
Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Algebra for Equity in the Middle Grades: A Preliminary Report


Irving Brown

Trina Davis

Gerald Kulm

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article presents our plans and initial work to explore how mathematics teacher education programs can prepare teachers for diverse middle grades classrooms. It describes the start-up of a five-year National Science Foundation project to design, develop, and test technology-enriched teacher preparation strategies to address equity in algebra learning. The participants in this pilot group demonstrated a need to develop their mathematical problem-solving skills, but they also exhibited strong beliefs about their own potential to be successful in the mathematics classroom. Preliminary results appear to indicate that Second Life (software) simulations can provide rich settings for teacher development on specific mathematics teaching skills and challenge them to apply their ideas about diversity. (Contains 5 tables and 4 figures.)

Habitus, Scaffolding, and Problem-Based Learning: Why Teachers’ Experiences as Students Matter


Brian Belland

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Despite evidence that it can help students learn higher-order thinking skills and gain deep content knowledge, problem-based learning (PBL) is not deployed on a large scale in K-12 classrooms. This conceptual chapter explores teacher’s past experiences, and resulting habitus, to explain the minimal extent of PBL in K-12 schools. Central to teachers’ abilities to implement PBL is their ability to provide scaffolding, and their habitus may interfere with this process. Implications for teacher education and teacher change are discussed.

Diagnosing Teachers’ Multiplicative Reasoning (DTMR) assessments

The Diagnosing Teachers’ Multiplicative Reasoning (DTMR) tests are designed for in-service middle grades teachers and emphasize knowledge needed (a) to think about fractions and proportional relationships as quantities and (b) to use drawn models (e.g., number line and area models) as the basis for solving problems. Given that the tests focus on content knowledge, these test could be used with preservice teachers as well. One test is on fractions and one is on proportional relationships.


Andrew Izsak

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The Diagnosing Teachers’ Multiplicative Reasoning (DTMR) tests are designed for in-service middle grades teachers and emphasize knowledge needed (a) to think about fractions and proportional relationships as quantities and (b) to use drawn models (e.g., number line and area models) as the basis for solving problems.

What question would I be asking myself in my head? Helping all students reason mathematically

Chapter to appear in C. Malloy (Series Editor) Mathematics for all: Instructional strategies for diverse classrooms, Grades 6-8. Reston, VA: NCTM.


Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth

Schleppegrell, Mary

Short Description

Chapter to appear in C. Malloy (Series Editor) Mathematics for all: Instructional strategies for diverse classrooms, Grades 6-8. Reston, VA: NCTM.

Understanding the Fidelity of Implementation and Scalability of Mathematics Professional Development Curricula (Moeller, Seago, Borko)


Babette Moeller

Nanette Seago

Hilda Borko

Short Description

Three DR-K12 projects investigating the implementation of mathematics professional
development programs by district-based facilitators discuss with participants their approaches to assessing fidelity and preliminary findings.

Understanding the Fidelity of Implementation and Scalability of Mathematics Professional Development Curricula (Moeller, Seago, Borko)


Babette Moeller

Nanette Seago

Hilda Borko

Short Description

Three DR-K12 projects investigating the implementation of mathematics professional
development programs by district-based facilitators discuss with participants their approaches to assessing fidelity and preliminary findings.