
Min Li
Min Li Email Assistant Professor University of Washington (UW)…
Assistant Professor
Mark Loveland Dr. Mark T. Loveland is project director for WestEd’s initiative to evaluate programs for a custom-designed and developed searchable database of effective STEM learning…
Senior Research Associate
Alma Ramirez Alma Ramirez is a Senior Research Associate for WestEd's Math Pathways & Pitfalls project. Ramirez co-directs Math Pathways & Pitfalls, and is one of the co…
Senior Research Associate, Co-PI
Jillianne Code Email Methodologist Postdoctoral Research Fellow Harvard University…
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Thomas Andre I am an educational psychologist whose work has focused on productive learning or deep learning that facilitates transfer. For the last 20 years, my work has focused on…
Professor Emeritus
Shirley Lee Email Other Research Specialist University of California, Berkeley (UC…
Research Specialist
Chih-Feng Chien I am a graduate assistant under the KATE project: Preservice teachers' knowledge for teaching algebra for equity in the middle grades which is executed by Dr.…
Graduate Assistant
William Crombie Email Practitioner Director of Professional Development Algebra Project…
Director of Professional Development
Gina Weisblat Email Administrator Director of Graduate Grant Center Assistant to the VP for Grant and…
Director of Graduate Grant Center Assistant to the VP for Grant and Strategic Initiatives
Lynn Sametz Email Educator Associate Director University of North Carolina at…
Associate Director
Michael Posner Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Assistant Professor of Statistics…
Assistant Professor of Statistics
Scott Steketee Scott Steketee is Senior Technology Editor at KCP Technologies, and is also Adjunct Instructor of Secondary Math Methods in the Graduate School of Education at the…
Senior Technology Editor
Lisa Virag
Lisa Virag For SUMA I have been serving as a Teacher Researcher. I have spent hundreds of hours observing teaching & learning and gathering data in K-8 classrooms. I also serve as a…
SUMA Researcher
Louis DiBello Louis V. DiBello is Research Professor and Associate Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI) at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He leads the…
Research Professor
Colleen Megowan I am a 25-year veteran high school science teacher, now a teacher educator at ASU. My research interest is in the design of learning environments and participation…
Assistant Professor
Patrick Kimani Email Assistant Professor California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH…
Assistant Professor
Jim Minstrell Jim Minstrell, Ph.D., presently a co-owner of FACET Innovations, was a teacher of mathematics and science at the high school level for over thirty years. Overlapping with…
Senior Research scientist
Gbekeloluwa Oguntimein I received my B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University in 1974 and 1979 respectively. I have over 30 years teaching and research…
Associate Professor
Tiao Chang
Tiao Chang Have taught at Ohio University for the past 28 years Executive Director, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Inventor of three US patents and one…
Sharla Miles Email Administrator Research Compliance Coordinator Sam Houston State…
Research Compliance Coordinator
Neil Heffernan Dr. Neil Heffernan graduated summa cum laude from Amherst College in History and Computer Science. Neil taught mathematics to eighth grade students in Baltimore City as…
Associate Professor and CoDirector of Learning Sciences Grad. Program
Laurie Lopez I have worked as a researcher with Inverness Research for the past 9 years on a wide variety of education improvement efforts. Prior to that I spent 12 years as an…
Qiu Wang
Qiu Wang Email Methodologist Assistant Professor Purdue University…
Assistant Professor
Fuhui Tong
Fuhui Tong Email Methodologist Assistant Professor Texas A&M University…
Assistant Professor
Christina Schwarz Christina Schwarz is an associate professor of science education in the Teacher Education department at Michigan State University. She teaches undergraduate and…
Associate Professor
Lisa Kenyon Email Assistant Professor Wright State University…
Assistant Professor
Boris Goldowsky Email Other Director of Technology Center for Applied Special…
Director of Technology
Kim Bub
Kim Bub Email Grant Specialist National Science Foundation (NSF)
Grant Specialist
Joan Ferrini-Mundy Email Assistant Director (Acting) National Science Foundation (NSF)
Assistant Director (Acting)
Analucia Schliemann Analúcia D. Schliemann worked for 20 years at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Recife, Brazil and was a Fulbright Scholar at LRDC-University of Pittsburgh (…
Professor of Education
Joan Moss
Joan Moss Email Associate Professor University of Toronto (U of T)
Associate Professor
R. Ben Shapiro Email Research Associate University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
Research Associate
Stephen Pruitt Stephen Pruitt was named Vice President for Content, Research and Development in November of 2010. He joined Achieve as the Director of Science in July of 2010. In…
Vice President of Content, Research, and Development
Jenny LaFleur Jenny Johnson LaFleur contributes to the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research studies in youth development and school reform. Ms. LaFleur…
Senior Research Associate
Brad Findell Email President Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM…
Michael Shaughnessy Mike Shaughnessy has taught mathematics content courses and directed professional development experiences for mathematics teachers at all levels, K–12, as well as…
Diane Briars Email President National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)
James Brown James Brown is the American Chemical Society’s principle advocate on education and workforce policy issues. James represents the ACS on the Steering Committee of the House…
Lindsay Hunsicker Lindsay Hunsicker is the senior education policy advisor for U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) on the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP…
Senior Education Policy Advisor
Jodi Peterson Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director for Legislative and Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association. She is responsible for monitoring and…
Hannah Sevian Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor University of…
Associate Professor
Gavin Fulmer Email Program Officer National Science Foundation (NSF)
Program Officer
Andre Rupp
Andre Rupp Email Assistant Professor University of Maryland (UMD)
Assistant Professor
Barbara Gentry Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) science teacher specialist…
science teacher specialist
Jordan Bray Email Graduate Student Boston University (BU)…
Graduate Student
Tom Keller
Tom Keller Thomas E. (Tom) Keller is a Senior Research Scientist at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance in Augusta, Maine, as well as the PI of a STEM+C grant. In addition, Tom…
Senior Research Scientist
Pamela Hawkins Pamela Hawkins is the Team Lead for Educational and Human Resources (EHR) in the Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management, Division of Grants and Agreements…
Team Lead for Education and Human Resources
Laura Buckley Laura Buckley is a Grant Specialist in the Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management, Division Grants and Agreements. Email lbuckley@nsf.…
Grant Specialist
Wayne Harvey Email Vice President Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Vice President
Terri Green Email Program Specialist National Science Foundation (NSF)
Program Specialist