This project will provide a field-based science and mathematics teacher education program that supports teaching focused on students’ affective development through culturally responsive practices. The project's teacher education program takes place over a two-year period and models how culturally responsive and affective instruction can occur in the STEM classroom to engage students.
Julie Brown
Professional Title
Associate Professor, Science Education
About Me (Bio)
My scholarship is rooted in the science of broadening participation in STEM in secondary and higher education contexts. My research team and I work to advance equitable STEM learning environments by preparing culturally responsive science teachers, designing equitable STEM instructional tools, and facilitating undergraduate Teaching Assistant development in the Life Sciences. We examine how linguistically and culturally responsive instruction affects biology learning experiences for emergent bilingual students, and explore the ways in which secondary science teachers learn to enact cultural responsiveness for their students through their attitudes, classroom practices, and designed curricula. We also construct and evaluate undergraduate biology TA training programs using the Scientific Teaching framework. In this scholarship my team employs design-based research methods to devise, assess, and revise theoretically-grounded interventions that are responsive to specific, contextualized problems. As a design researcher, I have produced theoretical insights for promoting equitable science teaching and positive impacts for partnering communities.
Personal Website
University of Florida (UF)
University of Florida (UF)
This project seeks to support emergent bilingual students in high school biology classrooms. The project team will study how teachers make sense of and use an instructional model that builds on students' cultural and linguistic strengths to teach biology in ways that are responsive. The team will also study how such a model impacts emergent bilingual students' learning of biology and scientific language practices, as well as how it supports students' identities as knowers/doers of science.