What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | Teaching STEM with Robotics: 10 NGSS-Plus-5E Lessons
10 NGSS-Plus-5E middle school lessons for teaching STEM with robotics.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Teaching STEM with Robotics: Common Core State Standards-Aligned Lessons
22 Common Core State Standards-aligned middle school lessons for teaching STEM with robotics.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Scientific Inquiry for Young Children: Linking Teacher Professional Development and Family Engagement to Improve Student Achievement
Hapgood, S., Paprzycki, P., Czerniak, C.M. (2019). Scientific Inquiry for Young Children: Linking Teacher Professional Development and Family Engagement to Improve Student Achievement. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development conference [SRCD], Balitmore, MD. March 2019.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on Middle Grades Literacy and Mathematics
Czerniak, C. M., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., & Kaderavek, J. (2019). Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on Middle Grades Literacy and Mathematics. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research [GLOCER], Sarasota, FL. May 2019.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on 5th Grade Science Achievement
Czerniak, C. M., Kaderavek, J., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., Mentzer, G., Molitor, S., & Mendenhall, R. (2019). Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on 5th Grade Science Achievement. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association [ESERA], Bologna, Italy. August 2019.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Early Childhood Educators’ Declarative Knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards
Hapgood, S., Heuring, J. & Wilson, G., Czerniak, C. (Accepted for January 2020). Early Childhood Educators’ Declarative Knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards. A poster to be presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators [ASTE] International Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | 3DLA: Three Dimensional Learning Architecture Instructional Planning Tool
Hapgood, S., Wilson, G., Heuring, J. & Czerniak, C. M. (Accepted for January 2020). 3DLA: Three dimensional Learning Architecture instructional planning tool. A workshop to be presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators [ASTE] International Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Blog | Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Assessing English Language Learners
Addressing EL Linguistic Heterogeneity. The performance of English language learners (ELs; students who are still developing English as a second language) on tests in English and in their first language is inconsistent across languages and across test items. This instability is due to the fact that every EL student has a unique combination of strengths in each language that is not possible to…
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Designing Robotics-based Science Lessons Aligned with the Three Dimensions of NGSS-plus-5E Model: A Content Analysis
Currently, 19 states have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) while 16 states have revised their standards to mirror the NGSS. Transitioning from the previous standards to the NGSS requires in-depth teacher professional development (PD) that delves into the three-dimensional (3D) performance expectations (PE) of the NGSS. Each PE constitutes: science and engineering practices (…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Use of a Design Canvas in a Robotics Workshop and Analysis of its Efficacy
Advances in science and technology are shaping every aspect of our lives including education, work, healthcare, transportation, commerce, and entertainment. This societal transformation has created an increasing demand for a workforce well-trained in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields and representative of societal diversity. To meet this demand, the K-12 educational…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Analyzing Successful Teaching Practices in Middle School Science and Math Classrooms when using Robotics
A robotics-based curriculum offers numerous opportunities to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for students and enables teachers to integrate engineering and computing techniques into educational programs. Prior studies have indicated significant role of robots in supporting myriad educational activities in classrooms, e.g., engaging participants in active…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Designing NGSS-Aligned Lesson Plans During a Teacher Professional Development Program
Rapid technological advances are dominating the evolution of world’s economy and increasingly influencing our daily lives. Even as such advances have greatly improved human living condition, a majority of people either lack the understanding of technology or frequently ignore it. While post-secondary science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education seeks to remedy this disconnect, its…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Middle School Teacher Professional Development in Creating a NGSS-plus-5E Robotics Curriculum
The persistent lack of diversity in STEM fields remains a serious challenge for U.S. global competitiveness. STEM jobs are growing 29% faster than any other U.S. sector. Yet, today, white men hold roughly 75% of all scientists and engineering jobs, despite making up only 26% of the total workforce. The cause of this diversity gap can be traced to our educational system, where girls and most…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Investigating Classroom-related Factors that Influence Student Perceptions of LEGO Robots as Educational Tools in Middle Schools
This paper investigates classroom-related factors such as pedagogical strategies and management of robotics-based educational content that contribute to the formation of student perceptions in robotics-enhanced classes. Robots are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in K-12 classroom in the United States and are used to improve student engagement, interactive learning, innovative thinking,…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Critical Science Agency and Power Hierarchies: Restructuring Power within Groups to Address Injustice Beyond Them
Promoting critical science agency (CSA) may be one way to promote educational justice. CSA is using science with other powerful forms of knowledge to address issues of injustice. However, the process of enacting CSA is always embedded within a sociopolitical context, which positions some students with more power than others. Drawing upon a social practice theory analytical lens with a focus on…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Revisiting Purpose and Conceptualisation in the Design of Assessments of Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge
In this paper, we focus on the design of assessments of mathematics teachers’ knowledge by emphasising the importance of identifying the purpose for the assessment, defining the specific construct to be measured, and considering the affordances of particular psychometric models on the development of assessments as well as how they are able to communicate learning or understanding. We add to the…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Experimental Impacts of the Ongoing Assessment Project on Teachers and Students
In this report, we describe the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of a mathematics initiative called Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two Philadelphia area school districts. OGAP is a mathematics program which combines teacher formative assessment practices with knowledge of student developmental progressions to build deeper…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Pathways for Analyzing and Responding to Student Work for Formative Assessment: The Role of Teachers’ Goals for Student Learning
This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own student work during the process of formative assessment. The study involved a purposefully selected sample of 32 teachers in grades K-5 who had been trained by the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) to use learning progressions to analyze and respond to evidence in student work. Since formative assessment is fundamentally an…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Synchronous Online Model for Mathematics Teachers' Professional Development
In this chapter, the authors present the design rationale for and empirical results from a predominantly synchronous three-part online model for the professional development of mathematics teachers in rural contexts. They describe how the design of the components are complementary and are intended to support teachers to develop challenging instructional practices, even when the teachers are…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Bridging the Distance: One-on-One Video Coaching Supports Rural Teachers
This article describes online video coaching model used with middle-grades, rural mathematics teachers. Carson, C., Callard, C., Gillespie, R., Choppin, J., & Amador, J. (2019). Bridging the distance: One-on-one video coaching supports rural teachers. The Learning Professional, 40(6), 66-70.
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Coordinating between Graphs and Science Concepts: Density and Buoyancy
Graphs illustrating complex scientific relationships require students to integrate multiple concepts and visual features into a coherent understanding. We investigate ways to support students in integrating their understanding of density concepts through a graph that is linked to a simulation depicting the relationship between mass, volume, and density. We randomly assigned 325 8th-grade students…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Impact of Graph Technologies in K-12 Science and Mathematics Education
Graph technologies are now widely available in K-12 science and mathematics classrooms. These technologies have the potential to impact the learning of science and mathematics, especially by supporting student investigations. We use meta-analysis to analyze 42 design and comparison studies involving data from 7699 students spanning over 35 years. In these studies, graphing technologies include…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Revealing Teacher Knowledge through Making: A Case Study of Two Prospective Mathematics Teachers
We describe an experience within mathematics teacher preparation that engages pre-service teachers of mathematics (PMTs) in Making and design practices that we hypothesized would inform their conceptual, curricular, and pedagogical thinking. With a focus on the design of new tools that can generate new possibilities for mathematics teaching and learning, this Learning by Design experience has…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Families’ Capacity to Engage in Science Inquiry at Home Through Structured Activities
The role that caregivers can play in their child’s science education is often overlooked within science education research. Few studies have focused on the capacity and abilities of caregivers to guide science activities. The purpose of this study was to describe how families utilize science activity packs at home. Data indicate that the adults encouraged their children to observe, predict,…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Maximizing the Quality of Learning Opportunities for Every Student
For five decades, JRME has sought to publish high-quality mathematics education research that advances the field’s knowledge and has a positive impact on the teaching and learning of mathematics in the classroom. The journal’s 50th anniversary represents an opportune time for the research community to take a step back, assess what progress has been made on the major problems of the field, and…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Addressing the Problem of Always Starting Over: Identifying, Valuing, and Sharing Professional Knowledge for Teaching
Cai, J., Morris, A., Hohensee, C., Hwang, S., Robison, V., Cirillo, M., Kramer, S. L., Hiebert, J., & Bakker, A. (2020). Addressing the problem of always starting over: Identifying, valuing, and sharing professional knowledge for teaching. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 51(2).
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Chemistry Critical Friendships: Investigating Chemistry-Specific Discourse within a Domain-General Discussion of Best Practices for Inquiry Assessments
High school chemistry teachers struggle to use assessment results to inform instruction. In the absence of expert assistance, teachers often look to their peers for guidance and support; however, little is known about the assessment beliefs and practices of high school chemistry teachers or the discourse mechanisms used as teachers support one another. Presented in this paper are the results from…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Analysis of the e-TEN Calibration Data
The present report summarizes the analyses of the calibration data for the electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN), an adaptive, iPad-based test of early numeracy achievement. A total of 794 children age 3 years to 8 years-11months from two states were tested.Items were designed to map ontoseven theoretical domains: verbal counting, numbering, numerical relations, numeral literacy, single-digit…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Resource | Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptions of Mathematical Argumentation
Drawing on a situated perspective on learning, we analyzed written, open-ended journals of 52 pre-service teachers (PSTs) concurrently enrolled in mathematics and pedagogy with field experience courses for elementary education majors. Our study provides insights into PSTs’ conceptualizations of mathematical argumentation in terms of its meanings. The data reveals how PSTs perceive teacher actions…
Posted: Friday, February 21
Event | Association for Education Finance and Policy AEFP 45th Annual Conference; Fort Worth, TX - VIRTUAL
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit https://aefpweb.org/conferences/home.
Posted: Friday, February 21