
Uncovering the Skills That Preservice Teachers Bring to Teacher Education: The Practice of Eliciting a Student’s Thinking

Although teacher education is the formal means by which novices are prepared for teaching, they come having already had significant experience in schools. Preservice teachers have formed habits of “teaching” which influence their learning to teach. This article reports a study of the specific knowledge of and skills with teaching practice that novices bring to teacher education with respect to one teaching practice, eliciting student thinking in elementary mathematics, and describes the use of a standardized teaching simulation to learn about novices’ skills.


Meghan Shaughnessy

Timothy A. Boerst

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article reports a study of the specific knowledge of and skills with teaching practice that novices bring to teacher education with respect to one teaching practice, eliciting student thinking in elementary mathematics, and describes the use of a standardized teaching simulation to learn about novices’ skills.

Framing Engineering Practices in Elementary School Classrooms

Cunningham, C. M., & Kelly, G. J. (2017). Framing Engineering Practices in Elementary School Classrooms. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33(1B), 295–307.


Christine M. Cunningham

Gregory J. Kelly

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article focused on engineering practices for elementary classrooms.

Supporting Science Teachers In Creating Lessons With Explicit Conceptual Storylines

We describe a four-step strategy used in our professional development program to help elementary science teachers recognize and create lesson plans with coherent conceptual storylines. The conceptual storyline of a lesson refers to sequencing its scientific concepts and activities to help students develop a main scientific idea and, often, is an implicit component of a lesson plan.


Dante Cisterna

Kelsey Lipsitz

Deborah Hanuscin

Zandra de Araujo

Delinda van Garderen

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes a four-step strategy used in our professional development program to help elementary science teachers recognize and create lesson plans with coherent conceptual storylines.

A Pleasure to Measure! Tasks for Teaching Measurement in the Elementary Grades

Measurement is paired with data as a fundamental domain of K–grade 5 mathematics in the Common Core State Standards, and it is one of five core content areas in NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. This book presents lively activities that dovetail with standards and research-based stages of development to support students’ steady growth of understanding of measurement.


Jeffrey Barrett

Craig Cullen

Diana Behnke

David Klanderman

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

A Pleasure to Measure will enable you to select activities quickly, easily, and confidently to target the content that your students are ready to learn. You’ll find everything that you need in the six E’s that the authors detail for each activity—Essentials, Engage, Explore, Expect, Extend, and Enrich.

Model of Research-based Education (MORE) for Science Teacher Preparation

This article summarizes how a group of undergraduate regional university faculty built a program for rigorous and research-based science teacher preparation at the elementary level—namely, the “Model of Research-Based Education for Teachers” (MORE for Teachers). First, we discuss the research upon which the program is built: (1) a preparation infrastructure that includes rigorous content, focused teaching methods, and integrated field experiences with an emphasis on quality mentoring from cooperating teachers and (2) a conceptual framework for how people learn science.


Matthew Miller

Chris Ohana

Daniel Hanley

Short Description

This article summarizes how a group of undergraduate regional university faculty built a program for rigorous and research-based science teacher preparation at the elementary level—namely, the “Model of Research-Based Education for Teachers” (MORE for Teachers).

Examining the Impact of Lesson-Analysis Based Teacher Education and Professional Development across Methods Courses, Student Teaching, and Induction


Christopher Wilson

Molly Stuhlsatz

Connie Hvidsten

Betty Stennett

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Presentation on ViSTA at the 2017 NARST conference in San Antonio, Texas. The ViSTA Plus project is a multi-year preservice teacher education program for elementary teachers that spans the methods course, student teaching, and the first year of teaching.


What is “repeated reasoning" in MP8?

To make sense of the Common Core State Standards mathematical practice (MP) 8, this article illustrates what “repeated reasoning” means, why looking for and expressing regularity in it is such a valuable mathematical habit of mind, and how that differs from analyzing structure (MP 7) and from finding patterns in numerical results. 


E. Paul Goldenberg

Cynthia J. Carter

June Mark

Johannah Nikula

Deborah B. Spencer

Short Description

To make sense of the Common Core State Standards mathematical practice (MP) 8, this article illustrates what “repeated reasoning” means, why looking for and expressing regularity in it is such a valuable mathematical habit of mind, and how that differs from analyzing structure (MP 7) and from finding patterns in numerical results.


Emerging Design Principles for Online and Blended Teacher Professional Development in K-12 STEM Education

2017 CADRE Fellows

Between February and September 2017, awardees representing 11 projects participated in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around emerging design principles for online and blended teacher PD programs in K–12 STEM education. The resulting principles are organized and presented around three themes: 



Short Description

Following the launch of Spotlight on Online & Blended Professional Development (PD), CADRE convened awardees representing 11 DRK-12 projects in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around emerging design principles for online and blended teacher PD programs. The resulting principles are presented in a new report.


Supporting Sense-making with Mathematical Bet Lines

This article presents an instructional strategy called Mathematical Bet Lines that was designed to promote classroom discourse and sense-making for all students, in particular English Language Learners.  Introduced in Project AIM (All Included in Mathematics), a 40 hour professional development program focused promoting meaningful mathematical discourse, the Mathematical Bet Lines strategy supports comprehension of story problems by having students articulate to themselves and others their predictions regarding what is happening in the problem as it is revealed one sentence at a time.  With


Lara Dick

Tracy Foote White

Aaron Trocki

Paola Sztajn

Daniel Heck

Kate Herrema

Short Description

This article presents an instructional strategy called Mathematical Bet Lines that was designed to promote classroom discourse and sense-making for all students, in particular English Language Learners.
