What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 2019 Annual Conference of PME-NA; St. Louis, MO
To learn more, visit https://web.cvent.com/event/2b6a9739-5624-41a3-8134-763bfebe1738/summary   DRK-12 Presenters: Johannah Nikula and Jill DePiper, Education Development Center, Visual Access to Mathematics: Professional Development for Teachers of English Learners  
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 2020 NCSM Annual Conference; Chicago, IL - CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled. To learn more, visit https://www.mathedleadership.org/events/conferences/IL/index.html. DRK-12 Presenters: Cynthia D. Carson and Genie Foster, University of Rochester; Ryan Gillespie and Julie Amador, University of Idaho Caroline Ebby and Lindsay Goldsmith-Markey, University of Pennsylvania; Chris Powers and Regina Johnson Barr, School…
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2020 NCTM Conference & Exposition; Tampa, FL - VIRTUAL
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/virtual2020/.
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2020 NCTM Research Conference; St. Louis, MO - RESCHEDULED
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference⁠—originally scheduled for October 19-21, 2020⁠—has been rescheduled. To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/Conferences-and-Professional-Development/Research-…
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2020 NCTM Centennial Annual Meeting; Chicago, IL - CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled. To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/100/. DRK-12 Presenters: Jinfa Cai, University of Delaware
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2020 NCTM Math Education Research Celebration; Chicago, IL - CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this symposium is cancelled. To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/Conferences-and-Professional-Development/Research-…. DRK-12 Presenters: Caroline Ebby and Lindsay Goldsmith-Markey, University of Pennsylvania; Sheila Stubbs, Tiffany Moyer, and Anna Varan, School District of Philadelphia
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2019 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Salt Lake City, UT
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/saltlakecity2019/?ref=button
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2019 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Nashville, TN
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/nashville2019/?ref=button
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2019 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Boston, MA
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/boston2019/?ref=button
Posted: Friday, September 13
Event | Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2020 Annual AMTE Conference; Phoenix, AZ
To learn more, visit https://amte.net/conferences/conf2020. DRK-12 Presenters: Julie Amador and Ryan Gillespie, University of Idaho; Cynthia D. Carson, University of Rochester Amy Hackenberg, Indiana University; Rebecca Borowski, Western Washington University; Robin Jones, Indiana University Keith Leatham, Brigham Young University; Shari Stockero, Michigan Technological University; Blake Peterson…
Posted: Friday, September 13
Early Career News | Investigation of an equity ethic in engineering and computing doctoral students
Dara E. Naphan‐Kingery, Monica Miles, Amanda Brockman, Rachel McKane, Portia Botchway (2017-18 CADRE Fellow), and Ebony McGee published this article in the Research Journal for Engineering Education.
Posted: Friday, September 13
Resource | “This is Really Frying My Brain!”: How Affect Supports Inquiry in an Online Learning Environment
Jaber, L. Z., Hufnagel, E., & Radoff, J. (2019). “This is Really Frying My Brain!”: How Affect Supports Inquiry in an Online Learning Environment. Research in Science Education.
Posted: Friday, September 13
Resource | Toward a theoretical structure to characterize early probabilistic thinking
The role of probability in curricula for children has fluctuated greatly over the past several decades. Recently, some countries have removed probability from their preschool and primary curricula, and others have retained it. One reason for such lack of agreement is that theory about early probability learning is still relatively new and under development. The purpose of this report is to sketch…
Posted: Friday, September 13
Posted: Thursday, September 12
Event | NSF AISL Virtual Office Hours
Learn more and register at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/179945373890869004?source=BLOG
Posted: Friday, September 06
Announcement | New NSF DRK-12 Proposal Submission Deadline: November 18, 2019
The DRK-12 proposal submission deadline has been changed to 11/18/19.   https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=500047
Posted: Tuesday, September 03
Resource | Gina’s mathematics: Thinking, tricks, or “teaching”?
Students with learning disabilities display a diverse array of factors that interplay with their mathematical understanding. Our aim in this paper is to discuss the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. We present analysis and results from multiple sessions conducted during a teaching…
Posted: Friday, August 30
Resource | Toward Youth Participatory Science: In Search of Science (Education) for the People
Frausto, A., Morales-Doyle, D., Fitch, A., Hatch, S., & Nagy, K. (2019, April). Toward Youth Participatory Science: In Search of Science (Education) for the People. Presentation at the annual international conference of NARST, Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Monday, August 26
Resource | Science Curriculum from the Grassroots
Morales-Doyle, D., Frausto, A., Childress Price, T., Chappell, M., & Hatch, S. (2019, April). Science curriculum from the grassroots. Presentation at the annual conference of the National Science Teachers Association, St. Louis, Missouri.
Posted: Monday, August 26
Resource | Beyond PCK: Science Teachers Building Critical Historical Knowledge for Environmental Justice
Morales-Doyle, D., Frausto, A., Chappell, M.J., Childress-Price, T.L., Collins, D.A., Levingston, A., Aguilera, A., Canales, K., & Herrera, E. (2019, April). Beyond PCK: Science Teachers Building Critical Historical Knowledge for Environmental Justice. Presentation at the annual international conference of NARST, Baltimore, MD.
Posted: Monday, August 26
Newsletter | August 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, The 2019 DRK-12 grants have been awarded, and new projects are beginning. Welcome to all the new members of the CADRE community! We send a special congratulations to former CADRE Fellows Camillia Matuk and Jonee Wilson, who have earned new awards. Learn about their exciting and innovative research by exploring the newly funded work.  We are also looking forward to welcoming a new…
Posted: Monday, August 26
Early Career News | Former CADRE Fellows receive new DRK-12 awards
Former CADRE Fellows Camillia Matuk (2010-11) and Jonee Wilson (2013-14) are among the recipients of DRK-12 awards for 2019.
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Early Career News | Communities Take Charge
Lissy Goralnik, Jenny Dauer (2012-13 CADRE Fellow), and Carly Lettero co-authored this article for The Science Teacher.
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Early Career News | Epistemological framing and novice elementary teachers' approaches to learning and teaching engineering design
Kristen B. Wendell (CAREER awardee), Jessica E. S. Swenson, and Tejaswini S. Dalvi published this article in Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Resource | Epistemological framing and novice elementary teachers' approaches to learning and teaching engineering design
As engineering learning experiences increasingly begin in elementary school, elementary teacher preparation programs are an important site for the study of teacher development in engineering education. In this article, we argue that the stances that novice teachers adopt toward engineering learning and knowledge are consequential for the opportunities they create for students. We present a…
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Early Career News | Qualitative graphing in an authentic inquiry context: How construction and critique help middle school students to reason about cancer
Camillia Matuk (2010-11 CADRE Fellow) published this article in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching with co-authors Jiayuan Zhang, Irina Uk, and Marcia C. Linn.
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Resource | Qualitative graphing in an authentic inquiry context: How construction and critique help middle school students to reason about cancer
Inquiry instruction often neglects graphing. It gives students few opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to take advantage of graphs, and which are called for by current science education standards. Yet, it is not well known how to support graphing skills, particularly within middle school science inquiry contexts. Using qualitative graphs is a promising, but underexplored…
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Resource | Understanding Science and Language Connections: New Approaches to Assessment with Bilingual Learners
We report on the use of bilingual constructed response science assessments in the context of a research and development partnership with secondary school science teachers. Given the power that assessments have in today’s education systems, our project provided a series of workshops for teachers where they explored students’ emergent reform-oriented science meaning-making in our project-designed…
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Resource | Validating a Model for Assessing Science Teacher’s Adaptive Expertise with Computer-Supported Complex Systems Curricula and Its Relationship to Student Learning Outcomes
The success of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and similar reforms is contingent upon the quality of teaching, yet the shifts in teaching practice required are substantial. In this study, we propose and validate a model of adaptive expertise needed for teachers to successfully deliver NGSS-informed computer-supported complex systems curricula in high school science classrooms. The…
Posted: Thursday, August 22
Resource | Mathematical content knowledge and knowledge for teaching: exploring their distinguishability and contribution to student learning
During the last three decades, scholars have proposed several conceptual structures to represent teacher knowledge. A common denominator in this work is the assumption that disciplinary knowledge and the knowledge needed for teaching are distinct. However, empirical findings on the distinguishability of these two knowledge components, and their relationship with student outcomes, are mixed. In…
Posted: Thursday, August 22