
October 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Research and Practice Partnerships highlights current DRK-12 project work and the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing…
Policy Translation in Assemblage: Networked Actors Mediating Science Teachers’ Policy Play Publication Science Policy…
Intersections of Teacher Noticing and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Conceptual Framework to Inform the Design of Teacher Learning Publication…
Early Career News
A Role Identification Activity to Support Science Teacher Leaders in Identifying Professional Learning Needs News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Exploring the Role of High School Engineering Courses in Promoting Science Attitudes for Students with Learning Disabilities News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Investigating Teacher–Teacher Feedback: Uncovering Useful Socio-pedagogical Norms for Reform-Based Chemistry Instruction News CADRE Fellows…
Project Spotlight
Research-Practice Partnerships Read about partnerships between researchers and practitioners to innovate and improve STEM teaching and learning, including how they were formed, the strategies…
Spotlight on Research-Practice Partnerships Read about partnerships between researchers and practitioners to innovate and improve STEM teaching and learning.
Project Spotlight
Learning Progressions and Trajectories Read how DRK-12 projects are addressing issues of equity and supporting teachers in understanding and using learning progressions and trajectories…
Feedback on the CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation Thank you for participating in the CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation! Your feedback is essential to us as we…
NSF Seeks DRK-12 Reviewers The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks reviewers for its Discovery Research in PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. If you or your research partners are interested in…
November 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to those of you who submitted a DRK-12 proposal. We have our fingers crossed for your success. If you didn't submit, we encourage you…
Learning Trajectories and Equity: Making a Strong Link Stronger Submitted by Cadre-Admin on Wed, 11/15/2023 - 07:50 Blog…
Announcing the 2024 CADRE Fellows! Please join us in welcoming the 2024 CADRE Fellows: Miranda M. Allen, Texas Tech University Jerome Amedu, University of New Hampshire Fangxing Bai,…
Spotlight on Learning Progressions and Trajectories Read how DRK-12 projects are addressing issues of equity and supporting teachers in understanding and using learning progressions and…
Meet the 2024 CADRE Fellows! Congratulations to our newest cohort of CADRE Fellows.
December 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we end 2023, we want to thank all of you who shared your research and what you’re learning about preK-12 STEM education (e.g., through project…
NSF-IES Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education: Funding Opportunity and Office Hours The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the…
CADRE Learning Series on Rural Partnerships: Registration Part 1 Panel | Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 12:30 – 2 PM ETPart 2 Consultations | Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 12:30 – 2 PM ET…
Part 1 | CADRE Learning Series: Rural Partnerships Webinar Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with…
Part 2 | CADRE Learning Series: Rural Partnerships Webinar Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with…
New CADRE Learning Series on Rural Partnerships Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with rural communities across the U.S.…
NSF Notice on the Use of Generative AI Technology The National Science Foundation (NSF) has posted a notice establishing guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence…
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 46th Annual Conference of PME-NA; Cleveland, OH Conference To learn more, visit…
Project Spotlight
Coaching and Mentoring STEM Educators This Spotlight features research on coaching and mentoring STEM educators. This Spotlight features research on coaching and mentoring…
New Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF recently released a  revised version of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1). The…
January 2024 Newsletter Happy 2024 DRK-12 PI Community! Letter from NSF Program Directors While we are starting a new year, we would like to acknowledge your remarkable efforts and…
Early Career News
Hearing All Voices to Promote Learning Orientation and Effective Collaboration News CADRE Fellows Publication Pei Pei…
Early Career News
How it All Happened: Cause and Effect as a Lens and Thinking Tool to Observe and Make Sense of Two Puzzling Phenomena News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
High School Black Girls’ Experiences in a STEM After-School Program: A Qualitative Case Study News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Early Career News
Achievement at What Cost? An Intersectional Approach to Assessing Race and Gender Differences in Adolescent Math Motivation and Achievement News CADRE Postdocs…
Early Career News
Teachers’ Use and Adaptation of a Model-based Climate Curriculum: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study News CADRE Postdocs Publication…
Early Career News
Transforming Computer Science Education: Exploration of Computer Science Interest and Identity of Historically Underrepresented Youth News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Under Pressure: How Do Science Teachers Use Capital to Achieve Agency During Turbulent Times? News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Early Career News
Interest and Effort: Exploring the Relationship Between Students COVID-19 Interest and Information-Seeking Behavior News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Promoting Students’ Informal Inferential Reasoning Through Arts-Integrated Data Literacy Education News CADRE Fellows Publication…
‘But, Is It Supposed to be a Straight Line?’ Scaffolding Students’ Experiences with Pressure Sensors and Material Resistance in a High School Biology Classroom Publication…
Spotlight on Coaching and Mentoring STEM Educators Explore research on the coaching and mentoring of STEM educators.
Early Career News
Comparing Optimization Practices Across Engineering Learning Contexts Using Process Data News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Comparing Optimization Practices Across Engineering Learning Contexts Using Process Data Publication Engineering…
Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Professional Development for Rural Middle-School Science Teachers Publication Science…
Exploring the Noticing of Science Teachers: What Teachers' Notice and Using Video to Capture Teacher Knowledge Publication Science…
Understanding the Cognitive Processes of Mathematical Problem Posing: Evidence from Eye Movements Publication Mathematics Cognitive…
Webinar: Revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1) Webinar A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures…
Why Does Teacher Learning Vary in Professional Development? Accounting for Organisational Conditions Publication Science Pedagogical…
Why Do Teachers Vary in Their Instructional Change During Science PD? The Role of Noticing Students in an Iterative Change Process Publication…
Characteristics of Mathematics Coaches’ Suggestions to Teachers Publication Mathematics Teacher Practice…
Fostering Expansive and Connective Sensemaking with Preservice Secondary Science Teachers Publication Science Teacher Practice…
Learning to Listen: Cultivating Pre-Service Teachers’ Attunement to Student Thinking Publication Mathematics Science…
Early Career News
Learning to Listen: Cultivating Pre-Service Teachers’ Attunement to Student Thinking News CAREER Awardees Publication…