What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | 2016 Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS)
To learn more, visit: https://www.causeweb.org/cause/ecots/ecots16/. DR K-12 Presenters: Randall Groth, Salisbury University (Project: PATHWAYS - Preparing Aspiring Teachers to Hypothesize Ways to Assist Young Students)  
Posted: Wednesday, March 23
Resource | Re-imagining mathematics teacher education through undergraduate research
Groth, R.E., Bergner, J.A., Burgess, C.R., Austin, J.W., & Holdai, V. (2016). Re-imagining mathematics teacher education through undergraduate research. Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Quarterly, 36(3), 41-46.
Posted: Wednesday, March 23
Resource | Journey to Centers in the Core
Groth, R.E., Kent, K., & Hitch, E. (2016). Journey to centers in the core. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School,21(5), 295-302.
Posted: Wednesday, March 23
Resource | I Want to be the Inquiry Guy! How Research Experiences for Teachers Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values About Teaching Science as Inquiry
Herrington, D. G., Bancroft, S. F., Edwards, M. M., & Schairer, C. J. (2016). I Want to be the Inquiry Guy! How Research Experiences for Teachers Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values About Teaching Science as Inquiry. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1-22. doi:10.1007/s10972-016-9450-y
Posted: Wednesday, March 23
Announcement | Connected Science Learning
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), debuted Connected Science Learning, an online journal for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) educators. The journal bridges in-school and out-of-school STEM learning and showcases highly effective programs, practices, collaborations, and research taking place between…
Posted: Wednesday, March 16
Announcement | NSF CAREER Program Webinar Recording Update
We are currently experiencing issues with the recording of the Mar 15th  NSF CAREER Program Webinar. We are working with Adobe on resolving the issues and will post the recording as soon as we are able. In the meantime, slides from the webinar can be found here.
Posted: Wednesday, March 16
Resource | 2016 NSF CAREER Program Webinar Resources
We are currently experiencing issues with the recording of the Mar 15th  NSF CAREER Program Webinar. We are working with Adobe on resolving the issues and will post the recording as soon as we are able. Visit our Early Career page for related resources, including a recording of the 2015 NSF CAREER Program Informational Webinar. Meet the Presenters: Michelle CirilloAssociate Professor, University…
Posted: Wednesday, March 16
Posted: Friday, March 11
Resource | Mathematics Curriculum, Teacher Professionalism, and Supporting Policies in Korea and the United States: Summary of a Workshop
On July 15-17, 2012 the United States National Commission on Mathematics Instruction and Seoul National University held a joint Korea-U.S. workshop on Mathematics Teaching and Curriculum. The workshop was organized to address questions and issues related to math teaching and curriculum that were generated by each country, including the following: What are the main concerns in the development of…
Posted: Wednesday, March 09
Survey | NSF PO Attendance: 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting
Please take this 5 minute survey to indicate your availability June 1-3 for the 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting. The meeting will officially begin on the evening of June 1 and end around noon on June 3. Exact times are still being determined.
Posted: Wednesday, March 09
Resource | Why a Digital Teacher Guide?
Inquiry-based educative curricula and teachers who use these curricula as intended are major factors in achieving successful student learning outcomes in science. Educative curricula can also bring about significant change in teacher practice. Educative curricula are generally accompanied by carefully designed print teacher guides that facilitate the implementation of curricula, encourage new…
Posted: Thursday, March 03
Announcement | IJSME Call for Papers
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME) Call for Papers of 2017 Special Issue on STEM for the Future and the Future of STEM Guest EditorsProf. Frances Lawrenz University of MinnesotaProf. Koeno Gravemeijer; Eindhoven University of Technology; NetherlandsProf. Michelle Stephan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Research about the future of STEM education is a…
Posted: Monday, February 29
Survey | 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting Poster Hall Waitlist
Registration for the Poster Hall has now closed. Please fill out the form below to join our waitlist. We will accept registrants from the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. If space allows, you will receive a poster hall confirmation at the email address you provided.  The 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting will have two general poster sessions: June 1, 6:45-8pm and June 2, 4:30-5:45pm. If you…
Posted: Friday, February 26
Survey | 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting Registration Waitlist
Registration is currently at capacity. Please fill out the form below to join our waitlist. We will accept registrants from the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that priority will be given to projects that are not yet represented at the PI meeting. If space allows, you will receive a registration confirmation at the email address(es) you provided. Contact cadre@edc.org if…
Posted: Friday, February 26
Announcement | NSF INCLUDES Program
NSF recently announced the initiative NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science). The goal of NSF INCLUDES is to achieve significant impact at the national scale within the next ten years in transforming STEM so that it is fully and widely inclusive. For more information: Overview Dear Colleague Letter Program…
Posted: Wednesday, February 24
Resource | Analysis of the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research K–12 ELL Projects
Background/Context: Educational and societal phenomena can converge to draw attention to a new focus, such as ELs and STEM, and then trigger new research interests. A funding program can play a critical role in shaping these new research interests by prioritizing specific research topics and designs or by requiring particular specializations of researchers. Purpose of the Study: The study…
Posted: Tuesday, February 23
Announcement | NSF CAREER Program Webinar Opportunity
Want to learn more about NSF's Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)? Join us March 15, 2016 at 3pm ET for an informational webinar led by NSF Program Officer Karen King. The presenters–Michelle Cirillo, Melissa Luna, and Bill Zahn–are current CAREER awardees who will give their perspectives on preparing a CAREER proposal and leading STEM Education projects as first-time PIs. REGISTER…
Posted: Monday, February 22
Announcement | DR K-12 PECASE Awardees
Congratulations to Jakita Thomas (Spelman College) and Kristen Wendell (UMASS Boston) for being recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) award! PECASE "recognizes scientists and engineers who show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. Winners demonstrate the ability to broadly advance fundamental research and…
Posted: Friday, February 19
Blog | Using Story in STEM Education
CADRE sat down with DR K-12 PIs Roy Gould (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and Jackie Miller (EDC) to talk about their work…and specifically their passion for using story in education. Why is story such a powerful tool in the classroom? Listen in:   Related Resources: The Power of Story  (Author E.O. Wilson) Roy Gould's TEDTalk, in partnership with Curtis Wong, on the WorldWide…
Posted: Friday, February 19
Event | 2016 NSF CAREER Program Informational Webinar
The 2016 NSF CAREER Program Informational Webinar was held Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 3:00 PM EST.  The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of…
Posted: Thursday, February 18
Announcement | Call for Proposals
CADRE invites PIs of currently funded NSF DR K-12 projects (2010 to present) to submit a session proposal for the 2016 DR K-12 PI Meeting to be held June 1-3, 2016 in Washington, DC. The overarching goal of the 2016 PI meeting is to engage the DR K-12 community in building and sharing new knowledge, best practices, and tools critical to increasing the impact and sustainability of our work…
Posted: Wednesday, February 17
Announcement | CA STEM Smart Resources
All resources (presentation slides, program descriptions & more!) related to the Feb 1st CA STEM Smart workshop on instructional materials can be found here.
Posted: Thursday, February 11
Announcement | CADRE Brief on Broadening Participation
Did you see our latest brief on Broadening Participation? This and more in our spotlight: http://cadrek12.org/broadening-participation
Posted: Thursday, February 11
Event | Earth Educators’ Rendezvous
Overview: Join us for the second annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous. Last year's inaugural event brought together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate Earth education. This year we will be expanding our audience to welcome a mix of college faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teachers from all disciplines who are interested in improving their teaching about Earth…
Posted: Tuesday, February 09
Announcement | New! NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide
NSF's latest Prospective New Awardee Guide is available at: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pnag/pnag161.pdf?WT.mc_id=USNSF_109 (Effective Date: January 25, 2016) OverviewEach proposing organization that is new to the National Science Foundation (NSF) or has not had an active NSF assistance award within the previous five years should be prepared to submit basic organization and management…
Posted: Thursday, January 28
Announcement | Hot off the Press!
CADRE's newest publication is a STEM Smart Brief on Teaching and Learning Under the Next Generation Science Standards. Read the Brief
Posted: Wednesday, January 27
Resource | STEM Smart Brief: Teaching and Learning Under the Next Generation Science Standards
This brief gives an overview—and by no means a comprehensive one—of several NGSS-aligned projects in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development.
Posted: Wednesday, January 27
Announcement | Post-doc Fellow Position, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
The Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations in Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College is seeking a post-doctoral fellow in Education Policy and Leadership to work on two externally funded research projects in 2016-17.  The projects include the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools and The Instructional Program Partnership (IPI) an IES funded randomized evaluation of a state…
Posted: Monday, January 25
Announcement | Post-doc Fellowship at Notre Dame for STEM Education
The Notre Dame Center for STEM Education (the Center) is pleased to announce the Rev. James A. Burns, CSC Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Burns Post-Doc) that can begin in either summer or fall 2016. The Burns Post-Doc is part of the new Interdisciplinary Program in Educational Research (IPER: http://iei.nd.edu/programs/interdisciplinary-program-in-educational-research/) at the University of Notre Dame…
Posted: Monday, January 25