This project is demonstrating the use of cyber-enabled technologies to build and share adaptable interventions for pre- and in-service teacher growth that effectively make use of major video collections and have high promise of success at multiple sites. The cyber infrastructure being significantly extended through this project is supporting development and documentation of additional interventions for teacher professional development using this video collection, as well as other videos that might be added in the future.
Grace Agnew
Professional Title
Associate University Librarian for Digital Library Systems
About Me (Bio)
Grace Agnew is Associate University Librarian for Digital Library Systems and co-P.I. on the NSF-funded DRK12 grant, Cyber-enabled Design Research to Enhance Teachers' Critical Thinking Using a Major Video Collection on Childrens' Mathematical Reasoning. She is the primary architect of the Video Mosaic Collaborative, a repository and collaboration platform supporting access and reuse of video resources from a 20 year longitudinal study of students learning and reasoning in mathematics. She is the author of three books and numerous presentations on metadata, cyberinfrastructure and digital rights management.
Personal Website
University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
Rutgers University (RU)
This project is working to create a cyber infrastructure that supports development and documentation of additional interventions for teacher professional development using the video collection, as well as other videos that might be added in the future by teacher educators or researchers, including those working in other STEM domains.