What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | Looking Through the Energy Lens
Crissman, S., Lacy, S., Nordine, J., and Tobin, R. (2015). Looking Through the Energy Lens. Science and Children, 52(6), 26-31.
Posted: Wednesday, April 15
Announcement | Dept of Ed Webinar
Dear Colleagues, This year, Congress has appropriated $60 million to the Department of Education (ED) for the First in the World (FITW) grant competition, with a $16 million set-aside for Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI's).   To help prepare institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations and others interested in applying for a FITW grant, on Wednesday, April 15th, 4:00-5:00 pm…
Posted: Monday, April 13
Announcement | New Algebra Curriculum!
Hot off the press! Making Sense of Algebra: Developing Students’ Mathematical Habits of Mind (Heinemann) was written by Pis Paul Goldenberg and June Mark, with a team from EDC and a local school math educator. This team has spent two decades working out how to organize curricula around mathematical habits of mind, sparking students’ and teachers’ curiosity and engagement with mathematics, and…
Posted: Thursday, April 09
Event | 2015 Educators Connect for Success Conference; Columbus, OH
To learn more, visit: http://www.battelleforkids.org/events/connect-for-success DR K-12 Presenters: Courtney Heppner, Reynoldsburg City Schools (Project: Identifying and Measuring the Implementation and Impact of STEM School Models) Melanie LaForce, Outlier Research & Evaluation, CEMSE | University of Chicago (Project: Identifying and Measuring the Implementation and Impact of STEM School…
Posted: Monday, April 06
Resource | The 8 Elements of Inclusive STEM High Schools: Findings from the STEM School Study
The STEM School Study (S3) team sat down with inclusive STEM school leaders from over 25 inclusive STEM schools and asked them to describe the parts of their schools that are essential to their school models. We found that while STEM schools vary in many ways, there are eight major Elements common to them all. Each Element is comprised of a number of components and together, they illustrate what…
Posted: Monday, April 06
Announcement | WISE seeks post-doctoral scholar
Full-time post-doctoral scholar opportunity at the University of California, Berkeley at the TELS Center (telscenter.org). Read the full job posting.
Posted: Friday, April 03
Announcement | The Spring Newsletter is here!
The CADRE 2015 Spring newsletter was sent out via email April 2nd. To view the web version, visit: http://cadrek12.org/newsletters/spring-2015-newsletter Email cadre@edc.org if you did not recieve a newsletter but would like to be on our mailing list.
Posted: Thursday, April 02
Newsletter | Spring 2015 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues: With spring almost here and preparation for conferences underway, we are all thinking more about dissemination strategies. Let us help you! Send us a quick update on your project with an accompanying link to more information, and we'll be happy to spread the word through CADRE's website, social media, and quarterly newsletter. We also want to remind you that CADRE is…
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | ScratchJr: A Coding Language for Kindergarten
Computer programming for young children has grown in popularity among both education researchers and product developers, but still relatively little is known about how to assess and track young children’s learning through coding. This study presents an assessment tool to track Kindergarten through second grade students’ learning after engaging in a programming curriculum. Researchers worked with…
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | Using Web GIS to promote geospatial thinking and reasoning skills
This book examines visual data use with students (PK-16) as well as in pre-service in- service science teacher preparation. Each chapter includes discussion about the current state of the art with respect to science classroom application and utilization of the particular visual data targeted by the author(s), discussion and explanation about the targeted visual data as applied by the author in…
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | Imagining a Future in 4k: How Professional Identity Shapes Notions of Mathematics
This article describes how early childhood teachers engaged in a public preK professional development program. We examine how developing teacher identities mediated engagement with the discourses of developmentally appropriate practice, early mathematics, and funds of knowledge and how they connected present practice to an imagined future. We found that helping them to connect practice experience…
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | Exploring young children’s multiple mathematical resources through action research
Wager, A. A. & Delaney, K. (2014). Exploring young children’s multiple mathematical resources through action research. TODOS Research Monograph 3: Embracing Resources of Children, Families, Communities and Cultures in Mathematics Learning, 25-59.
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | Envisioning the Role of the Mathematics Teacher
Munter, C. (2015). Envisioning the Role of the Mathematics Teacher. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 16(1), 29-40.
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Resource | Technology-enhanced inquiry learning
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology examines information on leveraging the power of technology to support teaching and learning. While using innovative technology to educate individuals is certainly not a new topic, how it is approached, adapted, and used toward the services of achieving real gains in student performance is extremely pertinent. This two-volume encyclopedia explores…
Posted: Tuesday, March 31
Event | 95th National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Annual Conference; New Orleans, LA
For more information, visit: http://www.socialstudies.org/conference DR K-12 Presenters: Alycia Hund, Illinois State University (Project: Promoting Students' Spatial Thinking in Upper Elementary Grades using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)) May Jadallah, Illinois State University (Project: Promoting Students' Spatial Thinking in Upper Elementary Grades using Geographic Information Systems (…
Posted: Monday, March 30
Event | 2015 National Conference on Geography Education; Washington, DC
For more information, visit: http://www.ncge.org/conference DR K-12 Presenters: Alycia Hund, Illinois State University (Project: Promoting Students' Spatial Thinking in Upper Elementary Grades using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)) May Jadallah, Illinois State University (Project: Promoting Students' Spatial Thinking in Upper Elementary Grades using Geographic Information Systems (GIS))…
Posted: Monday, March 30
Announcement | PRIME Proposal DCL
Indicators for Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 STEM Education This Dear Colleague Letter is to announce that the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human Resources is interested in research and development activities around the 14 Indicators as described in 2013 in the National Research Council report, Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 Education: A…
Posted: Friday, March 27
Announcement | Division L mentoring opportunity at AERA
Division L Junior Faculty Mentoring Session The Long Road to Tenure:  Navigating the Academic Terrain We invite all early career scholars (defined as pre-tenure university faculty in current tenure track positions) to apply to our Division L Junior Faculty Mentoring Session which will be held on Sat, April 18, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 4. During the session,…
Posted: Thursday, March 26
Event | EducaTIK 2015 Conference; Cali, Colombia
For more information, visit: http://www.edukatic.co/2015/ DR K-12 Presenters: Amanda Strawhacker, Tufts University (Project: ScratchJr: Computer Programming in Early Childhood Education as a Pathway to Academic Readiness and Success (Collaborative Research: Bers))
Posted: Wednesday, March 25
Resource | Assessing and Using Students’ Prior Knowledge in Problem-Based Instruction
González, G., DeJarnette, A. F., & Deal, J. T. (2014). Assessing and Using Students’ Prior Knowledge in Problem-Based Instruction. New England Mathematics Journal, XLVI, 38-49.
Posted: Wednesday, March 25
Resource | Developing Visions of High-Quality Mathematics Instruction
This article introduces an interview-based instrument that was created for the purposes of characterizing the visions of high-quality mathematics instruction of teachers, principals, mathematics coaches, and district leaders and tracking changes in those visions over time. The instrument models trajectories of perceptions of high-quality instruction along what have been identified in the…
Posted: Wednesday, March 25
Event | 8th Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES8); Portland, OR
To learn more, visit https://sites.google.com/a/pdx.edu/mes8/home/news DR K-12 Presenters: Kara Jackson, University of Washington (Project: Investigating and Supporting the Development of Ambitious and Equitable Mathematics Instruction at Scale) Charles Munter, University of Pittsburgh (Project: Investigating and Supporting the Development of Ambitious and Equitable Mathematics Instruction at…
Posted: Wednesday, March 25
Resource | Investigating the development of mathematics leaders' capacity to support teachers' learning on a large scale
A key aspect of supporting teachers’ learning on a large scale concerns mathematics leaders’ practices in designing for and leading high-quality professional development. We report on a retrospective analysis of an initial design experiment aimed at supporting the learning of three math leaders who were charged with supporting the learning of middle-grades mathematics teachers across a large US…
Posted: Wednesday, March 25
Project Spotlight | Mentoring
Are you a mentor or an early career professional looking for mentorship? This video series contains mentoring tips, strategies, best practices, and challenges.
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | Towards ITS Authoring Tool s for Domain Experts
The scarcity of efficient and user-friendly authoring tools has long been acknowledged as a limiting factor in the widespread development and deployment of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). Creating an effective authoring tool for domain experts poses two significant challenges: it must facilitate the creation of curricular content by domain experts who are typically neither ITS experts nor…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | Towards Domain-Independent Assessment of Elementary Students’ Science Competency using Soft Cardinality
Automated assessment of student learning has become the subject of increasing attention. Students’ textual responses to short answer questions offer a rich source of data for assessment. However, automatically analyzing textual constructed responses poses significant computational challenges, exacerbated by the disfluencies that occur prominently in elementary students’ writing. With robust text…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | Assessing Elementary Students' Science Competency with Text Analytics
Real-time formative assessment of student learning has become the subject of increasing attention. Students’ textual responses to short answer questions offer a rich source of data for formative assessment. However, automatically analyzing textual constructed responses poses significant computational challenges, and the difficulty of generating accurate assessments is exacerbated by the…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | SketchMiner: Mining Learner-Generated Science Drawings with Topological Abstraction
Mining learner generated sketches holds significant potential for acquiring deep insight into learners’ mental models. Drawing has been shown to benefit both learning outcomes and engagement, and learners’ sketches offer a rich source of diagnostic information. Unfortunately, interpreting learners’ sketches—even sketches comprised of semantically grounded symbols—poses significant computational…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | ‘‘I Want My Robot to Look for Food’’: Comparing Kindergartner’s Programming Comprehension Using Tangible, Graphic, and Hybrid User Interfaces
In recent years, educational robotics has become an increasingly popular research area. However, limited studies have focused on differentiated learning outcomes based on type of programming interface. This study aims to explore how successfully young children master foundational programming concepts based on the robotics user interface (tangible, graphical, hybrid) taught in their curriculum.…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24
Resource | Implementing a Robotics Curriculum in an Early Childhood Montessori Classroom
This paper explores how robotics can be used as a new educational tool in a Montessori early education classroom. It presents a case study of one early educator’s experience of designing and implementing a robotics curriculum integrated with a social science unit in her mixed-age classroom. This teacher had no prior experience using robotics in the classroom beyond a three-day professional…
Posted: Tuesday, March 24