What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | Dissemination Toolkit: Video & Podcast Tips
  Videos Videos can be a powerful way to tell a story about your work. And they do not need to be big budget productions to be successful. Use the tips below to create an effective video about your work. Featured ResourcesMaking Effective Videos for Dissemination with Jim Galdos  Advice from videographer Jim Galdos who has produced several DR K–12 videos.  STEM For All Video Showcase and…
Posted: Monday, March 16
Announcement | NSF Discoveries
DR K-12 PI Jere Confrey was recently featured in an NSF Discoveries video on her work as a math education researcher: http://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=134453&WT.mc_id=US…  
Posted: Monday, March 16
Announcement | NSF Discoveries
DR K-12 PI Jere Confrey was recently featured in an NSF Discoveries video on her work as a math education researcher: http://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=134453&WT.mc_id=US…  
Posted: Monday, March 16
Announcement | Webinar: Mobile Tech & Early Math Learning
Mobile Technology and Early Math Learning: A Design-Based Implementation Research Approach Date: 03/12/2015Time: 3:00-4:30 p.m. ETFree Online Event The Research+Practice Collaboratory will host a free webinar, "Mobile Technology and Early Math Learning: A Design-Based Implementation Research Approach," featuring presentations by EDC's Pamela Buffington and William Penuel of the University of…
Posted: Friday, March 06
Event | Spring 2015 National Science Foundation Grants Conference
The second National Science Foundation Grants Conference of the fiscal year will be held in Tampa, Florida, on June 1-2, 2015, and hosted by the State University System of Florida. Key representatives from the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as your colleagues - faculty, researchers, and grant administrators - representing colleges and universities from across the U.…
Posted: Thursday, March 05
Announcement | Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunity
The Graduate School of Education and the School of Public Policy at the University of California, Riverside are offering a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Education Policy and School Improvement. The ideal candidate would have strong quantitative analysis skills and experience doing mixed methods data collection and analysis. Interest in working in a Research/Practice partnership with local…
Posted: Monday, March 02
Announcement | NSF Research Opportunities in Europe
To further scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the United States, an Implementing Arrangement was signed on July 13, 2012 to enable U.S.-based scientists and engineers with NSF-funded CAREER awards and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to pursue research collaboration with European colleagues supported through EU-funded European Research Council (ERC)…
Posted: Monday, March 02
Announcement | Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Fellow Position
Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Fellow Position Available: Modeling and Research in Education We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with interest and experience in education, modeling, andsimulation to join our diverse team at CEISMC (Center for Education Integrating Mathematics, Science,and Computing.) The postdoctoral fellow will join our multidisciplinary, collaborative team of researchers to…
Posted: Thursday, February 26
Announcement | CAREER Webinar Recording and Slides
In this webinar led by NSF PO Karen King, CAREER grant awardees Alicia Alonzo, Tina Grotzer, and Gloriana Gonzalez Rivera share their experiences as first-time PIs on both preparing their proposals and leading their projects. View resources from the 2015 Informational Webinar on the NSF CAREER Program at http://cadrek12.org/resources/2015-informational-webinar-nsf-career-program.
Posted: Wednesday, February 25
Resource | 2015 Informational Webinar on the NSF CAREER Program Resources
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. This webinar…
Posted: Wednesday, February 25
Announcement | New Podcast on Mentoring!
Our early career spotlight now features a podcast on mentoring and a sample postdoctoral mentoring plan: http://cadrek12.org/spotlight-early-career
Posted: Friday, February 20
Posted: Thursday, February 19
Resource | Illuminating Coordinate Geometry with Algebraic Symmetry
A symmetric polynomial is a polynomial in one or more variables in which swapping any pair of variables leaves the polynomial unchanged. For example, f(x, y, z) = xy +xz + yz is a symmetric polynomial. If we interchange the variables x and y, we obtain yx + yz + xz, which is the same as f(x, y, z); likewise, swapping x and z (or y and z) returns the original polynomial. These polynomials arise in…
Posted: Thursday, February 19
Resource | Illuminating Coordinate Geometry with Algebraic Symmetry
A symmetric polynomial is a polynomial in one or more variables in which swapping any pair of variables leaves the polynomial unchanged. For example, f(x, y, z) = xy +xz + yz is a symmetric polynomial. If we interchange the variables x and y, we obtain yx + yz + xz, which is the same as f(x, y, z); likewise, swapping x and z (or y and z) returns the original polynomial. These polynomials arise in…
Posted: Thursday, February 19
Resource | The effectiveness of Reason Racer, a game designed to engage middle school students in scientific argumentation
Reason Racer is an online, rate-based, multiplayer game that applies specific game features inorder to engage middle school students in introductory knowledge of and thinking related toscientific argumentation. Game features include rapid and competitive play, timed performance,immediate feedback, and high rates of response across many game-play sessions and sciencescenarios. The areas of…
Posted: Friday, February 06
Resource | How games can engage students and improve learning
Ault, M., (2014). How games can engage students and improve learning. eSchool News: Daily Tech News & Innovation. Retrieved from www.eschoolnews.com/2014/06/06/games-engage-students-241/
Posted: Friday, February 06
Resource | Sticky Ions: A Student-Centered Activity Using Magnetic Models to Explore the Dissolving of Ionic Compounds
Understanding what happens at the particulate level when ionic compounds dissolve in water is difficult for many students, yet this understanding is critical in explaining many macroscopic observations. This article describes a student-centered activity designed to help strengthen students’ conceptual understanding of this process at the particulate level and translate this understanding to the…
Posted: Wednesday, February 04
Resource | Professional Development Aligned with AP Chemistry Curriculum: Promoting Science Practices and Facilitating Enduring Conceptual Understanding
The recent revisions to the advanced placement (AP) chemistry curriculum promote deep conceptual understanding of chemistry content over more rote memorization of facts and algorithmic problem solving. For many teachers, this will mean moving away from traditional worksheets and verification lab activities that they have used to address the vast amounts of content in the AP chemistry course.…
Posted: Wednesday, February 04
Resource | Design Practices of Preservice Elementary Teachers in an Integrated Engineering and Literature Experience
The incorporation of engineering practices and core ideas into the Next Generation Science Standards at the elementary school level provides exciting opportunities but also raises important questions about the preparation of new elementary teachers. Both the teacher education and engineering education communities have a limited literature base on the resources that novice elementary teachers…
Posted: Wednesday, February 04
Resource | Examining Young Students’ Problem Scoping in Engineering Design
Problem scoping—determining the nature and boundaries of a problem—is an essential aspect of the engineering design process. Some studies from engineering education suggest that beginning students tend to skip problem scoping or oversimplify a problem. However, the ways these studies often characterize students’ problem scoping often do not reflect the complexity found in experts’ designing and…
Posted: Wednesday, February 04
Event | 2015 Informational Webinar on NSF CAREER Program
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Hosted by CADRE,…
Posted: Thursday, January 29
Announcement | Informational Webinar on NSF CAREER Program
Date/Time: February 24, 2015 / 1:00 PM ESTPresenters: Alicia Alonzo, Tina Grotzer, Karen King, Gloriana González Rivera The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and…
Posted: Thursday, January 29
Announcement | Did you see CADRE's Winter Newsletter?
CADRE's Winter 2015 Newsletter features a spotlight on early career R&D, an announcement of an upcoming webinar on CAREER grants, newsbites from DR K-12 projects and other NSF networks, and more! http://cadrek12.org/newsletters/winter-2015-newsletter If you would like to receive future newsletters via email, contact us at cadre@edc.org.
Posted: Thursday, January 29
Announcement | AAAS Offers Two Informational Webinars on NSF's Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Proposals
NSF and AAAS are pleased to invite you to a proposal preparation webinar for the current Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program solicitation. The webinar is recommended for both STEM discipline faculty and education faculty who might be interested in the program. Two webinars will be presented:  February 4 and 5 from 3:00-4:30pm EST. To register go to:  http://nsfnoyce.org/proposal-preparation-…
Posted: Wednesday, January 28
Newsletter | Winter 2015 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues: The CADRE team wishes you a productive professional year in 2015! In the fall, we welcomed the newest cohort of Fellows to the CADRE community. They are an exceptional group of early career researchers and developers, and you can see their bios on our website. They met each other at an orientation at EDC, and have already connected with several PIs who have graciously…
Posted: Sunday, January 25
Announcement | Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunities
Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy has three open positions forPostdoctoral Fellows, starting July 1, 2015. Position 1: Research Use in Schools and School DistrictsWe seek a postdoctoral fellow to work on the IES-funded National Center for Research in Policyand Practice. This one-year position begins July 1, 2015 and has the possibility of extension intoa second year…
Posted: Wednesday, January 21
Resource | Topical Listings of DR K-12 Projects
The lists below were created using the current project information available on the cadrek12.org website. DR K-12 PIs and project members: if you would like to update the keywords associated with your project, you can log in and change them yourself or contact cadre@edc.org. SCIENCEScience (non-specific)AstronomyBiologyChemistryClimate Change Earth ScienceEnvironmental Science…
Posted: Wednesday, January 21
Announcement | New Steps to Enhance Transparency and Accountability at NSF
New Steps to Enhance Transparency and Accountability at the National Science Foundation. Read the full announcement at http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/in137/in137.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_80
Posted: Tuesday, January 20