What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | Scaffolding Argumentation about Water Quality: A Mixed-method Study in a Rural Middle School
A common way for students to develop scientific argumentation abilities is through argumentation about socioscientific issues, defined as scientific problems with social, ethical, and moral aspects. Computer-based scaffolding can support students in this process. In this mixed method study, we examined the use and impact of computer based scaffolding to support middle school students’ creation of…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | A Pilot Meta-Analysis of Computer-Based Scaffolding in STEM Education
This paper employs meta-analysis to determine the influence of computer-based scaffolding characteristics and study and test scorequality on cognitive outcomes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education at the secondary, college, graduate, and adult levels. Results indicate that (a) computer-based scaffolding positively influences learning (g=0.53), (b) studies with zero…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | A Blended Professional Development Program to Help a Teacher Learn to Provide One-to-One Scaffolding
Argumentation is central to instruction centered on socio-scientific issues (Sadler & Donnelly in International Journal of Science Education, 28(12), 1463–1488, 2006. doi:10.1080/09500690600708717). Teachers can play a big role in helping students engage in argumentation and solve authentic scientific problems. To do so, they need to learn one-to-one scaffolding—dynamic support to help…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | Thunder and Lightning: Understanding Equidistance
Mejia Colindres, C. A. (2015). Thunder and Lightning: Understanding Equidistance. Mathematics Teacher, 108(6), 454-460.
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | Uncovering and Eliciting Mathematical Perceptions in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
Sorto, M. A., Mejia Colindres, C. A., & Wilson, A. T. (2014). Uncovering and Eliciting Mathematical Perceptions in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(2), 72–77.
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | Constructing and Role-Playing Student Avatars in a Simulation of Teaching Algebra for Diverse Learners
From the perspectives of Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), this study examines the design and implementation of a simulated teaching environment in Second Life (SL) for prospective teachers to teach algebra for diverse learners. Drawing upon the Learning-for-Use framework, the analyses provide evidence on the development of student avatars in construction and role-playing activities. The study…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | Exploring Ecosystems from the Inside: How Immersive Multi-user Virtual Environments Can Support Development of Epistemologically Grounded Modeling Practices in Ecosystem Science Instruction
Recent reform efforts and the next generation science standards emphasize the importance of incorporating authentic scientific practices into science instruction. Modeling can be a particularly challenging practice to address because modeling occurs within a socially structured system of representation that is specific to a domain. Further, in the process of modeling, experts interact deeply with…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Resource | Turning Transfer Inside Out: The Affordances of Virtual Worlds and Mobile Devices in Real World Contexts for Teaching About Causality Across Time and Distance in Ecosystems
Reasoning about ecosystems includes consideration of causality over temporal and spatial distances; yet learners typically focus on immediate time frames and local contexts. Teaching students to reason beyond these boundaries has met with some success based upon tests that cue students to the types of reasoning required. Virtual worlds offer an opportunity to assess what students actually do in a…
Posted: Monday, March 23
Announcement | Internship Opportunity
RPP Internship Program for Graduate Students Call for Applications The Research + Practice Collaboratory is pleased to introduce its Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Internship Program. The Collaboratory team at the University of Colorado Boulder is organizing this program to increase RPP capacity building with support from the National Science Foundation. The internship is designed to…
Posted: Friday, March 20
Resource | Young Children's Mathematics: Whose Home Practices Are Privileged?
In this essay, the authors share a professional dialogue about the ways in which issues of power emerge in preschool classrooms when teachers endeavor to build on childrens home and school mathematical experiences and understanding. From different perspectives, as early childhood and mathematics education researchers, the authors discuss ways in which data from teacher interviews and discussions…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Swimming Upstream in a Torrent of Assessment
Growing attention to preK mathematics and increased focus on standards in the US may be leading policy makers, administrators, and practitioners down the wrong path when it comes to assessing young children. The temptation to rely on standardised assessment practices may result in misguided understandings about what children actually know about mathematics. As part of a larger study of…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Examining the Enactment of Web GIS on Students' Geospatial Thinking and Reasoning and Tectonics Understandings
Geospatially enabled learning technologies may enhance Earth science learning by placing emphasis on geographic space, visualization, scale, representation, and geospatial thinking and reasoning (GTR) skills. This study examined if and how a series of Web geographic information system investigations that the researchers developed improved urban middle-school learners’ GTR skills and their…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Case studies of a robot-based game to shape interests and hone proportional reasoning skills
 Robot-math is a term used to describe mathematics instruction centered on engineering, particularly robotics. This type of instruction seeks first to make the mathematics skills useful for robotics-centered challenges, and then to help students extend (transfer) those skills. A robot-math intervention was designed to target the proportional reasoning skills of sixth- through eighth-graders.…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Engaging underrepresented groups in high school introductory computing through computational remixing with EarSketch
In this paper, we describe a pilot study of EarSketch, a computational remixing approach to introductory computer science, in a formal academic computing course at the high school level. The EarSketch project provides an integrated curriculum, Python API, digital audio workstation (DAW), audio loop library, and social sharing site. The goal for EarSketch is to broaden participation in computing,…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | EarSketch: Teaching Computational Music Remixing in an Online Web Audio Based Learning Environment
EarSketch is a novel approach to teaching computer science concepts via algorithmic music composition and remixing in the context of a digital audio workstation paradigm. This project includes a Python/Javascript coding environment, a digital audio workstation view, an audio loop browser, a social sharing site and an integrated curriculum. EarSketch is aimed at satisfying both artistic and…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Exploring Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership: Summary of a Convocation
Many national initiatives in K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education have emphasized the connections between teachers and improved student learning. Much of the discussion surrounding these initiatives has focused on the preparation, professional development, evaluation, compensation, and career advancement of teachers. Yet one critical set of voices has been…
Posted: Thursday, March 19
Resource | Use of Google Earth, Cyber Databases, and Geotagged Photos to Enhance Students’ Scientific Practices and Understanding
Wang, S.-K. Hsu, H.-Y. & Jean Posada. (2014). Use of Google Earth, Cyber Databases, and Geotagged Photos to Enhance Students’ Scientific Practices and Understanding. Science Scope, 37(6), 37-42.
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Technologies and Reformed-Based Science Instruction: The Examination of a Professional Development Model Focused on Supporting Science Teaching and Learning with Technologies
While access to computers, other technologies, and cyber-enabled resources that could be leveraged for enhancing student learning in science is increasing, generally it has been found that teachers use technology more for administrative purposes or to support traditional instruction. This use of technology, especially to support traditional instruction, sits in opposition to most recent standards…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Professional Development to Enhance Teachers' Practices in Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as Cognitive Tools: Lessons Learned from a Design-Based Research Study
Technology integration in K-12 classrooms is usually overly teacher-centered and has insufficient impact on students' learning, especially in enhancing students' higher-order cognitive skills. The purpose of this project is to facilitate science teachers' use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as cognitive tools to shift their practices from traditional teacher-centered methods…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | An Investigation of Middle School Science Teachers and Students Use of Technology Inside and Outside of Classrooms: Considering whether digital natives are more technology savvy than their teachers
The purpose of the study is to investigate the popular assumption that the "digital natives" generation surpasses the previous "digital immigrants" generation in terms of their technology experiences, because they grow up with information and communication technology. The assumption presumes that teachers, the digital immigrants, are less technology savvy than the digital natives, resulting in a…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Combining High-Speed Cameras and Stop-Motion Animation Software to Support Students’ Modeling of Human Body Movement
Biomechanics, and specifically the biomechanics associated with human movement, is a potentially rich backdrop against which educators can design innovative science teaching and learning activities. Moreover, the use of technologies associated with biomechanics research, such as high-speed cameras that can produce high-quality slow-motion video, can be deployed in such a way to support students’…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | What’s happening in the Quantified Self movement?
Rapid adoption of wearable tracking devices and motion sensitive apps has led to the development of the “Quantified Self” movement (QS). Some in the learning sciences community have begun to take notice and incorporate ideas from QS into the research and design of new learning environments. Yet the QS movement is still new enough that very little is known about it, and there are many open…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Lessons learned from an initial effort to bring a Quantified Self "meetup" experience to a new demographic
Quantified Self “meetup” groups appear to be appeal largely to middle-aged white males. What happens when the target demographic is changed to high school-aged Latina girls? This paper summarizes two lessons learned from an initial effort to enact a version of a Quantified Self meetup with youth from this population. Specifically, the appearances of the devices and limited access to resources…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Learning Technologies and the Body: Integration and Implementation In Formal and Informal Learning Environments
This volume explores how technology-supported learning environments can incorporate physical activity and interactive experiences in formal education. It presents cutting-edge research and design work on a new generation of "body-centric" technologies such as wearable body sensors, GPS tracking devices, interactive display surfaces, video game controller devices, and humanlike avatars.…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Core Pedagogy: Individual Uncertainty, Shared Practice, Formative Ethos
Attention to the core practices of teaching necessitates core pedagogies in teacher preparation. This article outlines the diffusion of one such pedagogy from medical to teacher education. The concept of clinical simulations is outlined through the lens of “signature pedagogies” and their uncertain, engaging, formative qualities. Implemented in five different teacher preparation programs,…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Exploring iconic interpretation and mathematics teacher development through clinical simulations
Field placements serve as the traditional ‘clinical’ experience for prospective mathematics teachers to immerse themselves in the mathematical challenges of students. This article reports data from a different type of learning experience, that of a clinical simulation with a standardized individual. We begin with a brief background on medical education’s long-standing use of standardized patients…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Succeeding with Inquiry in Science and Math Classrooms
Thinking critically. Communicating effectively. Collaborating productively. Students need to develop proficiencies while mastering the practices, concepts, and ideas associated with mathematics and science. Successful students must be able to work with large data sets, design experiments, and apply what they’re learning to solve real-world problems. Research shows that inquiry-based instruction…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | In Step with the New Science Standards
Whether your state has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards or will soon revise its own science standards, one thing is clear: Change is underway—in what is learned, in how we teach, and in how we assess. This is more of a revolution than just another iteration of the same old stuff. It's a dramatic shift in the expectations that we have for all students.Let's look at five ways that the…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Resource | Effective, Sustained Inquiry-Based Instruction Promotes Higher Science Proficiency Among All Groups: A 5-Year Analysis
Student’s performance in science classrooms has continued to languish throughout the USA. Even though proficiency rates on national tests such as National Assessment of Educational Progress are higher for Caucasian students than African-Americans and Hispanics, all groups lack achieving desired proficiency rates. Further, the Next Generation Science Standards detail a new higher benchmark for all…
Posted: Tuesday, March 17
Announcement | Video Showcase!
Have you been wondering how to creatively disseminate your work to a wide audience? Here’s your chance… 2015 TEACHING & LEARNING VIDEO SHOWCASEImproving Science, Math, Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology May 11th –15th 2015 NSF’s resource centers have teamed up to create this opportunity to showcase your projects. Create a video about your work to share with NSF program officers…
Posted: Monday, March 16