What's New on CADREK12.org

Blog | Equitable Implementation of Computer Science Education
In-service teacher professional development is the lever most state and local initiatives are using to expand computing⁠—computer science and computational thinking⁠—instruction to all students. This is the case with the 10 year, $81 million public-private Computer Science for All (CS4All) initiative I helped lead during my time at the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE). Over the…
Posted: Tuesday, January 28
Newsletter | January 2020 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, We are greatly saddened to share the news that Dr. Karen King passed away in December. Among her many accomplishments, Karen was a key DRK-12 and former CADRE program officer, as well as a generous contributor to the CADRE Fellows program. We know that many of you worked with her or were impacted by her work. We send our condolences to you and grieve the loss to the field. On…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Announcement | New PAPPG Effective On or After June 1, 2020
NSF has issued a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1). The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due, and awards made, on or after June 1, 2020. Both versions of the PAPPG (19-1 and 20-1) can be found in our NSF Proposal Toolkit. The 19-1 version is effective until May 31, 2020. NSF will be hosting a webinar on…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Resource | Helping K-12 Teachers Get Unstuck with Scratch: The Design of an Online Professional Learning Experience
K-12 introductory programming experiences are often highly scaffolded, and it can be challenging for teachers and learners to transition from these scaffolded experiences to experiences of learner-directed creative work, where learners are solving problems and fluently expressing ideas through code. Learners can often "get stuck" in this creative process due to a number of different factors: (1)…
Posted: Tuesday, January 21
Early Career News | Former CADRE Fellows receive new NSF CAREER awards
Three former CADRE Fellows are among the recipients of recent NSF CAREER awards: Carlos Nicolas Gomez (2014-15 Fellow), María González-Howard (2015-16 Fellow), and Joel Mejia (2013-14 Fellow).
Posted: Friday, January 17
Early Career News | Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education Scholars Program
Applications for open for the NSF-funded Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education Scholars Program (NSF QRM Scholars Program), presented by the University of Maryland, College Park. The program pairs early career faculty and postdoctoral fellows with quantitative mentors to help researchers develop their skills in design, measurement, and analysis.
Posted: Friday, January 17
Project Spotlight | Computer Science and Computational Thinking
As the field of computer science grows and computing technology becomes increasingly prominent, helping students develop proficiency with computer science concepts and practices and computational ways of thinking has become a national priority. Preparing all students for a computer-driven future will require innovations in curriculum, assessment, and teaching. In this Spotlight, Aankit Patel…
Posted: Thursday, January 16
Announcement | Now accepting applications for the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity
CADRE is inviting 5 postdoctoral researchers who work in the field of STEM education research to participate in the CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. Applications are open now through February 21, 2020. CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity Overview Selected postdocs will have the opportunity to network with other early career researchers, engage in informal mentoring with…
Posted: Thursday, January 16
Event | Computer Science for All (CSforAll: Research and RPPs) Proposal Deadline
Read the solicitation here: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20539/nsf20539.htm. Learn more about the program here: https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505359
Posted: Thursday, January 16
Announcement | NSF Computer Science for All (CSforAll) Solicitation
NSF’s Computer Science for All Solicitation has been updated with an additional strand to allow proposals that focus on research into computer science teaching and learning. The proposal deadline is April 13, 2020. View the full solicitation:https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20539/nsf20539.htm
Posted: Wednesday, January 15
Early Career News | Apply for the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity
CADRE is inviting 5 postdoctoral researchers who work in the field of STEM education research to participate in the CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. Selected postdocs will have the opportunity to network with other early career researchers, engage in informal mentoring with more experienced researchers, participate in capacity-building webinars on funding their research agenda,…
Posted: Tuesday, January 14
Event | Join the Office Hour with NSF INCLUDES Program Officer Kurt Thoroughman
During this hour, Kurt will share a brief presentation on the overview and aspirations of the NSF INCLUDES program, the National Network and the Coordination Hub.   The presentation will be followed by time for a conversation. So, come with your questions and RSVP Now to join the conversation on January 23 at 1 pm ET.  Online Instructions: Url: http://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/…
Posted: Tuesday, December 17
Newsletter | December 2019 Newsletter
Looking Back ... There were some exciting STEM achievements in 2019, such as the imaging of a black hole and the first all-female spacewalk. NSF managed to make a lot of awards, despite a government shutdown. One of the CAREER grants was awarded to former CADRE Fellow Carlos (Nick) Gomez! This interactive NSF awards summary shows the number of awards and amount of funding by state, type of…
Posted: Monday, December 16
Announcement | Increasing Access to Engineering Practices in the Middle Grades
CADRE and DRK-12 colleagues will lead a session on engineering education at the 2020 NSTA Conference in Boston, MA.   Presenters: Jennie Chiu, University of Virginia Catherine McCulloch, Education Development Center, Inc. (Presider) Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University Edna Tan, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Vikram Kapila, New York University Session Abstract:In…
Posted: Monday, December 16
Resource | Longitudinal Investigation of Primary Inservice Teachers’ Modelling the Hydrological Phenomena
To develop students’ capacity for science and to engage them productively in science and engineering practices, science education reform efforts have focused on supporting teachers’ development of conceptual understandings through engagement with both disciplinary content and practices, including science teaching at the primary level. One topic of importance for primary science instruction…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Resource | Making Mathematical Thinking Visible
For English language learners, diagrams can be a powerful tool to develop and communicate mathematical understanding. Imagine being a 6th grade student who is still learning English, sitting in a mathematics classroom and trying to navigate the lesson. You might wonder: What is the teacher saying I should do? Did my classmates solve it the way I did? Will the other students laugh at me when I…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Resource | Developing Student 21st Century Skills in Selected Exemplary Inclusive STEM High Schools
There is a need to arm students with noncognitive, or 21st Century, skills to prepare them for a more STEM-based job market. As STEM schools are created in a response to this call to action, research is needed to better understand how exemplary STEM schools successfully accomplish this goal. This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Resource | Supporting the Scientific Practices through Epistemologically Responsive Science Teaching
Meaningfully engaging students in the NGSS scientific practices requires that student ideas become the driving force of classroom activity. However, in order for student ideas to take on this new role, teachers must engage in responsive teaching in which they elicit, notice, and respond to the substance of student thinking. In this work, we explore a variety of types of responsive teaching and…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Resource | Eliminating Counterexamples: A Case Study Intervention for Improving Adolescents’ Ability to Critique Direct Arguments
Students’ difficulties with argumentation, proving, and the role of counterexamples in proving are well documented. Students in this study experienced an intervention for improving their argumentation and proving practices. The intervention included the eliminating counterexamples (ECE) framework as a means of constructing and critiquing viable arguments for a general claim. This framework…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Early Career News | Understanding Factors related to Undergraduate Student Decision-making about a Complex Socio-scientific Issue: Mountain Lion Management
Jenny Dauer (2012-13 CADRE Fellow) and Ashley R. Alred published this article in the Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Resource | Empowering Students with Specific Learning Disabilities: Jim’s Concept of Unit Fraction
Cognitive differences have historically led to deficit assumptions concerning the mathematical experiences that children with learning disabilities (LD) can access. We argue that the problem can be located not within children but instead as a mismatch between features of instruction and children’s unique learning abilities. In this paper, we investigate how one elementary school child, Jim, with…
Posted: Wednesday, December 11
Event | EHR Core Research (ECR): Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (ECR: BCSER) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505645&org=EHR&sel_org=EHR&from=fund
Posted: Tuesday, December 10
Early Career News | Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Solicitation & PECASE
The deadline for CAREER proposals is July 27, 2020. Read the solicitation, which includes a description of the NSF Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Learn more about the CAREER program.
Posted: Monday, December 09
Announcement | Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Solicitation & PECASE
The deadline for CAREER proposals is July 27, 2020. Read the solicitation, which includes a description of the NSF Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Learn more about the CAREER program.
Posted: Monday, December 09
Early Career News | Fall 2019 Job Openings
Several universities are hiring for postdoc, junior faculty, and non-faculty positions in STEM education deparments, including: University of California, Irvine; Simon Fraser University; Drexel University; New York University; Southern Methodist University; University of Arizona; University of Connecticut; University of Georgia; University of Texas at Austin; University of Wisconsin-Madison; and…
Posted: Tuesday, November 26
Early Career News | The Impact of The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! on Learning
This report by Todd Grindal, Megan Silander, Sarah Gerard, Tiffany Maxon (2019-20 CADRE Fellow), Elisa Garcia, Naomi Hupert, Phil Vahey, and Shelley Pasnik shares findings from a study that examined the impact of The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! media resources.
Posted: Tuesday, November 26
Early Career News | Empowering Students with Specific Learning Disabilities: Jim’s Concept of Unit Fraction
Jessica Hunt (CAREER awardee) published this Journal of Mathematics Behavior article with co-authors Juanita Silva and Rachel Lambert.
Posted: Tuesday, November 26
Blog | Positioning Students’ Perspectives at the Center in Developing and Teaching with Science Curriculum Materials
These are exciting times for science education. Decades of research has led to the innovations reflected in the National Research Council’s  (2012) Framework for K-12 Science and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS 2013). These documents call for students to engage in science and engineering practices to build and use science ideas, rather than solely learning about the science others…
Posted: Tuesday, November 26
Blog | Coherence Across the Mathematics Curriculum
One important aspect of any mathematics curriculum is its coherence, or connections, across lessons. This coherence links lessons and activities so that mathematical ideas, representations, practices, skills, instructional strategies, and ways of thinking build upon each other to help students construct mathematical meaning. When teachers rely predominantly on published curriculum materials,…
Posted: Monday, November 25
Newsletter | November 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, This month, we spotlight research on supporting teachers in choosing, adapting, and/or developing STEM instructional materials. Teachers are increasingly involved in these curriculum activities and decisions. Congratulations to all of you who submitted a DRK-12 research proposal this month! If you didn't submit, consider volunteering to review proposals. The NSF Education and…
Posted: Monday, November 25