What's New on CADREK12.org

Newsletter | Winter 2016 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues: Happy New Year!   We are starting the year with a commitment to disseminating your findings and resources in many different ways.   We have begun soliciting participants for the second annual NSF Video Showcase, May 17-23, 2016. Last year's experience was very successful with 112 videos, 41 of which were from DR K-12 projects. The event welcomed more than 22,000 unique visitors…
Posted: Sunday, January 24
Event | USA Science and Engineering Festival
To learn more, visit http://www.usasciencefestival.org/. DR K-12 Project: Marina Bers (DevTech Research Group), Tufts University (Projects: Ready for Robotics: The Missing T and E of STEM in Early Childhood Education; ScratchJr: Computer Programming in Early Childhood Education as a Pathway to Academic Readiness and Success (Collaborative Research: Bers))
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Robotics in the early childhood classroom: learning outcomes from an 8-week robotics curriculum in pre-kindergarten through second grade
In recent years there has been an increasing focus on the missing ‘‘T’’ of technology and ‘‘E’’ of engineering in early childhood STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) curricula. Robotics offers a playful and tangible way for children to engage with both T and E concepts during their foundational early childhood years. This study looks at N=60 children in pre-kindergarten…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | KIBO Robot Demo: Engaging Young Children in Programming and Engineering
Robotics offers a playful and tangible way for young children to engage with technology and engineering concepts during their foundational early childhood years. This paper describes the development of KIBO, a newly created robotics kit for children ages 4-7 developed at Tufts University through funding from the National Science Foundation. Designed explicitly for very young children, the…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | ‘‘I want my robot to look for food’’: Comparing Kindergartner’s programming comprehension using tangible, graphic, and hybrid user interfaces
Inrecentyears,educationalroboticshasbecomeanincreasinglypopular research area. However, limited studies have focused on differentiated learning outcomes basedontypeofprogramming interface.Thisstudyaimstoexplorehowsuccessfully youngchildrenmaster foundational programmingconceptsbasedonthe  roboticsuser interface (tangible, graphical, hybrid) taught in their curriculum. Thirty-five Kindergarten…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Designing Tools for Developing Minds: The Role of Child Development in Educational Technology
In today’s world, in which technology is playing an increasingly growing role in the lives of children, computer literacy and technological fluency are becoming a necessary national standard. However, developing character traits that serve children to use new tools in a safe way to communicate and connect with others, and providing opportunities for children to envision a better world through…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | ScratchJr Demo: A coding language for Kindergarten
This paper describes the ScratchJr research project, a collaboration between Tufts University’s Developmental Technologies Research Group, MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group, and the Playful Invention Company. Over the past five years, dozens of ScratchJr prototypes havebeen designedand studied with over 300 K-2nd grade students, teachers and parents. ScratchJr allows children ages 5 to 7…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Code and Tell: Assessing Young Children’s Learning of Computational Thinking Using Peer Video Interviews with ScratchJr
In this paper, we present a novel technique for assessing the learning of computational thinking in the early childhood classroom. Students in three second grade classrooms learned foundational computational thinking concepts using ScratchJr and applied what they learned to creating animated collages, stories, and games. They then conducted artifact-based video interviews with each other in…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Constructing the ScratchJr programming language in the early childhood classroom
This paper seeks to contribute to the growing literature on children and computer programming by focusing on a programming language for children in Kindergarten through second grade. Sixty-two students were exposed to a 6-week curriculum using ScartchJr. They learned foundational programming concepts and applied those concepts to create personally meaningful projects using the ScratchJr…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | NGSS Planning Tool
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Modifying A Core Curriculum
No one curriculum can meet the needs of all students and teachers. This video describes why a teacher might want to modify a curriculum and how he or she would go about it.
Posted: Monday, January 18
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | Using Effective Science Curriculum
An effective curriculum helps you support students' science learning, understanding, and achievement. But what does "effective" mean? This video gives you the inside scoop on what makes a curriculum effective and flags some common pitfalls to avoid.
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | The Power and Promise of a Digital Tool for Teaching Inquiry Science
Two case studies, both set in public high schools, one in New York City, another in suburban Massachusetts, describe ways that a newly developed cybertool (the electronic Teacher Guide or eTG) can help biology teachers improve student learning by facilitating teachers' implementation of an innovative curriculum and enhancing teachers' subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge. This…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | A Novel Way to Teach Kids About Engineering
Berdik, C. (2015, December 16). A Novel Way to Teach Kids About Engineering. Slate. Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/12/novel_eng…
Posted: Monday, January 18
Event | Research and Development Conference: Preparing and Implementing Successful Mathematics Coaching Programs
To learn more, visit http://www.vmsiresearchconference.com/.
Posted: Monday, January 18
Resource | To customize or not to customize? Exploring science teacher customization in an online lesson portal
New technologies are increasingly giving science teachers the ability to access and customize science lessons. However, there is substantial debate in the literature about whether and under what conditions teacher customization benefit student learning. In this study, we examined teacher customization of inquiry-based science lessons from an online lesson portal. We found that students who…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | The Learning Portal: Hundreds of Free Digital Activities Using Models and Probes
The Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry (ITSI) project is a learning portal with hundreds of free, customizable science, math, and engineering activities funded by the National Science Foundation at the Concord Consortium, a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to transforming education through technology. The project engages K--12 students in web-based STEM activities…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Science for All: A new breed of schools is closing achievement gaps among students and may hold the key to a revitalized 21st-century workforce
Lynch, S.J. (2015, Aug. 1). Science for All: A new breed of schools is closing achievement gaps among students and may hold the key to a revitalized 21st-century workforce. Scientific American. Retrieved from: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/science-for-all/
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | City Digits: Developing Socially-Grounded Data Literacy Using Digital Tools
Williams, S., Deahl, E., Rubel, L., & Lim, V. (2014). City Digits: Developing Socially-Grounded Data Literacy Using Digital Tools. Journal of Digital and Media Literacy, 2(2). www.jodml.org
Posted: Friday, January 15
Event | 2016 NARST Annual International Conference; Baltimore MD
Learn more at https://www.narst.org/annualconference/2016conference.cfm DR K-12 Presenters: Christina Schwarz and Laurie Van Egeren, Michigan State University (Project: Cluster Randomized Trial of the Efficacy of Early Childhood Science Education for Low-Income Children) Senetta Bancroft and Deborah Herrington, Grand Valley State University (Project: Further Development and Testing of the Target…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | How Kids are Learning Math, Maps and Spatial Justice
Rubel, L. & Hall-Wieckert, M. (2015, July 30). How kids are learning math, maps and spatial justice. Retrieved from www.mediashift.com.
Posted: Friday, January 15
Event | NCTM Research Conference; San Francisco, CA
Learn more at http://www.nctm.org/Conferences-and-Professional-Development/Research-C… DR K-12 Presenters: Laura Van Zoest, Western Michigan University; Shari Stockero, Michigan Technological University; Keith Leitham and Blake Peterson, Brigham Young University; AnnaMarie Conner and Laura Singletary, University of Georgia; Suzanne Chapin and Catherine O'Connor, Boston University (Project:…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Critical Pedagogy of Place in Mathematics: Texts, Tools and Talk
This paper explores the potential of integrating critical and place-based perspectives supportedby mobile,  digital  technologies in  secondary  mathematics. The  paper describes  two  curricular  modules:  Local  Lotto, a mathematical  investigation  of  the state  lottery,  and  Cash  City,  a  mathematical investigation  about  pawn  shops,  which were piloted in a high school in an…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Simulating teaching: New possibilities for assessing teaching practice
This paper argues that successful practice-based teacher education requires innovations in assessment that can better inform preservice teachers and those who prepare them. Such assessments must focus directly on specific teaching practices of novice teachers, as well as offer opportunities to assess the use of content knowledge for teaching. Simulations, an assessment type used in other…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Pawnshops to Teach Percent and Percent to Teach Pawnshops
This paper focuses on student learning in the context of a curricular module on pawnshops piloted with 15 students in an urban high school. The paper describes pedagogical frameworks guiding the development of the module and summarizes key features of its curriculum. Analysis focuses on student growth with respect to mathematical understanding of percent and opinions about pawnshops. Findings…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Event | American Chemical Society National Meeting; San Diego, CA
To learn more, visit: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/meetings/spring-2016.html DR K-12 Presenters: Justin Pratt, Jorge Torres, Linh-Thuy Vu, Cassandra Sandvick, Sara Nielsen, and Ellen Yezierski, Miami University (Project: Further Development and Testing of the Target Inquiry Model for Middle and High School Science Teacher Professional Development (Collaborative Research: Yezierski)) Deborah…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Event | 2016 AMTE National Conference; Irvine, CA
Learn more about the conference at: http://amte.net/conferences/conf2016 DR K-12 Presenters: Charles Hohensee, University of Delaware; AnnaMarie Conner, University of Georgia; Eva Thanheiser, Portland State University; and Amanda Jansen, University of Delaware (Project: CAREER: Learning to Support Productive Collective Argumentation in Secondary Mathematics Classes)
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Professional development aligned with AP Chemistry curriculum: Promoting science practices and facilitating enduring conceptual understanding
The recent revisions to the advanced placement (AP) chemistry curriculum promote deep conceptual understanding of chemistry content over more rote memorization of facts and algorithmic problem solving. For many teachers, this will mean moving away from traditional worksheets and verification lab activities that they have used to address the vast amounts of content in the AP chemistry course.…
Posted: Friday, January 15
Resource | Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective
There is the tendency to explain away successful urban schools as indicative of the heroic efforts by a tireless individual, effectively blaming schools that underperform for a lack of grit and dedication. This study reports the development of a research instrument (School Science Infrastructure, or SSI) and then applying that tool to an investigation of equitable science performance by…
Posted: Friday, January 15