Part 2 | CADRE Learning Series: Rural Partnerships

Event Date

Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with rural communities across the U.S. to support STEM education. In Part 1 of this Learning Series, researchers shared their approaches to working in rural settings and creating mutually beneficial partnerships. They highlighted both affordances and challenges to working with rural schools and offered strategies to keep in mind when building a research plan and budget.

Event Type

NSF-IES Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education: Funding Opportunity and Office Hours

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to fund a Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education (Solicitation 84.305C RFA).

Feedback on the CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation

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Part 1 Webinar Experience

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The format of the webinar (presentation and interaction) was engaging.
I gained information that I’ll use in my work.

Part 2 Small Group Consultation

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The small group consultation provided an opportunity for meaningful discussion.
The consultation session allowed for addressing specific issues related to the topic.

Overall Satisfaction with the Learning Series

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I plan to apply something I learned during this event to my future work.
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Research-Practice Partnerships

people around a table for a meetingIn this month’s Spotlight, three projects share insights on their partnerships between researchers and practitioners to innovate and improve STEM teaching and learning, including their formation, the strategies and features they leverage to support equitable work together, and how they've addressed common challenges.