | 2015 NSF Teaching and Learning Video Showcase
The 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase features 112 short videos on STEM education research & development. Forty-one of these 3-minute videos showcase the work of NSF's Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program.  The interactive portion of the showcase was held May 11-15th, 2015. However, you can still view the videos and read the discussions that took place.  Congratulations to the…
Posted: Wednesday, June 03
Survey | CADRE Fellows Application
The 2022 CADRE Fellows application period has ended. Thank you for your interest. We hope that you will visit the Fellow’s webpage often for news about the program.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29