
The Role of Criticism in Understanding Problem Solving

  • Establishes criticism as a valuable tool for research in Educational Technology
  • Provides case studies to fully explain the role for criticism in PBL research
  • Proposes a fresh new approach to solve complex research questions within Educational Technology
  • Introduces a new method for data analysis and analysis of research results in PBL

Samuel B. Fee

Brian Belland

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The concept of criticism as a tool for research, although well established in other educational research traditions, is not well established in the domain of Educational Technology. This book changes all that by substantiating criticism as a way to step back and critically evaluate an educational intervention within educational technology. Doing so provides an valuable approach for researchers in terms of guiding meta analyses and theoretical studies, preventing the proverbial "spinning of the wheels" that often happens in educational research.

Development of the Enzyme-Substrate Interactions Concept Inventory


Stacey Lowery Bretz

Kimberly J. Linenberger

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Enzyme function is central to student understanding of multiple topics within the biochemistry curriculum. In particular, students must understand how enzymes and substrates interact with one another. This manuscript describes the development of a 15-item Enzyme–Substrate Interactions Concept Inventory(ESICI) that measures student understanding of enzyme–substrate interactions. The validity and reliability of ESICI data were established through multiple methods. Results from the administration of the ESICI to biochemistry students across the United States (N = 707) are discussed in terms of instrument quality. The manuscript concludes with suggestions for how to use the ESICI for both teaching and biochemistry education research.


Evaluation in DR K-12 Projects: Options

The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) supports research and development (R&D) on innovative resources, models, and tools for use by students, teachers, administrators, and policy makers. Each project has formative and summative evaluation, which are different from the project’s own R&D activities and instead should support and measure the effectiveness of those activities.

Evaluation options for investigators and evaluators to consider could include the following:


Brenda Turnbull

Short Description

Each DR K-12 project has formative and summative evaluation, which are different from the project’s own R&D activities and instead should support and measure the effectiveness of those activities. This paper discusses evaluation options for investigators and evaluators to consider. Read the full paper for a description of these options.

From Dissemination to Knowledge Use: Options for DR K-12

The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) supports research and development (R&D) on innovative resources, models, and tools for use by students, teachers, administrators, and policy makers. Although the program embraces the aim of supporting use of the knowledge it produces, project teams may lack the know-how, incentives, or time to engage in the concerted efforts that are likely to lead to knowledge use, especially use outside the research community.


Brenda Turnbull

Short Description

To foster knowledge use among policy makers or practitioners requires a substantial effort that invests in sustained interaction and enlists a range of supports for the prospective knowledge users. This paper discusses some options for more effective dissemination efforts that could lead to knowledge use. Read the full paper for a description of these options.

Using Teaching Routines with Classroom Network Technology to Support Improved Classroom Assessment (Penuel, Schank)


William Penuel

Patricia Schank

Short Description

This interactive workshop introduces participants to teaching routines for use with a classroom network technology called Group Scribbles, which supports teachers’ invention of classroom assessment activities in Earth science.

Tying Words to Images of Science Teaching (TWIST) (Roth)

Project Goals -Develop and field test a words-to-video images tool for analyzing selected features of science teaching. -Produce a Guide to Video Analysis of Science Teaching that includes a coding manual for the selected lesson features, a training guide for achieving inter-rater agreement, and a CD/DVD containing video segments for use as examples and for practice.


Kathy Roth

Short Description

Project Goals -Develop and field test a words-to-video images tool for analyzing selected features of science teaching. -Produce a Guide to Video Analysis of Science Teaching that includes a coding manual for the selected lesson features, a training guide for achieving inter-rater agreement, and a CD/DVD containing video segments for use as examples and for practice.

Towards an Empirically Grounded Theory of Action for Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching at Scale

Our purpose in this article is to propose a comprehensive, empirically grounded theory of action for improving the quality of mathematics teaching at scale. In doing so, we summarize current research findings that can inform efforts to improve the quality of mathematics instruction on a large scale, and identify questions that are yet to be addressed. We draw on an ongoing collaboration with mathematics teachers, school leaders, and district leaders in four urban school districts in the US.


Cobb, Paul

Jackson, Kara


Towards an Empirically Grounded Theory of Action for Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching at Scale

Our purpose in this article is to propose a comprehensive, empirically grounded theory of action for improving the quality of mathematics teaching at scale. In doing so, we summarize current research findings that can inform efforts to improve the quality of mathematics instruction on a large scale, and identify questions that are yet to be addressed. We draw on an ongoing collaboration with mathematics teachers, school leaders, and district leaders in four urban school districts in the US.


Cobb, Paul

Jackson, Kara


The Use of Pictorial Supports as an Accommodation for Increasing Access to Test Items for Students with Limited Proficiency in the Language of Testing

This paper reports on an NSF-funded project that examines vignette illustrations (VIs) as a form of testing accommodation for English language learners (ELLs)—students who are developing English as a second language yet they are tested in English, in major assessment programs in the U.S. VIs are pictorial supports intended to make the content


Solano-Flores, Guillermo


Supporting the Next Generation of “Stewards” in Mathematics Education

This paper describes Supporting Research, Service and Teaching in Mathematics Education, or STaR, is a program designed to support new faculty who have taken a tenure-track mathematics education position in a U.S. institution of higher education.


Reys, Barbara

Reys, Robert

Short Description

This paper describes Supporting Research, Service and Teaching in Mathematics Education, or STaR, is a program designed to support new faculty who have taken a tenure-track mathematics education position in a U.S. institution of higher education.