What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2021 NCTM Fall Virtual Conference
To learn more, visit https://www.nctm.org/fallvirtual2021/.
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Resource | Fraction Activities and Assessments for Conceptual Teaching (FAACT)
The Fraction Activities and Assessments for Conceptual Teaching (FAACT) instructional program is designed to support teachers’ insights into students’ conceptual understandings of fractions. The overall program goal is to foster a deep conceptual understanding of fractions as quantities for students with LD and math difficulty. FAACT is designed from validated learning trajectories, which consist…
Posted: Thursday, September 02
Announcement | Upcoming NSF Webinar on PAPPG Changes
NSF is offering an NSF Proposal and Award Policy Update Webinar on September 21, 2021 from 2-3 PM EST. There is no cost to participate. The Webinar will provide an overview of significant changes and clarifications to the PAPPG that will take effect on October 4, 2021. Register at: https://nsfpolicyoutreach.com/21-pappg/
Posted: Wednesday, September 01
Announcement | NSF Announcement on Proposal Functionality, Website Enhancements, and More
This notice was sent on August 31, 2021 from the National Science Foundation. Subject: New Proposal Functionality, NSF Website Enhancements, and Updates to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Formats Dear Colleagues: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has enabled a number of enhancements for proposals submitted in Research.gov, FastLane, and Grants.gov. In addition, the…
Posted: Tuesday, August 31
Resource | Prompting Collaborative and Exploratory Discourse: An Epistemic Network Analysis Study
By encouraging elementary students to work collaboratively, they can gain essential skills such as perspective taking, conflict negotiation, and asking for and receiving assistance. Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) is an analytic technique that provides an alternative to more typical approaches to analyzing and synthesizing coded dialogue. This study used an easy-to-implement prompting…
Posted: Tuesday, August 24
Resource | Prompting Collaborative and Exploratory Discourse: An Epistemic Network Analysis Study
By encouraging elementary students to work collaboratively, they can gain essential skills such as perspective taking, conflict negotiation, and asking for and receiving assistance. Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) is an analytic technique that provides an alternative to more typical approaches to analyzing and synthesizing coded dialogue. This study used an easy-to-implement prompting…
Posted: Tuesday, August 24
Resource | NGSS-Aligned Assessment Tasks for Grades 3–5
This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers. Development of these tasks and associated resources will be ongoing, throughout the duration of the project period. These updates may…
Posted: Thursday, August 19
Resource | NGSS-Aligned Assessment Tasks for Grades 3–5
This web-based portal offers free, technology-enhanced science assessment tasks for Grades 3-5. Designed for use by educators, researchers, and the public, the tasks are aligned to the NGSS performance expectations and have been developed with elementary teachers. Development of these tasks and associated resources will be ongoing, throughout the duration of the project period. These updates may…
Posted: Thursday, August 19
Newsletter | August 2021 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, This month, we’re showcasing resources to support equitable and inclusive instruction and research from NSF resource networks (see article below). We're also featuring new DRK-12 projects on Facebook and Twitter over the next few weeks. Get to know the #NewDRK12Awards. To learn more about previously funded DRK-12 projects, watch this 2021 STEM for All DRK-12 video playlist or…
Posted: Wednesday, August 18
Event | Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) for Secondary and Elementary Teachers in STEM Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5483&org=EHR&sel_org=E…
Posted: Friday, August 13
Event | Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP): Targeted STEM Infusion Projects Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5483&org=EHR&sel_org=E…
Posted: Friday, August 13
Event | Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5464&org=EHR&sel_org=E…
Posted: Friday, August 13
Poster | Reaching Across the Hallway: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Computer Science in Rural Schools
"Reaching Across the Hallway: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Computer Science in Rural Schools" is in its first project year. Our goal is to design and develop a train-the-trainer professional development model that supports 5th-8th grade teachers in integrating culturally relevant computer science into their rural, social studies classrooms. The professional development content will…
Posted: Wednesday, August 04
Announcement | New Grants.gov Application Guide
NSF has issued a new Grants.gov Application Guide, effective for proposals submitted or due on or after October 4, 2021. For proposals submitted prior to October 4, 2021, the guidelines in grantsgovguide1020 apply. Find additional proposal resources in our NSF Proposal Toolkit.
Posted: Wednesday, August 04
Announcement | CAREER Program Deadline Extension
NSF's CAREER program deadline was extended until tomorrow, July 28 (5PM your local time) due to system-wide issues.
Posted: Tuesday, July 27
Poster | Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction (VEAR-MI)
This poster describes the work of the Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction (VEAR-MI) project, which aims to address the growing need to develop empirically grounded ways of assessing the extent to which the practices that are being outlined in research literature actually serve to support students who are currently underserved and underrepresented in mathematics…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | The Spectrum Laboratory: Towards Authentic Inquiry for All
The Spectrum Laboratory is an online data visualization tool and associated set of investigations that supports students in learning about light, color, and the electromagnetic spectrum by working with authentic scientific spectral data. The research study investigates factors that hinder or promote students' reasoning about spectra; and to determine how the curriculum can help students to use…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | The Developmental Emergence and Consequences of Spatial and Math Gender Stereotypes
Attitudes and beliefs about math and space have been found to be predictive of STEM participation and achievement, with females generally reporting lower math and spatial self-concept and higher anxieties related to these domains (e.g., Sokolowski et al., 2019). However, little work to date has explored the acquisition of these attitudes and beliefs, particularly related to the domain of space.…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Teacher Professional Learning to Support Student Motivational Competencies During Science Instruction (Collaborative Research: Harris, Linnenbrink-Garcia, and Marchand)
This collaborative project uses co-design as a strategy to develop a professional learning approach to help middle school teachers support students' motivation and engagement in the context of NGSS instruction. The project brings together motivation experts, science education researchers, and middle school science teachers. The poster outlines the project goals, introduces five motivation design…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Teacher Professional Learning to Support Student Motivational Competencies During Science Instruction (Collaborative Research: Harris, Linnenbrink-Garcia, and Marchand)
This collaborative project uses co-design as a strategy to develop a professional learning approach to help middle school teachers support students' motivation and engagement in the context of NGSS instruction. The project brings together motivation experts, science education researchers, and middle school science teachers. The poster outlines the project goals, introduces five motivation design…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Teacher Professional Learning to Support Student Motivational Competencies During Science Instruction (Collaborative Research: Harris, Linnenbrink-Garcia, and Marchand)
This collaborative project uses co-design as a strategy to develop a professional learning approach to help middle school teachers support students' motivation and engagement in the context of NGSS instruction. The project brings together motivation experts, science education researchers, and middle school science teachers. The poster outlines the project goals, introduces five motivation design…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Sensing Science through Modeling: Developing Kindergarten Students' Understanding of Matter and Its Changes
The Sensing Science through Modeling Matter: Kindergarten Students’ Development of Understanding of Matter and Its Changes project has developed and researched a technology-enriched curriculum to support learning about matter and its changes at the kindergarten level. Traditionally, particle-based worlds are introduced in upper elementary school when children already hold incorrect ideas that…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings
Our learning approach, eco-solutioning, emphasizes learning 3D environmental content through the construction of solutions that have an impact with and on the local environment. Project goals include the design, implementation, and evaluation of a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curricular unit delivered through Gooru’s Learning Navigator data backbone system where middle school…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Poster | Supporting Teachers in Responsive Instruction for Developing Expertise in Science (Collaborative Research: Riordan)
With the increasing use of online interactive environments for science and engineering education in grades K-12, there is a growing need for detailed automatic analysis of student explanations to provide targeted and individualized guidance. In this work we describe a process of human annotation of student ideas based on deconstructed holistic scoring rubrics for knowledge integration in science…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Blog | Tips for Planning a Conference Session
It can be a challenge to plan a conference session that effectively engages panelists from different institutions and research backgrounds. The panelists may or may not know one another, or one another’s work. How do you plan for a dialogue that showcases each panelist and their work while also highlighting areas of overlapping interest? Here are a session designer’s strategies as remarked upon…
Posted: Monday, July 26
Early Career News | 2013-14 CADRE Fellow awarded NSF CAREER grant
K.C. Busch (2013-14 CADRE Fellow) at North Carolina State University was recently awarded an NSF CAREER grant to conceptualize, operationalize, and measure community level scientific literacy.
Posted: Friday, July 23
Early Career News | Next Directions in Measurement of the Home Mathematics Environment: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Yemimah A. King (2019-20 CADRE Fellow), Leanne Elliott (2020 CADRE Postdoc), and David J. Purpura (CAREER Awardee) were co-authors on this recent Journal of Numerical Cognition paper synthesizing findings from an international NSF-funded virtual conference focused on the home mathematics environment.
Posted: Friday, July 23
Poster | Strengthening STEM Teaching in Native American Serving Schools through Long-Term, Culturally Responsive Professional Development
This is a 4-year, level II Exploratory study within the teaching strand of DRK12. The research explores the functioning and impact of a nationally-developed STEM professional development model within the Navajo Nation. Teacher participants represent the entire K-12 grade range and multiple content areas, and they all participate in an innovative STEM-content, culturally responsive, 8-month…
Posted: Friday, July 23
Poster | BioGraph 2.0: Online Professional Development for High School Biology Teachers for Teaching and Learning About Complex Systems
The purpose of this study has been to address the accessibility and efficacy of high quality professional development by modifying a successful in-person PD to be delivered on the edX platform. The PD course introduces BioGraph, a curriculum that uses computer-based simulations to teach biology concepts and complex systems ideas. The study has taken place over the last four years with teachers…
Posted: Friday, July 23
Poster | Extending and Investigating the Impact of the High School Model-based Educational Resource (Collaborative Research: Passmore and Wilson)
We are collaborating on a project to examine the efficacy of high school biology instructional materials that support teachers' understanding and practice of model-based reasoning as an approach to support students in developing an integrated, multidimensional understanding of science. This poster summarizes our efforts to develop assessment tasks that measure students' ability to use model-based…
Posted: Friday, July 23