What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2022 ASCD Leadership Summit; National Harbor, MD
To learn more, visit https://events.ascd.org/past-and-future-events.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2022 ASCD Annual Conference; Chicago, IL
To learn more, visit https://events.ascd.org/annual-conference.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | American Educational Research Association 2022 AERA Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://www.aera.net/Events-Meetings/Annual-Meeting. DRK-12 Presentations "Juntos" to Support Multilingual Students' Mathematics Learning: Bringing Families' Funds of Knowledge Into the Classroom (Presenters: Napp-Avelli, C., Quintos, B., Civil, M., Salazar, F., Buli, T., Cadenas-Guzman, M. & Krell, M.) A Responsive Co-Design Process for 3-Dimensional Performance…
Posted: Friday, September 03
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education AACTE 74th Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA
To learn more, visit https://aacte.org/professional-development-events/annual-meeting/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | SXSW EDU Online - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://www.sxswedu.com/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2022 SITE International Conference; San Diego, CA - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://site.aace.org/conf/. DRK-12 Presentations Exploring the Potential of an Online Suite of Practice-based Activities for Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers in Learning How to Facilitate Argumentation-Focused Discussions in Mathematics and Science (Presenters: Mikeska, J.N., Shekell, C., Maltese, A., Reich, J., Thompson, M.M., Howell, H., Lottero-Perdue, P., &…
Posted: Friday, September 03
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | International Society of the Learning Sciences 2022 ISLS Annual Meeting; Hiroshima, Japan - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://2022.isls.org/. DRK-12 Presentations "We Need to Step it Up—We Are Basically the Future”: Latinx Young Women Doing Chemistry (Presenters: Nation, J. & Kang, H.) Applying Deweyan Perspective of Inquiry to Teaching Experimentation Using Simulation (Presenters: Gey-Hong Gweon) Argumentation with Summary Tables in Geoscience Learning (Presenters: Kathryn Bateman,…
Posted: Friday, September 03
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Consortium of School Networking CoSN 2022 Annual Conference; Nashville, TN
To learn more, visit https://cosnconference.org/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Conference on Computer Supported Education 14th International CSEDU Conference - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://csedu.scitevents.org/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Computer-Using Educators Spring CUE 2022 National Conference; Palm Springs, CA - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://cue.org/conferences/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Conceive Design Implement Operate Initiative 18th International CDIO Conference; Reykjavík, Iceland
To learn more, visit https://cdio2022.ru.is/. DRK-12 Presentations Measuring Teacher Quality: Surveys Versus Video-based Think Aloud Protocols (Presenters: Karen Koellner, Nanette Seago, Nicora Placa, and Amanda Riske)
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | American Society for Engineering Education 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition; Minneapolis, MN
To learn more, visit https://www.asee.org/events/Conferences-and-Meetings/2022-Annual-Confer…. DRK-12 Presentations “Should We Build This?”: Student Reasoning in Intentionally Facilitated Socio-technical Design Talks (Presenters: Chelsea Andrews, Tyrine Pangan, and Natalie DeLucca) Examining Student Cognitive Engagement in Integrated STEM (Fundamental) (Presenters: Faruqi, F., Keratithamkul, K.,…
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Association for Science Teacher Education 2022 ASTE International Conference; Greenville, SC
To learn more, visit https://theaste.org/meetings/2022-international-conference/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice 2022 Virtual SEEDS International Conference
To learn more, visit https://sites.google.com/view/seedshome/seeds-home?authuser=0.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | National Science Teachers Association 2022 National NSTA Conference; Houston, TX
To learn more, visit https://www.nsta.org/houston-national-conference-science-education. DRK-12 Presentations Building Leadership Capacity to Support Science Implementation in Elementary Grades (Presenters: O’Connor, D. & Hayes, K.) Developing Teacher Noticing Capacity of Sensemaking (Presenters: O’Connor, D., Jackson, C., & Wright, N.)
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | National Association for Research in Science Teaching 2022 Annual International NARST Conference; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - HYBRID
To learn more, visit https://narst.org/conferences/2022-annual-conference. DRK-12 Presentations Current Practices in K-12 Integrated STEM Education: A Comparison Across Science Content Areas and Grade-Levels (Fundamental) (Presenters: Emily A. Dare, Joshua A. Ellis, Gillian Roehrig, Elizabeth A. Ring-Whalen) Exploring 6th-Grade Students Model-Based Reasoning about Energy Flow Between Societal and…
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | National Association of Biology Teachers 2022 NABT Professional Development Conference; Indianapolis, IN
To learn more, visit https://nabt.org/Events-Future-Conferences.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Association of Science and Technology Centers 2022 ASTC Annual Conference; Pittsburgh, PA
To learn more, visit https://www.astc.org/astc-2022/.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | American Association of Physics Teachers 2022 AAPT Summer Meeting; Grand Rapids, MI
To learn more, visit https://www.aapt.org/Conferences/SM2022/index.cfm.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | American Association of Physics Teachers 2022 AAPT Winter Meeting; New Orleans, LA
To learn more, visit https://www.aapt.org/Conferences/WM2022/index.cfm.
Posted: Friday, September 03
Posted: Friday, September 03
Event | Research Council on Mathematics Learning 2022 RCML Annual Conference; Grapevine, TX
To learn more, visit https://www.rcml-math.org/rcml-conference-2022.
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Baltimore, MD
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/regionals/. DRK-12 Presentations Noticing and Wondering about Students’ Work: A Path to More Meaningful Feedback and Instruction (Presenters: Amanda Reinsburrow, Annie Fetter, Victor Powell, Laura Kaplan, Joanne Vakil, and Allyson Greenstein)
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition; Los Angeles, CA
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/Conferences-and-Professional-Development/Annual-Me…. DRK-12 Presentations Engaging in the Problem Solving as a Teacher Changes How We Look At and Analyze Student Work (Presenters: Valerie Klein, Amanda Reinsburrow, Annie Fetter, Anthony Matranga, and Jason Silverman) Explore Algebra Modeling Problems Designed for Emergent Bilinguals (Presenters: Ji Yeong…
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Event | Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2022 Annual AMTE Conference; Las Vegas, NV
To learn more, visit https://amte.net/content/2022-annual-amte-conference.
Posted: Thursday, September 02