What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | A Three-Part Synchronous Online Model for Middle Grade Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Development
In this chapter, we describe a three-part fully online model for the professional development of middle school mathematics teachers. While the model could be applied to any context, we created it for rural mathematics teachers to provide them access to high-quality professional development and to demonstrate that we could move face-to-face experiences to an online context without losing…
Posted: Friday, July 01
Resource | Rethinking Online Science Learning: Creating Virtual Research Experiences using Digitized Museum Specimens
Butcher, K. R., Larson, M., Lane, M., & Power, M. (2022). Rethinking Online Science Learning: Creating Virtual Research Experiences using Digitized Museum Specimens. Connected Science Learning, 4(2).
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Informal Learning with Extended Reality Environments: Current Trends in Museums, Heritage, and Tourism
This chapter discusses the capabilities of extended reality technology in informal learning environments, such as museums and cultural heritage sites. Recent developments in extended reality technologies have led to increased integration into these informal learning spaces and have heightened the need for a systematic investigation into the affordances of modern multimedia representations…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Museum Leadership for Engaging, Equitable Education: The Transformative Potential of Digitized Collections for Authentic Learning Experiences
Museums are local-to-global organizations operating in a digitized, distributed, and diverse 21st century world. Museums leaders face significant challenges in achieving broader relevance, meaningful engagement, and equitable outreach. This article examines the transformative potential of digitized collections to increase public engagement and enhance authentic educational efforts of museums,…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Using Climate Models to Learn About Global Climate Change
Bhattacharya, D., Chandler, M., Carroll-Steward, K., & Forbes, C.T. (2020). Using climate models to learn about global climate change. The Science Teacher, 88(1), 58-66.
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Using Climate Models to Learn About Global Climate Change
Bhattacharya, D., Chandler, M., Carroll-Steward, K., & Forbes, C.T. (2020). Using climate models to learn about global climate change. The Science Teacher, 88(1), 58-66.
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Empirical Research on K-16 Climate Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Developing understanding about the Earth’s climate and the phenomenon of global climate change (GCC) is essential for all students, our future citizens and decision-makers. Recent implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) has intensified the focus on teaching and learning of the Earth’s climate and GCC in formal learning environments. Concurrently, the empirical research…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Empirical Research on K-16 Climate Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Developing understanding about the Earth’s climate and the phenomenon of global climate change (GCC) is essential for all students, our future citizens and decision-makers. Recent implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) has intensified the focus on teaching and learning of the Earth’s climate and GCC in formal learning environments. Concurrently, the empirical research…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Climate Education in Secondary Science: Comparison of Model-based and Non-Model-based Investigations of Earth’s Climate
In this mixed method study, we analyse the effectiveness of two pedagogical approaches – one model-based and another non-model-based – for developing secondary students’ understanding of the phenomenon of increase in Earth’s average surface temperatures, a core dimension of global climate change (GCC). Building on past research on teaching and learning about Earth’s climate, we use an Evidence-…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Standards-Aligned Instructional Supports to Promote Computer Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge
The rapid expansion of K-12 CS education has made it critical to support CS teachers, many of whom are new to teaching CS, with the necessary resources and training to strengthen their understanding of CS concepts and how to effectively teach CS. CS teachers are often tasked with teaching different curricula using different programming languages in different grades or during different school…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Second and Fifth Graders’ Use of Knowledge-Pieces and Knowledge-Structures When Solving Integer Addition Problems
In this study, we explored second and fifth graders’ noticing of negative signs and incorporation of them into their strategies when solving integer addition problems. Fifty-one out of 102 second graders and 90 out of 102 fifth graders read or used negative signs at least once across the 11 problems. Among second graders, one of their most common strategies was subtracting numbers using their…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Resource | Designing for Framing in Online Teacher Education: Supporting Teachers’ Attending to Student Thinking in Video Discussions of Classroom Engineering
Participating in discussions of classroom video can support teachers to attend to student thinking. Central to the success of these discussions is how teachers interpret the activity they are engaged in—how teachers frame what they are doing. In asynchronous online environments, negotiating framing poses challenges, given that interactions are not in real time and often require written text. We…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Blog | Synthesizing Findings from Education Research Conducted During the Pandemic: Emerging Lessons From COVID-19
In this brief report, we share early selected findings from a review and synthesis of research outcomes on the unanticipated effects of the pandemic on STEM teaching and learning. The summary includes research from RAPID and non-RAPID awards across a range of NSF directorates, divisions, and programs, and draws on research conducted on both K-12 and undergraduate STEM teaching and learning.…
Posted: Thursday, June 30
Event | NSF Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Forum webinar
Dear Colleagues: You are invited to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Forum webinar on July 19, 2022, from 1:30 - 3:00 PM Eastern Time. To participate in this Forum, please Register Now. The topics for this Forum webinar will include ORCID and SciENcv; Project Reporting and Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (…
Posted: Tuesday, June 28
Newsletter | June 2022 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, Happy summer, and welcome to the most recent new awardees! For those preparing to submit proposals for the next DRK-12 deadline (October 5, 2022), we invite you to listen to our recent informational webinar on the DRK-12 solicitation, in which DRK-12 Program Lead Mike Steele offers guidance on proposal writing and submission. If you’re designing your project, now is the perfect…
Posted: Friday, June 24
Event | HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs (HSI-Net) Letter of Intent Deadline
Learn more at https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/hsi-program-network-resource….
Posted: Friday, June 24
Event | HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs (HSI-Net) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/hsi-program-network-resource….
Posted: Friday, June 24
Resource | Examining Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Answer Changing Behavior on a Content Knowledge for Teaching Science Assessment
Preservice elementary teachers (PSTs) prepare for various standardized assessments, such as the Praxis® licensure assessment. However, there is little research on test-taking behavior and test-taking strategies for this examinee population. A common belief and instruction given in some test preparation materials is that examinees should stick to their initial answer choice. Decades of research…
Posted: Friday, June 24
Project Spotlight | Teaching & Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted numerous aspects of our lives including education, placing new demands and constraints on families, teachers, and students. In this Spotlight, five projects funded through NSF’s Rapid Response Research (RAPID) funding mechanism share their research and development efforts to understand the impacts of the pandemic on STEM teaching and…
Posted: Friday, June 24
Event | NSF Q&A Office Hours for the 2022 ITEST Solicitation: Budget, Data Management Plan, Post-doctoral Mentoring Plan
This will be an “office hours” style discussion and will be geared towards answering questions for those preparing their proposals for the August 12, 2022 solicitation deadline. Participants will be provided the opportunity to ask their questions in advance via the event registration, or at any time during the hour-long event.  Register for July 22 
Posted: Wednesday, June 22
Event | NSF Q&A Office Hours for the 2022 ITEST Solicitation: Project Types
This will be an “office hours” style discussion and will be geared towards answering questions for those preparing their proposals for the August 12, 2022 solicitation deadline. Participants will be provided the opportunity to ask their questions in advance via the event registration, or at any time during the hour-long event.  Register for June 24
Posted: Wednesday, June 22
Resource | The Centrality of Student-Generated Representation in Investigating Generalizations about the Operations
This article addresses the nature of student-generated representations that support students’ early algebraic reasoning in the realm of generalized arithmetic. We analyzed representations created by students for the following qualities: representations that distinguish the behavior of one operation from another, that support an explanation of a specific case of a generalization, and that support…
Posted: Monday, June 20
Resource | Narrative-Supported Math Problem Solving in Digital Game-based Learning
Narrative as a game design feature constantly yields mixed results for learning in the literature. The purpose of this exploratory mixed-methods case study was to examine design heuristics and implications governing the role of narratives in a digital game-based learning (DGBL) environment for math problem solving. We collected data via observation, semi-structured interviewing, and video…
Posted: Monday, June 20
Event | Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Project Execution Plan Development Workshop (Session 1)
This workshop will prepare social and behavioral science and education researchers for the submission of a NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure proposal. The workshop focuses specifically on development of the Project Execution Plan (PEP), which guides the project management for such a project. Workshop participants will gain an understanding of what a PEP is, what PEP requirements are for NSF…
Posted: Thursday, June 09
Event | Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Project Execution Plan Development Workshop (Session 2)
This workshop will prepare social and behavioral science and education researchers for the submission of a NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure proposal. The workshop focuses specifically on development of the Project Execution Plan (PEP), which guides the project management for such a project. Workshop participants will gain an understanding of what a PEP is, what PEP requirements are for NSF…
Posted: Thursday, June 09
Early Career News | NORC at the University of Chicago Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion Scholars Program
NORC at the University of Chicago leads a Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion (DREI) Scholars Program, an opportunity for early career scholars to engage in critical research under the supervision of NORC expert staff, build skills, and participate in a robust mentoring and career networking program. The program advances the skills of emerging research scientists, data scientists,…
Posted: Wednesday, June 08
Early Career News | William T. Grant Foundation Early-Career Reviewer Program
The early-career reviewer program recruits early-career researchers to serve as peer-reviewers of grant proposals submitted to the William T. Grant Foundation for studies on improving the use of research evidence. Apart from reading and evaluating grant proposals in their area of expertise, early-career reviewers receive personalized feedback from Foundation program officers and have access to…
Posted: Wednesday, June 08
Resource | The Development and Assessment of Counting-based Cardinal Number Concepts
The give-n task is widely used in developmental psychology to indicate young children’s knowledge or use of the cardinality principle (CP): the last number word used in the counting process indicates the total number of items in a collection. Fuson (1988) distinguished between the CP, which she called the count-cardinal concept, and the cardinal-count concept, which she argued is a more advanced…
Posted: Friday, June 03
Resource | Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Use of Students’ Incorrect Answers in Supporting Collective Argumentation
This study illustrates how two secondary mathematics teachers used students’ incorrect answers as they supported students’ engagement in collective argumentation. Three ways of supporting argumentation when students contributed incorrect answers are exemplified, and the structures of these arguments are investigated. Then, by focusing on the correctness of argument components as represented by…
Posted: Friday, June 03
Newsletter | May 2022 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, More than 40 DRK-12 projects presented videos in the recent STEM For All Video Showcase. It isn’t too late to view those videos to learn about current work! For those considering submitting a proposal for future work, please join NSF for a webinar on the DRK-12 program and solicitation.   Based on the results of the Spring 2022 DRK-12 portfolio survey, one in 10 of the responding…
Posted: Thursday, May 26