What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | PST Learning to Facilitate Argumentation Via Simulation: Exploring the Role of Understanding and Emotion
The present study focuses on examining transitions in elementary pre-service teachers (PSTs)’ understanding of, and skills in, leading argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics during participation in a sequence of three different practice-based activities, collectively referred to as the Online Practice Suite (OPS). We will examine 14 PSTs’ responses to post-activity surveys targeting…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Pushing the Boundaries: Exploring the Potential of an Online Practice Suite to Support Elementary ScieTeachers in Learning How to Engage Students in Argumentation
Slides from a pre-conference workshop at the 2021 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Mikeska, J. N., Lottero-Perdue, P., Park Rogers, M., Thompson, M., Cross Francis, D., & Shekell, C. (2021, April 6). Pushing the boundaries: Exploring the potential of an online practice suite to support elementary science teachers in learning how to engage…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Using Online Simulations to Promote Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Facilitation of Argumentation-Focused Discussions in Mathematics and Science
In this study, our team developed and is studying the use of an Online Practice Suite (OPS) composed of a coordinated and scaffolded collection of three practice-based online simulations designed to support the development of preservice teachers' (PSTs’) abilities, skills, beliefs, and understanding around one ambitious teaching practice within mathematics and science: facilitating discussions…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | A Web-based Tool for Participatory Science Learning in the Context of Human Psychology Research
We describe an online citizen science platform for human brain and behavior research that uses a participatory science learning approach to engage learners in the full spectrum of scientific inquiry. Building on an open science philosophy, it features a collaborative study design environment comprising an experiment builder, a database of validated tasks and surveys, and a public-facing study…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Students Doing Citizen Science on an Unfolding Pandemic
School-based science inquiry tends to focus on already answered questions. We describe how we used the COVID-19 pandemic in a high school citizen science unit for students to witness and engage in real-time science. High school students developed proposals to study questions about their experiences related to the pandemic. Teacher and student interviews and observations showed that this globally-…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Students Learning About Science by Investigating an Unfolding Pandemic
We explored the COVID-19 pandemic as a context for learning about the role of science in a global health crisis. In spring 2020, at the beginning of the first pandemic-related lockdown, we worked with a high school teacher to design and implement a unit on human brain and behavior science. The unit guided her 17 students in creating studies that explored personally relevant questions about the…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Lessons From a Co-design Team on Supporting Student Motivation in Middle School Science Classrooms
Decades of motivation research have yielded a set of Motivation Design Principles (MDPs) that can be leveraged to support the development of student motivation and engagement in the classroom. This article addresses the translation of these guiding principles to teacher professional learning and subsequently, classroom practice. Drawing from published literature, as well as the experiences of a…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Lessons From a Co-design Team on Supporting Student Motivation in Middle School Science Classrooms
Decades of motivation research have yielded a set of Motivation Design Principles (MDPs) that can be leveraged to support the development of student motivation and engagement in the classroom. This article addresses the translation of these guiding principles to teacher professional learning and subsequently, classroom practice. Drawing from published literature, as well as the experiences of a…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Resource | Lessons From a Co-design Team on Supporting Student Motivation in Middle School Science Classrooms
Decades of motivation research have yielded a set of Motivation Design Principles (MDPs) that can be leveraged to support the development of student motivation and engagement in the classroom. This article addresses the translation of these guiding principles to teacher professional learning and subsequently, classroom practice. Drawing from published literature, as well as the experiences of a…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Newsletter | July 2022 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, NSF receives many Design and Development proposals but fewer DRK-12 proposals for Exploratory projects. This month we're featuring a Spotlight on Exploratory Research, where in addition to highlighting Exploratory projects, we also feature projects funded to build on Exploratory research. Our blog shares shares tips for those considering submitting an Exploratory proposal to…
Posted: Wednesday, July 20
Project Spotlight | Exploratory Research
The DRK-12 program invites proposals for six project types: (1) Exploratory, (2) Design and Development, (3) Impact, (4) Implementation and Improvement, (5) Syntheses, and (6) Conferences. Exploratory research is at the beginning of the evidence building continuum, establishing the basis and development of an intervention. This research explores relationships between an intervention’s design…
Posted: Tuesday, July 19
Resource | Examining Technology-Supported Teacher Responding and Students’ Written Mathematical Explanations
This study examines technology-enhanced teacher responses and students’ written mathematical explanations to understand how to support effective teacher responding and the centering of students’ mathematical ideas. Although prior research has focused on teacher noticing and responding to students’ mathematical ideas, few studies have explored the revisions that students make to their written…
Posted: Monday, July 18
Resource | Examining Technology-Supported Teacher Responding and Students’ Written Mathematical Explanations
This study examines technology-enhanced teacher responses and students’ written mathematical explanations to understand how to support effective teacher responding and the centering of students’ mathematical ideas. Although prior research has focused on teacher noticing and responding to students’ mathematical ideas, few studies have explored the revisions that students make to their written…
Posted: Monday, July 18
Resource | “I Remember How to Do It”: Exploring Upper Elementary Students’ Collaborative Regulation While Pair Programming Using Epistemic Network Analysis
Background and Context Students’ self-efficacy toward computing affect their participation in related tasks and courses. Self-efficacy is likely influenced by students’ initial experiences and exposure to computer science (CS) activities. Moreover, student interest in a subject likely informs their ability to effectively regulate their learning in that domain. One way to enhance interest in CS is…
Posted: Thursday, July 14
Resource | “I Remember How to Do It”: Exploring Upper Elementary Students’ Collaborative Regulation While Pair Programming Using Epistemic Network Analysis
Background and Context Students’ self-efficacy toward computing affect their participation in related tasks and courses. Self-efficacy is likely influenced by students’ initial experiences and exposure to computer science (CS) activities. Moreover, student interest in a subject likely informs their ability to effectively regulate their learning in that domain. One way to enhance interest in CS is…
Posted: Thursday, July 14
Resource | It's Challenging but Doable: Lessons Learned from a Remote Collaborative Coding Camp for Elementary Students
The COVID-19 pandemic shifted many U.S. schools from in-person to remote instruction. While collaborative CS activities had become increasingly common in classrooms prior to the pandemic, the sudden shift to remote learning presented challenges for both teachers and students in implementing and supporting collaborative learning. Though some research on remote collaborative CS learning has been…
Posted: Thursday, July 14
Resource | It's Challenging but Doable: Lessons Learned from a Remote Collaborative Coding Camp for Elementary Students
The COVID-19 pandemic shifted many U.S. schools from in-person to remote instruction. While collaborative CS activities had become increasingly common in classrooms prior to the pandemic, the sudden shift to remote learning presented challenges for both teachers and students in implementing and supporting collaborative learning. Though some research on remote collaborative CS learning has been…
Posted: Thursday, July 14
Resource | Examining the Responding Component of Teacher Noticing: A Case of One Teacher’s Pedagogical Responses to Students’ Thinking in Classroom Artifacts
In this study, we investigated how an experienced fourth-grade teacher responded to her students’ thinking as part of her teacher noticing practice in a formative assessment context. Our primary purpose in doing this work was to decompose the responding component of teacher noticing and use our findings to present an emerging framework characterizing the multidimensional nature of this practice.…
Posted: Thursday, July 14
Resource | The Development of Critical Teaching Skills for Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers Through Video Case Study Analysis
Using social learning theory with the central concept of a community of practice, we situate this work within a secondary mathematics methods course to unpack preservice secondary mathematics teachers (PSMTs) development through the use of video case studies. We analyzed six sessions of the course in which PSMTs engaged in discussions about video segments of mathematics teaching rooted in the…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching
Incorporating video case study of mathematics teaching into professional development (PD) can provide opportunities for teachers to develop new ways of seeing teaching and learning and inform efforts to enact new instructional practices. However, more research is needed to understand how such PD can foster sustained teacher learning about high-quality instruction and materials. In this paper, we…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Digging into Data: Illustrating a Data Investigation Process
Lee, H.S., Mojica, G. M., & Thrasher, E. (2022). Digging into data: Illustrating an investigative process. Statistics Teacher.
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Investigating Data Like a Data Scientist: Key Practices and Processes
With a call for schools to infuse data across the curriculum, many are creating curricula and examining students’ thinking in data-intensive problems. As the discipline of statistics education broadens to data science education, there is a need to examine how practices in data science can inform work in K-12. We synthesize literature about statistics investigation processes, data science as a…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Contrasting Cases in Geometry: Think Alouds with Students about Transformations
There is strong empirical evidence in support of learning from comparisons in mathematics education research (Rittle-Johnson & Star, 2007; Star, Pollack, et al., 2015; Star et al., 2016). Comparisons have produced gains in students’ procedural knowledge, flexibility, and conceptual knowledge of algebra (Lynch & Star, 2014; Star, Newton, et al., 2015; Star, Pollack, et al., 2015). The…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | 360 Video as an Immersive Representation of Practice: Interactions between Reported Benefits and Teacher Noticing
This study examined and compared teachers’ perceived affordances of 360 video as a representation of practice and their professional noticing of students’ mathematics in 360 videos. Data were collected from both preservice and inservice teachers (n = 34) enrolled in one of three mathematics pedagogy courses. Data included participant responses after watching a 360 video of a primary grades…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Establishing Student Mathematical Thinking as an Object of Class Discussion
Productive use of student mathematical thinking is a critical yet incompletely understood dimension of effective teaching practice. We have previously conceptualized the teaching practice of building on student mathematical thinking and the four elements that comprise it. In this paper we begin to unpack this complex practice by looking closely at its first element, establish. Based on an…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Establishing Student Mathematical Thinking as an Object of Class Discussion
Productive use of student mathematical thinking is a critical yet incompletely understood dimension of effective teaching practice. We have previously conceptualized the teaching practice of building on student mathematical thinking and the four elements that comprise it. In this paper we begin to unpack this complex practice by looking closely at its first element, establish. Based on an…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Establishing Student Mathematical Thinking as an Object of Class Discussion
Productive use of student mathematical thinking is a critical yet incompletely understood dimension of effective teaching practice. We have previously conceptualized the teaching practice of building on student mathematical thinking and the four elements that comprise it. In this paper we begin to unpack this complex practice by looking closely at its first element, establish. Based on an…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Representations of Practice Used in Mathematics Methods Courses
This preliminary study explored how many representations of standard videos, animations/comics, and 360 videos are being used in mathematics methods courses to teach future teachers. Drawing on knowledge from prior studies on standard videos, this study aimed to address the gaps in literature to encompass other representations that are being utilized and obtained. Analyses show that standard…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Situating Presence within Extended Reality for Teacher Training: Validation of the Extended Reality Presence Scale (XRPS) in Preservice Teacher Use of Immersive 360 Video
The use of video is commonplace for professional preparation in education and other fields. Research has provided evidence that the use of video in these contexts can lead to increased noticing and reflection. However, educators now have access to evolving forms of video such as 360 video. The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument for assessing immersive 360 video use in…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13
Resource | Using 360-degree Video to Explore Teachers' Professional Noticing
Professional noticing is an essential skill for teachers that is enacted by teachers via their embodied senses (sight, sound, etc.). To better understand the nature of teacher noticing, 44 preservice teachers (PSTs) viewed a 360 video of an elementary mathematics lesson while wearing virtual reality headsets. PSTs writings of what they noticed and recordings of where they turned their head while…
Posted: Wednesday, July 13