
Towards Meaningful Physics Recognition: What does this recognition actually look like?

In the February 2017 issue of The Physics Teacher, an article was presented that highlighted the importance of high school physics teachers in inspiring women in physics, particularly by recognizing them as being a “physics person.”1 Drawing on data from over 900 female undergraduates in physics, the article showed that the largest fraction became interested in physics careers during high school.

Zahra Hazari

Cheryl Cass

Short Description

This article examines recognition by presenting the case of a physics teacher, Dr. D, and his student, Kristina, to address the question: What are the ways in which a young woman perceives recognition from her teacher?

Towards Meaningful Physics Recognition: What does this recognition actually look like?

In the February 2017 issue of The Physics Teacher, an article was presented that highlighted the importance of high school physics teachers in inspiring women in physics, particularly by recognizing them as being a “physics person.”1 Drawing on data from over 900 female undergraduates in physics, the article showed that the largest fraction became interested in physics careers during high school.

Zahra Hazari

Cheryl Cass

Short Description

This article examines recognition by presenting the case of a physics teacher, Dr. D, and his student, Kristina, to address the question: What are the ways in which a young woman perceives recognition from her teacher?

Supporting English Learners in STEM Subjects




Committee on Supporting English Learners in STEM Subjects; David Francis and Amy Stephens (Editors)

Short Description

The imperative that all students, including English learners (ELs), achieve high academic standards and have opportunities to participate in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning has become even more urgent and complex given shifts in science and mathematics standards. As a group, these students are underrepresented in STEM fields in college and in the workforce at a time when the demand for workers and professionals in STEM fields is unmet and increasing. However, English learners bring a wealth of resources to STEM learning, including knowledge and interest in STEM-related content that is born out of their experiences in their homes and communities, home languages, variation in discourse practices, and, in some cases, experiences with schooling in other countries.

English Learners in STEM Subjects: Transforming Classrooms, Schools, and Lives examines the research on ELs’ learning, teaching, and assessment in STEM subjects and provides guidance on how to improve learning outcomes in STEM for these students. This report considers the complex social and academic use of language delineated in the new mathematics and science standards, the diversity of the population of ELs, and the integration of English as a second language instruction with core instructional programs in STEM.

Advancing Online and Blended Professional Development Through NSF's DRK-12 Program

The STEM education landscape continuously shifts in response to factors such as changing workforce demands; new knowledge about how children and adults learn; better strategies for broadening participation in under-served and underrepresented populations; and changes in local, state, and national policy. Empowering teachers with new knowledge and approaches to navigate this changing landscape requires ongoing, high-quality opportunities for professional growth.


Short Description

This 2018 AERA structured poster session shed light on the DR K-12 portfolio of transformative research in online and blended teacher professional development.

Teacher learning in a combined professional development intervention

The study examines geometry teachers' video club discussions in a two-year professional development intervention that combined lesson study, video clubs, and animation discussions to promote teacher noticing of students' prior knowledge. Most discussions pertained to student conceptions (78%), followed by pedagogy (19%). Discussion of students' prior knowledge surfaced only when talking about student conceptions or pedagogy.


Gloriana González

Lisa Skultety

Short Description

The study examines geometry teachers' video club discussions in a two-year professional development intervention that combined lesson study, video clubs, and animation discussions to promote teacher noticing of students' prior knowledge.

STEAM-Based Interventions in Computer Science: Understanding Feedback Loops in the Classroom

Many organizations are seeking to address the need for greater numbers of computer scientists in the US, and in particular, more women and underrepresented minorities. It is not uncommon to develop curriculum that relies heavily on cutting edge technology and computing tools designed to make computing more compelling. Many curriculum developers are seeking to promote creativity as a part of computing, and often do so using STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) based interventions where the arts play a prominent role in the classroom.


Roxanne Moore

Michael Helms

Michael Helms

Short Description

In this paper, authors present the causal loop diagrams developed to explain the relationships between the actors and attributes involved in implementing EarSketch in a particular school setting. The diagram allows us to better make decisions that ensure both an engaging but also effective STEAM-based computing curriculum.

Moving toward approximations of practice in teacher professional development: Learning to summarize a problem-based lesson

González, G. (2018). Moving toward approximations of practice in teacher professional development: Learning to summarize a problem-based lesson. In R. Zazkis, & P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 115–146). New York, NY: Springer.


Gloriana González

Short Description

This article focuses on problem-based lessons in teacher professional development.

Turn-Taking and Chatting in Collaborative Music Live Coding

Co-located collaborative live coding is a potential approach to network music and to the music improvisation practice known as live coding. A common strategy to support communication between live coders and the audience is the use of a chat window. However, paying attention to simultaneous multi-user actions, such as chat texts and code, can be too demanding to follow. In this paper, we explore collaborative music live coding (CMLC) using the live coding environment and pedagogical tool EarSketch.


Anna Xambó

Pratik Shah

Gerard Roma

Jason Freeman

Brian Magerko

Short Description

In this paper, authors explore collaborative music live coding (CMLC) using the live coding environment and pedagogical tool EarSketch. In particular, we examine the use of turn-taking and a customized chat window inspired by the practice of pair programming, a team-based strategy to efficiently solving computational problems.

Authenticity and Personal Creativity: How EarSketch Affects Student Persistence

McKlin, T., Magerko, B., Lee, T., Wanzer, D., Edwards, D., & Freeman, J. (2018). Authenticity and personal creativity: How EarSketch affects student persistence. In Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2018). New York, NY: ACM Publications.


Tom McKlin

Brian Magerko

Taneisha Lee

Dana Wanzer

Doug Edwards

Jason Freeman

Short Description

This conference paper explains how EarSketch affects student persistence.

Ambitious Science Teaching

Ambitious Science Teaching outlines a powerful framework for science teaching to ensure that instruction is rigorous and equitable for students from all backgrounds. The practices presented in the book are being used in schools and districts that seek to improve science teaching at scale, and a wide range of science subjects and grade levels are represented.

Mark Windschitl

Jessica Thompson

Melissa Braaten

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Ambitious Science Teaching outlines a powerful framework for science teaching to ensure that instruction is rigorous and equitable for students from all backgrounds. The practices presented in the book are being used in schools and districts that seek to improve science teaching at scale, and a wide range of science subjects and grade levels are represented.