
The purpose of this study is to characterize teachers’ orientations toward using student mathematical thinking as a resource during whole-class instruction. Using student mathematical thinking during…
This study investigated relationships between changes in certain types of coaching knowledge and practices among mathematics classroom coaches and how these explain changes in the attitudes, knowledge, and practice of the…
This article explores how students’ integer value comparisons differed based on question phrasing (which temperature is hottest, most hot, least hot, coldest, most cold, least cold) and on numbers presented (positive,…
This study explores how preservice teachers (PSTs) transfer the intended specialized content knowledge (SCK) to elementary classrooms. This study explores how preservice teachers (PSTs) transfer the…
This article describes a tool to build, ensure, and solidify students’ understanding of quantitative relationships. Two teachers use a powerful, challenging tool in their Chinese classrooms to build,…
This study reports how an expert Chinese teacher implements mathematics textbook lessons in enacted instruction. This study reports how an expert Chinese teacher implements mathematics textbook lessons…
In this study we investigate the teaching of the associative property in a natural classroom setting through observation of classroom video of several elementary math classes in a large urban school district…
The study’s purpose is to describe content validity evidence related to new problem-solving measures currently under development. Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2018, November…
The goal for this proceeding is to foster the conversation about validation using examples and to communicate information about validation in ways that are broadly accessible. Validity-related issues…
Dr. Jessica Hunt studies how these children think and learn and is developing novel teaching methods that facilitate mathematics learning for students with learning disabilities. Making sense of…
In this article, the authors outline the main components and the iterative design process we undertook to ensure that the professional supports are relevant and effective for teachers and children. High…
Based on a teacher survey of lesson study, this study found that facilitators’ focus on student thinking, the quality of materials, and duration of lesson study were significantly associated with teacher participation in…
Based on a mixed methods study of a statewide survey and interviews of district professional development directors, we found that district requirement of lesson study, funding provision, and future sustainability plan were…
The chapter discusses the underlying views of teacher professional development and the teaching profession in the U.S. that played an important role in the adaptation process of lesson study. This mixed…
In this study, authors use Phenomenological Variant Ecological Systems Theory as a strengths‐based approach to investigate 10 undergraduate Black women’s perceptions of race and gender on their STEM identity development…
A school-wide and multi-contextual perspective on student engagement in school. School engagement researchers have historically focused on academic engagement or academic-related activities. Although…
This study examined the relationship between student-centered mathematics instruction and adolescents’ behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and social engagement in mathematics and whether the relationship differed by…
Authors examine how dialogic instruction, a socially dynamic form of instruction, was associated with four learning emotions in mathematics: enjoyment, pride, anger, and boredom. Emotions are central to…
Use these ideas to diagnose and address common conceptual obstacles that inhibit students’ success. Cirillo, M. & Hummer, J. (2019). Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof.…
Linear Algebra and Geometry is aimed at preservice and practicing high school mathematics teachers and advanced high school students looking for an addition to or replacement for calculus. The materials are organized…
In this paper, the author theorizes reciprocal noticing as a relational practice through which teachers and students exchange roles as knowers by reciprocating each other’s noticing as they study mathematics concepts…
This article describes how research-based learning progressions can be used to enhance the analysis and response to student work. Dig deeper into classroom artifacts using research-based learning…
Elementary School Mathematics Poster presented at the REL Research to Practice Conference. Caroline Ebby
Authors describe an alternative model of online math videos that feature unscripted dialogue of secondary school students, who convey sources of confusion and resolve the dilemmas that arise during problem solving…
In recent years, prominent organizations have released large-scale policy reports on the state of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States, with particular emphasis on…
Test scoring procedures should align with the intended uses and interpretations of test results. In this paper, we examine three test scoring procedures for an operational assessment of early numeracy, the Early Grade…
In this article, authors argue for deliberate attention to clarifiable ambiguity as a critical aspect of attending to meaning and as a necessary precursor to productive use of student mathematical thinking…
Authors describe a complementary way of studying the connections between different aspects of noticing, one that stresses the content of teachers noticing. They report on a study in which participants were shown depictions…
The purpose of the current study was to explore different ways for teachers to engage in Professional learning experiences (PLEs) and how these approaches might enable the field to scale up these efforts in a sustainable…
Authors discuss some of the affordances and constraints of using online teaching simulations to support reflection on specific pedagogical actions. In this chapter we discuss some of the affordances and…
The purpose of this study was to identify affordances and limitations of using order and value comparison tasks versus number placement tasks to infer students’ negative integer understanding and growth in understanding…
Authors share results from a quasi-experimental study that examines growth in students’ algebraic thinking practices of generalizing and representing generalizations, particularly with variable notation, as a result of an…
In this replication and extension study, we explore these issues, drawing on evidence from a multi-year study of over 200 fourth- and fifth-grade US teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of these data…
This paper discusses the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. Students with learning…
The purpose of this report is to sketch a tentative theoretical structure with the potential to anchor curricular decisions and inform further research on early probability learning. The role of…
This article reports on how three prospective teachers had differing opportunities to demonstrate their skills in the context of the field assessment, but similar opportunities in the context of the simulation assessment…
This mixed-method study was designed to examine whether middle school students’ in-game actions are likely to promote certain types of learning engagement (i.e., content and cognitive engagement). Game-…
This study offers a large-scale snapshot of middle-grades teachers’ views of their students’ mathematical capabilities in the context of instructional reform. Background: Research suggests that teachers…
This paper investigates how one elementary school child with specific visual motor integration differences constructed a unit fraction concept. Cognitive differences have historically led to deficit…
This case study investigates U.S. eighth-grade (age 13) mathematics students’ conceptions about the validity of a direct argument after the students received instruction on the eliminating counterexamples (ECE) framework…
This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and…
This article describes how diagrams can be a powerful tool to develop and communicate mathematical understanding for English language learners. For English language learners, diagrams can be a powerful…
This article looks at the 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase, a multimodal environment, that enabled educational researchers to share and discuss short videos depicting their federally-funded work to improve STEM education.…
Drawing on a situated perspective on learning, authors analyzed written, open-ended journals of 52 pre-service teachers (PSTs) concurrently enrolled in mathematics and pedagogy with field experience courses for elementary…
The present report summarizes the analyses of the calibration data for the electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN), an adaptive, iPad-based test of early numeracy achievement. The present report…
Authors discuss the possibilities of retaining and sharing professional knowledge as a way of addressing the problem of always starting over. Cai, J., Morris, A., Hohensee, C., Hwang, S., Robison, V.,…
In this editorial, authors discuss the first of the five overarching problems: defining and measuring learning opportunities precisely enough to study how to maximize the quality of the opportunities experienced by every…
The purpose of this study was to describe how families utilize science activity packs at home. The role that caregivers can play in their child’s science education is often overlooked within science…
We describe an experience within mathematics teacher preparation that engages pre-service teachers of mathematics (PMTs) in Making and design practices that we hypothesized would inform their conceptual, curricular, and…
This article describes online video coaching model used with middle-grades, rural mathematics teachers. This article describes online video coaching model used with middle-grades, rural mathematics…