
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Nicole J. Thomas, Tina Vo (2016-17 CADRE Fellow), and Jaime Sabel published this article in the Journal of College…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Xintian Tu, Joshua Danish, Megan Humburg (2021-22 CADRE Fellow), Mengxi Zhou, Nitasha Mathayas, Noel Enyedy, and…
This qualitative study examines how a group of undergraduate and graduate students in an upper-level ecosystem ecology course at a research university in the southeastern part of the United States engage in a task that…
Science identity development begins in school-aged years, when multilingual students (MLs) are often marginalised in the classroom due to language challenges and low expectations placed on them. This descriptive multiple…
Science education literature has highlighted socio-scientific issues (SSI) as an effective pedagogy for teaching science in a social and political context. SSI links science education and real-world problems to engage…
Global climate change (GCC) is one of the greatest challenges of our age and a highly significant socio-scientific issue (SSI). Developing secondary students’ understanding about the Earth’s climate and GCC is critical for…
Community of Practice: Considerations for Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research Syntheses | October 26, 2023, November 9, 2023, and November 30, 2023, 4-5:30pm EST The Evidence Quality and Reach Hub (EQR)…
Community of Practice: Considerations for Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research Syntheses | October 26, 2023, November 9, 2023, and November 30, 2023, 4-5:30pm EST The Evidence Quality and Reach Hub (EQR)…
Community of Practice: Considerations for Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research Syntheses | October 26, 2023, November 9, 2023, and November 30, 2023, 4-5:30pm EST The Evidence Quality and Reach…
Blog Since 2005, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) has conducted interdisciplinary research on the Gulf of Maine ecosystem by collaborating with the communities whose lives and livelihoods…
November 9, 2023, 3 - 4 PM ET In Part 1 of this Learning Series, we heard from researchers who have used or designed observational tools in their DRK-12 research. Participants learned about a range of tools, their various…
Thank you for participating in the CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation! Your feedback is essential to us as we strive to create valuable and engaging webinars. Please take a few minutes to provide your…
Many DRK-12 projects seek to document changes in classroom instruction. To that end, researchers often seek to use or create reliable instructional observation instruments. In Part 1 of this Learning Series webinar, we…
Learn about DRK-12 projects supporting students and teachers in learning and teaching about climate science’s impacts and phenomena.
The AISL program team has put together a series of live webinars and recorded presentations that highlight recent changes to the AISL solicitation (NSF 22-626) as well as other proposal preparation…
The AISL program team has put together a series of live webinars and recorded presentations that highlight recent changes to the AISL solicitation (NSF 22-626) as well as other proposal preparation…
The AISL program team has put together a series of live webinars and recorded presentations that highlight recent changes to the AISL solicitation (NSF 22-626) as well as other proposal preparation…
The AISL program team has put together a series of live webinars and recorded presentations that highlight recent changes to the AISL solicitation (NSF 22-626) as well as other proposal preparation…
The AISL program team has put together a series of live webinars and recorded presentations that highlight recent changes to the AISL solicitation (NSF 22-626) as well as other proposal preparation…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity…
The Office of Emerging Frontiers and Multidisciplinary Activities (EFMA) will host an informational webinar on October 23, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern to discuss the Ideas Lab: Personalized Engineering Learning…
Join the ECR Hub for an interactive workshop on strategies for crafting a compelling proposal for the Building Capacity for STEM Education Research Individual Investigator Development (BCSER:IID) program. During this…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Wed,…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Fri,…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Fri,…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Tue,…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Thu,…
Learn more at…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity Fri,…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Research and Practice Partnerships highlights current DRK-12 project work and the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing our understanding of effective teaching and learning…
Educational policies exist as part of complex systems of many policies, all of which science teachers must make sense before using in practice. Using Actor-Network Theory to view policy translation in assemblages, we…
Teacher noticing scholars are just beginning to explore how to support noticing that is responsive to students' cultural resources. The theoretical basis of the teacher noticing literature affords scholars a range of paths…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Sara C. Heredia, Michelle Phillips, Sarah Stallings, and Ti'Era Worsley (2019-20 CADRE Fellow) published this…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Jay Plasman (2015-16 CADRE Fellow), Michael Gottfried, and Filiz Oskay published this article in the Journal of…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Meng-Yang Matthew Wu (2022 CADRE Fellow) and Ellen J. Yezierski co-authored this article in the Journal of Chemical…
Project Spotlight
Read about partnerships between researchers and practitioners to innovate and improve STEM teaching and learning, including how they were formed, the strategies and features they leverage to support equitable work together…
Read about partnerships between researchers and practitioners to innovate and improve STEM teaching and learning.
Project Spotlight
Read how DRK-12 projects are addressing issues of equity and supporting teachers in understanding and using learning progressions and trajectories. This Spotlight features research on science and math…
Thank you for participating in the CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation! Your feedback is essential to us as we strive to create valuable and engaging webinars. Please take a few minutes to provide your…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks reviewers for its Discovery Research in PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. If you or your research partners are interested in serving, please fill out or forward this survey: https://…
Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to those of you who submitted a DRK-12 proposal. We have our fingers crossed for your success. If you didn't submit, we encourage you to consider serving in a reviewer capacity. It's not…
Blog The idea of a “hypothetical learning trajectory” proposed by Simon (1995) was a description of a tentative plan to help move students from naive to more sophisticated thinking about a target concept…
Please join us in welcoming the 2024 CADRE Fellows: Miranda M. Allen, Texas Tech University Jerome Amedu, University of New Hampshire Fangxing Bai, University of Cincinnati Tajma A. Cameron, Drexel University Destinee…
Read how DRK-12 projects are addressing issues of equity and supporting teachers in understanding and using learning progressions and trajectories.
Congratulations to our newest cohort of CADRE Fellows.
Dear Colleagues, As we end 2023, we want to thank all of you who shared your research and what you’re learning about preK-12 STEM education (e.g., through project Spotlights, the DRK-12 PI Meeting, and the assessment…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to fund a Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education (Solicitation 84.305C RFA…
Part 1 Panel | Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 12:30 – 2 PM ET Part 2 Consultations | Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 12:30 – 2 PM ET Moderator: Ilana Horn, Vanderbilt University; Panelists: Julie Amador, University of Idaho…
Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with rural communities across the U.S. to support STEM education. In Part 1 of this Learning Series, researchers…