
Comparing Haptic Pattern Matching on Tablets and Phones: Large Screens Are Not Necessarily Better

Significance: Touchscreen-based, multimodal graphics represent an area of increasing research in digital access for individuals with blindness or visual impairments; yet, little empirical research on the effects of screen size on graphical exploration exists. This work probes if and whenmore screen area is necessary in supporting a patternmatching task.


Jennifer L. Tennison

Zachary S. Carril

Nicholas A. Giudice

Jenna L. Gorlewicz

Short Description

The current study investigates two questions: (1) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's accuracy on pattern-matching tasks? (2) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's time on task?

Comparing Haptic Pattern Matching on Tablets and Phones: Large Screens Are Not Necessarily Better

Significance: Touchscreen-based, multimodal graphics represent an area of increasing research in digital access for individuals with blindness or visual impairments; yet, little empirical research on the effects of screen size on graphical exploration exists. This work probes if and whenmore screen area is necessary in supporting a patternmatching task.


Jennifer L. Tennison

Zachary S. Carril

Nicholas A. Giudice

Jenna L. Gorlewicz

Short Description

The current study investigates two questions: (1) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's accuracy on pattern-matching tasks? (2) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's time on task?

Examining the career paths of doctorates in mathematics education working in institutions of higher education

This article focuses on the career paths in higher education taken by 351 doctoral graduates in mathematics education and provides insight into their career path and their resulting workload. Because some of the sample is drawn from graduates of programs with NSF funding related to doctoral preparation, it represents a best-case scenario of doctoral preparation experiences.


Jeffrey C. Shih

Robert E. Reys

Barbara J. Reys

Christopher Engledowl

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article focuses on the career paths in higher education taken by 351 doctoral graduates in mathematics education and provides insight into their career path and their resulting workload.

Creating Inclusive PreK–12 STEM Learning Environments

Brief CoverBroadening participation in PreK–12 STEM provides ALL students with STEM learning experiences that can prepare them for civic life and the workforce.


Malcom Butler

Cory Buxton

Odis Johnson Jr.

Leanne Ketterlin-Geller

Catherine McCulloch

Natalie Nielsen

Arthur Powell

Short Description

This brief offers insights from National Science Foundation-supported research for education leaders and policymakers who are broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM). Many of these insights confirm knowledge that has been reported in research literature; however, some offer a different perspective on familiar challenges.

The Use of Theory in Research on Broadening Participation in PreK–12 STEM Education: Information and guidance for prospective DRK–12 grantees

This paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK–12 grantees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK–12 grantees are using in their research on broadening participation.


Arthur Powell

Natalie Nielsen

Malcolm Butler

Cory Buxton

Odis Johnson, Jr.

Leanne Ketterlin-Geller

Jennifer Stiles

Catherine McCulloch

Short Description

This paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK-12 awardees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK-12 awardees are using in their research on broadening participation.

Dissemination Toolkit: Policy Outreach

Policy icon

Why Communicate with Legislators and Their Staff?

Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects. This is especially true for legislators who sit on committees relevant to STEM education.



Short Description

Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects.

Tips for Preparing NSF Project Reports

In this brief, CADRE has compiled tips on preparing and submitting NSF project reportsannual, interim, final, and product outcome reports.



Short Description

This tool is designed to offer tips to principal investigators for the preparation and submission of reports to the National Science Foundation (NSF).

CADRE Early Career Guidance: Tips for Early Career STEM Education Researchers

The CADRE early career tip sheets offer advice from experienced DRK-12 awardees on becoming a successful researcher in the field of STEM education. The tip sheets are organized around four focal themes:



Short Description

The CADRE Early Career Guide offers advice from experienced DR K-12 awardees on becoming a successful researcher in the field of STEM education. The guide also profiles a support program, the CADRE Fellows, for doctoral students in STEM education research.