
Best Practices for Metrics Collection and Analysis


This report provides recommendations and best practices suggestions for the use of metricsin digital library project evaluation, formulated by the National Science Digital Library(NSDL) Metrics Working Group.

In this document, we provide an overview of which metrics are useful for assessing digitallibrary activities, make recommendations on how to collect those metrics, and provide examples of how to use collected metrics in larger evaluation efforts.


Lightle, K.

Almasy, E.

Barbato, L.

Clark, S.

George, Y.

Hsi, S.

Lowe, C.

MacKinney, P.

McIlvain, E.


Assembling Our Knowledge of Teacher Learning: The State of Our Understanding and Practices (Wilson)


Suzanne Wilson

Short Description

In this interactive talk, Wilson will ask each project to make explicit its assumptions about how teachers learn, the forces that matter the most, and how the logic and components of programs reflect those underlying assumptions. Wilson will then consider that array of assumptions in light of relevant scholarship on teaching quality and teacher learning.

Acquisition of mathematical language: Suggestions and activities for English language learners


Cirillo, M.

Richardson Bruna, K.

Herbel-Eisenmann, B.

Short Description

In this article, we describe aspects of mathematical language that could be problematic to English-language learners, provide recommendations for teaching English-language learners, and suggest activities intended to foster language development in mathematics.

2011 DR K-12 Program Webinar

NSF and CADRE hosted a series of webinars providing an overview of the DR K-12 funding program and reviewing this year's DR K-12 solicitation. Here is a sample of some of the questions that came up during the webinars:

  1. Can you explain cost sharing?
  2. For a collaborative proposal, do we submit one or two Letters of Intent?
  3. What is the difference between STEM focus and STEM discipline?  Both are listed in the RFP.

View a recording of each session's presentation, here:


Julio Lopez-Ferrao

Ed Geary

Edith Gummer

Elizabeth VanderPutten


Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12): Descriptive Overview of Portfolio in Year Four

The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL), supports highquality research and development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning and teaching. The portfolio of DR K-12 projects span what NSF has characterized as a cycle of research and development—a dynamic, ongoing process through which knowledge and products are conceived, developed, disseminated and revised.


Alina Martinez

Laurie Bozzi

Brian Freeman

Caroline Callahan

Morgan Sharoff

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This overview is intended to describe the scope and depth of research and development DR K-12 has funded and to identify areas that could be advanced by further investigations by CADRE. The overview summarizes the 248 projects that met the criteria for inclusion and analysis.

Partnering with Users to Develop STEM Education Materials: Insights from Discovery Research K-12 Projects

This brief suggests practical ways of engaging teachers and other “end-users” in projects that develop materials for education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Projects described in this brief have benefited from school, district, and state users serving as Co-PIs, advisory board members, co-developers, implementation managers, data collectors, professional developers, and project emissaries to the broader field.


Derek Riley

Short Description

This brief suggests practical ways of engaging teachers and other “end-users” in projects that develop materials for education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Projects described in this brief have benefited from school, district, and state users serving as Co-PIs, advisory board members, co-developers, implementation managers, data collectors, professional developers, and project emissaries to the broader field. The brief describes how K-12 end-users and decision-makers are instrumental for developing materials that will be adopted, implemented with essential fidelity, sustained at classroom and organizational levels, and scaled within and to new organizations.

Compendium of Research Instruments for STEM Education, PART I: Teacher Practices, PCK, and Content Knowledge

Addendum added 2013


Daphne Minner

Alina Martinez

Brian Freeman

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The purpose of this compendium is to provide an overview on the current status of STEM instrumentation commonly used in the U.S and to provide resources for research and evaluation professionals. Part 1 of a two-part series, the goal to provide insight into the measurement tools available to generate efficacy and effectiveness evidence, as well as understand processes relevant to teaching and learning. It is focused on instruments designed to assess teacher practices, pedagogical content knowledge, and content knowledge.