
Heather Hill Harvard University
Cindy Hmelo-Silver Email Professor Indiana University (IU)
Mary Hobbs
Mary Hobbs Mary Hobbs is a teacher, researcher, and writer with hands-on experience directing science curriculum and instruction for Pre-K through Grade 12. She has been a classroom…
Coordinator for Science Initiatives
Leroy Hood
Leroy Hood Institute for Systems Biology
Paul Horwitz Dr. Paul Horwitz, Director of the Modeling Center at the Concord Consortium, is a theoretical physicist with broad interests in the application of technology to science and…
Senior Scientist
Susan Hull
Susan Hull Email Other Director, Organizational Learning and Mathematics…
Director, Organizational Learning and Mathematics
Mary Ann Huntley Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Senior Lecturer Cornell…
Senior Lecturer
Beverly Irby Email Administrator Professor and Chair of Educational Administration Texas A…
Professor and Chair of Educational Administration
Andrew Izsak Email Associate Professor University of Georgia (UGA)…
Associate Professor
Kara Jackson Kara Jackson is currently an associate professor in mathematics education at the University of Washington. Her research has most recently focused on specifying forms of…
Assistant Professor
Jennifer Jacobs Email Other Research Associate University of Colorado Boulder…
Research Associate
Vicki Jacobs Email University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC Greensboro)…
Susan Jansen Varnum Temple University
Zhonghong Jiang Zhonghong Jiang is a professor of mathematics education at Texas State University. His research interests include the use of technology, problem solving, mathematical…
Martin Johnson University of Maryland (UMD)
Adam Johnston Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Professor Weber State University…
Rebecca Jordan Rutgers University (RU)
Kara Suzuka Kara Suzuka is a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Education. Her work centers on the development of resources for the study and improvement of teaching…
Assistant Research Scientist
Page Keeley Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA)
Kimberle Kelly Email Associate Researcher University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
Associate Researcher
Nicole Kersting Email Assistant Professor University of Arizona (U of A…
Assistant Professor
Diane Jass Ketelhut Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor University of…
Associate Professor
James Kiggens Associate Director for Digital Game-Based Learning, Center for Technological Literacy at Hofstra University CEO, Course Games Educational Game Developer/Producer…
Associate Director for Digital Game-Based Learning
Ok-Kyeong Kim Email Educator Associate Professor Western Michigan University (WMU…
Associate Professor
Karen King
Karen King Karen D. King is transitioning to become Program Director at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings in the…
Program Director
Cathy Kinzer PI for Scaling up Mathematics Achievement Interests in ELL, assessment and systemic change. Email…
Mathematics Educator
Susan Kirch Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor New York…
Associate Professor
Carolyn Knox I became a technology-using educator in 1983, teaching Logo to TAG students in a University of Oregon computer lab. As Assistant Director of the Center for Advanced…
Research Associate
Jennifer Knudsen Jennifer Knudsen has designed curriculum and professional development for the past 25 years. She currently leads research and design work on professional development…
Senior Mathematics Educator
Eric Knuth
Eric Knuth Email Professor The University of Texas at Austin…
Kimberle Koile Email Research Scientist Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Concord…
Research Scientist
Clifford Konold Cliff Konold is Director of the Scientific Reasoning Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. A psychologist by training, he studies how people…
Research Associate Professor
Deanna Kosaraju Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI)
Joseph Krajcik Joe Krajcik serves as director of the Institute for Research on Mathematics and Science Education and as a faculty member in science education. A former high school…
Director, CREATE for STEM Institute
Steven Kramer Email Senior Researcher Arcadia University…
Senior Researcher