What's New on CADREK12.org

Early Career News | Making Inquiry Accessible for Students With Disabilities
Shalece Kohnke (2022 CADRE Fellow) published this article in The Science Teacher.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Equitable Math Instruction for California’s Multilingual Students
William Zahner (CAREER Awardee) published this The Education Trust—West report with co-authors Lynda Wynn and Abigail Amoako Kayser.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Cultivating Teacher Efficacy for Social Justice in Science
Libby Gerard, Allison Bradford, Angela DeBarger, Korah Wiley (2018-19 CADRE Fellow), and Marcia C. Linn published this Science Scope article.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Adapting Existing Curriculum for Equitable Learning Experiences
Nelly Tsai, Hosun Kang (CAREER Awardee), Jasmine Chang, and Karly Cassese published this article in Science Scope.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Kang receives Outstanding Reviewer Award from AERA
Hosun Kang (CAREER Awardee) was a recipient of the AERA Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Informal Science Educators: Development of the ISE-PCK Framework
K.C. Busch (2013-14 CADRE Fellow), Mwenda Kudumu, and Soonhye Park published this article in Research in Science Education.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Mentoring Across Differences in Science Education: Applying a Brokering Framework
Christa Haverly (2018-19 CADRE Fellow) co-authored this article with Bryan A. Brown.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Black Liberatory Science Education: Positioning Black Youth as Science Learners Through Recognizing Brilliance
Monica L. Miles and ReAnna S. Roby (2018 CADRE Postdoc) published this article in Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Beyond Assessing Knowledge about Models and Modeling: Moving Toward Expansive, Meaningful, and Equitable Modeling Practice
Christina V. Schwarz, Li Ke, Michelle Salgado, and Eve Manz (CAREER Awardee) published this Journal of Research in Science Teaching article.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | Beginning School–University Partnerships for Transformative Social Change in Science Education: Narratives from the Field
Hosun Kang (CAREER Awardee) and María González-Howard (CAREER Awardee; 2015-16 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Science Education.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Early Career News | A Critical-Ecological Approach to STEM P-20+ Advising
Terrell R. Morton (CADRE co-PI and 2018 CADRE Postdoc) co-authored this Science Education article with Maxine McKinney de Royston.
Posted: Tuesday, July 26
Resource | Methodological Advancements for Analyzing Teachers’ Learning in a Community of Practice
Professional development that privileges teachers’ voice, equity, and the investigation of high-quality instruction is essential to the mathematics education community. However, more research is needed to understand the process, content, and depth of teachers’ learning in this setting. This paper shares our analytic method designed to capture such learning. We integrate three complementary…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | A Design-Based Process in Characterizing Experienced Teachers’ Formative Assessment Enactment in Science Classrooms
Formative assessment can facilitate teachers’ abilities to elicit and notice the disciplinary substance of students’ thinking and to respond based on this. Following a design-based process, we developed principled practical knowledge to create resources that might guide experienced teachers in examining their formative assessment practice and provide researchers with tools to study formative…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Conceptual Profile of Substance: Representing Heterogeneity of Thinking in Chemistry Classrooms
Teachers face challenges when building the concept of substance with students because tensions of meanings emerge from students’ daily life and canonical ideas developed in classrooms. A powerful tool to address learning, pedagogical, and research challenges is the conceptual profile theory. According to this theory, people employ various ways of conceptualizing the world to signify experiences.…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Qualifying Domains of Student Struggle in Undergraduate General Chemistry Laboratory
Learning and learning goals in undergraduate chemistry laboratory have been a popular research topic for the past three decades due to calls for curriculum reform, cost justification, and overall efficacy of necessary skill development. While much work has been done to assess curricular interventions on students’ learning and attitudes towards lab, few have discussed the increased difficulties of…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Exploring Variation in Ways of Thinking About and Acting to Control a Chemical Reaction
Chemical scientists and engineers are interested in controlling chemical processes to attain specific goals, from synthesizing a desired substance to hindering a particular transformation. Nevertheless, students typically have few opportunities to develop the understandings and practices that are required to effectively engage in chemical control. In this study, we investigated similarities and…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Investigating How Teachers' Formative Assessment Practices Change Across a Year
Teaching chemistry as a practice rather than as a mere collection of facts demands that teachers modify their practices, particularly their approach to formative assessment (FA). In this study, we investigated how teachers’ FA practices changed as a result of their participation in a professional development program designed with a Chemical Thinking perspective. Four FA portfolio chapters were…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Analyzing Chemistry Teachers’ Formative Assessment Practices Using Formative Assessment Portfolio Chapters
The effective use of formative assessment (FA) has been demonstrated to confer positive impacts on student learning. To understand why and how FA works, it is necessary to characterize teachers’ FA practices, but because both teaching practice and learning depend on the nature of the discipline, there are disciplinary aspects to examining this. This study aimed to develop an analysis of…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Teachers’ Noticing, Interpreting, and Acting on Students’ Chemical Ideas in Written Work
Formative assessment is an important component of teaching as it enables teachers to foster student learning by uncovering, interpreting, and advancing student thinking. In this work, we sought to characterize how experienced chemistry teachers notice and interpret student thinking shown in written work, and how they respond to what they learn about it. Drawing on qualitative methods from…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Using Interviews to Identify the Resources of Multilingual High School Students
The resources that multilingual students bring to school mathematics are often ignored. During a teacher-researcher collaborative project focused on creating more equitable learning environments in high school math classrooms, we noted an initial tendency to focus on the challenges and barriers facing multilingual students. To counter this tendency, we worked with two teachers to engage in a…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Beginning School-University Partnerships for Transformative Social Change in Science Education: Narratives From The Field
These narratives explore what it might entail to begin school–university partnerships towards the goal of transformative social changes through the voices of two women scholars of color. Using two school–university partnerships as focal cases, we unpack the complexity, tensions, and possibilities that arise through collaborations driven by the objective to promote new and more just forms of…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Adapting Existing Curriculum for Equitable Learning Experiences
Despite the increased availability of curricular resources intended to support teachers to engage in equitable instruction as expected by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013), teachers are still left wondering how to use those generic resources in local classroom contexts that have unique challenges. There is growing consensus among researchers that promoting equity…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Uvvatuq Naluallangniaqtugut (I Humbly Hope We Run Into Game): An Iñupiaq Research Process
Uvvatuq naluallangniaqtugut (I humbly hope we run into game) is a phrase an Iñupiaq person would say before going out hunting in the Selawik dialect. We believe all things have a spirit, including animals. If a hunter announces they are going out hunting, the animal spirits will hear that and the hunter may have bad luck. Another phrase said in English is “I am going out for a ride.” The…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Understanding Students' Sense-Making Processes When Faced with Unexpected Data: A Case Study in High School Biology
Examining a lesson in a high school biology unit that utilized noisy sensor data, we sought to understand the ways students engaged in active reasoning about the data and the factors that influenced this process. Video analysis centers on one small group of students as they learn to use sensors to collect data on osmosis, focusing particularly on their reactions to variation within and across…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Eco-Solutioning: The Design and Evaluation of a Curricular Unit to Foster Students’ Creation of Solutions to Address Local Socio-Scientific Issues
The global pandemic and climate change have led to unprecedented environmental, social, and economic challenges with interdisciplinary STEM foundations. Even as STEM learning has never been more important, very few pre-college programs prepare students to address these challenges by emphasizing socio-scientific issue (SSI) problem solving and the engineering design of solutions to address local…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Science Education and the Learning Sciences: A Coevolutionary Connection
In this chapter, we argue that the learning sciences and science education have coevolved, a co-evolution that began with the emergence of the learning sciences in the 1990s and that continues today. Our chapter begins with a discussion of four areas of educational scholarship in which the learning sciences and science education have worked in mutually beneficial ways to shape each other’s…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Impact of the Design of an Asynchronous Video-Based Learning Environment on Teacher Noticing and Mathematical Knowledge
In this paper, we share the design and impact of a set of two-hour online mathematics professional development modules adapted from face-to-face video-based materials. The “Video in the Middle” (VIM) modules are aligned with principles of authentic e-learning and can be combined in a variety of ways to form professional development pathways that meet the unique needs of a wide range of…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Exploring the Viral Spread of Disease and Disinformation
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of mathematical models in predicting the spread of the coronavirus (Srinivas 2020; Stevens & Muyskens 2020) and assessing the effectiveness of various safety measures in reducing that spread (Li et al 2020). These models can be extremely sophisticated, drawing on the expertise of applied mathematicians, epidemiologists, public…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | Extractive and Inferential Discourses for Equation Solving
We investigate the algebraic discourse of secondary mathematics teachers with respect to the topic of equation solving by analyzing five teachers’ responses to open-ended items on a questionnaire that asks respondents to analyze hypothetical student work related to equation solving and explain related concepts. We use tools from commognitive analysis to describe features of teachers’ explanations…
Posted: Monday, July 25
Resource | We Strive: Initial Explorations of STEM Teachers' Successes and Challenges in Implementing Socioscientific Issues
This study explores two teachers participating in professional development workshops implementing SocioScientific Issues (SSI) into STEM classrooms. Two research questions were investigated: (a) To what extent did teachers implement SSI into their lesson plans and (b) In what ways did lessons change from the beginning of the workshop? Johnson, J., Macalalag, A., Mathers-Lowery, B., and Ialacci, G…
Posted: Monday, July 25