Professional Development

Transitioning from textbook to classroom instruction in mathematics: The case of an expert Chinese teacher

This study reports how an expert Chinese teacher implements mathematics textbook lessons in enacted instruction. Our video analysis indicates that both textbook and enacted teaching included only one worked example; however, the teacher engaged students in unpacking the example in great depth. Both the textbook and the enacted teaching showed “concreteness fading” in students’ use of representations. However, the Chinese teacher incorporated students’ self-generated representations and facilitated students’ active modeling of quantitative relationships.

Chen Wei

Meixia Ding

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study reports how an expert Chinese teacher implements mathematics textbook lessons in enacted instruction.


Transferring specialized content knowledge to elementary classrooms: Preservice teachers’ learning to teach the associative property

This study explores how preservice teachers (PSTs) transfer the intended specialized content knowledge (SCK) to elementary classrooms. Focusing on the case of the associative property of multiplication, we compared three PSTs’SCK during enacted lessons in fourth grade classrooms with their own learning in professional development (PD) settings. Findings revealed the PSTs’ successes and challenges in unpacking an example task, especially in areas of making connections between concrete and abstract representations and asking deep questions that target quantitative interactions.


Meixia Ding

Kayla Heffernan

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study explores how preservice teachers (PSTs) transfer the intended specialized content knowledge (SCK) to elementary classrooms.

Dynamics of Scientific Engagement in a Blended Online Learning Environment

We investigate in-service teachers’ scientific engagement in a blended online science inquiry course. We analyze a shift from teachers following instructions to doing science themselves, and we characterize it at two levels: first, in how teachers engaged in individual sense-making; and second, in how they oriented to the online community as a space for collaboration and collective knowledge building.


Vesal Dini

Lama Jaber

Ethan Danahy

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Authors investigate in-service teachers’ scientific engagement in a blended online science inquiry course. A key implication of this study is the importance of instructional attention to epistemology and affect to create online learning environments that promote productive framings of scientific inquiry.

Developing a Three-Dimensional View of Science Teaching: A Tool to Support Preservice Teacher Discourse

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) on which they are based, describe a new vision for science education that includes having students learn science in a way that more closely aligns to how scientists and engineers work and think. Accomplishing this goal will require teacher educators to make important shifts in the ways they prepare future science teachers (NRC, 2012). Many science teaching methods courses are being reformed to better support future science teachers to meet the ambitious goals of the NGSS.


Michelle L. Sinapuelas

Corinne Lardy

Michele A. Korb

Christine Lee Bae

Rachelle DiStefano

Short Description

This study utilized the methodology of Improvement Science “Plan, Do Study, Act” cycles in order to design a Three-Dimensional Mapping Tool (3D Map) as a visual scaffold for use in science teaching methods courses to support preservice teachers in unpacking the components of NGSS and to promote discourse related to the three-dimensionality of planning instruction.

Measuring Pedagogy and the Integration of Engineering Design in STEM Classrooms

The present study examined changes in high school biology and technology education pedagogy during the first year of a three-year professional development (PD) program using the INSPIRES educative curriculum. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) calls for the integration of science and engineering through inquiry-based pedagogy that shifts the burden of thinking from the teacher to the student. This call is especially challenging for teachers untrained in inquiry teaching and engineering or science concepts.


Tory Williams

Jonathan Singer

Jacqueline Krikorian

Christopher Rakes

Julia Ross

Short Description

The present study examined changes in high school biology and technology education pedagogy during the first year of a three-year professional development (PD) program using the INSPIRES educative curriculum.

Fostering High School Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Argumentation Performance in Science through Quality Talk Discussions

Flourishing in today's global society requires citizens that are both intelligent consumers and producers of scientific understanding. Indeed, the modern world is facing ever‐more complex problems that require innovative ways of thinking about, around, and with science. As numerous educational stakeholders have suggested, such skills and abilities are not innate and must, therefore, be taught (e.g., McNeill & Krajcik, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(1), 53–78. 2008).


P. Karen Murphy

Jeffrey A. Greene

Elizabeth Allen

Sara Baszczewski

Amanda Swearingen

Liwei Wei

Ana M. Butler

Short Description

The purpose of our quasi‐experimental study was to examine the effectiveness of Quality Talk Science, a professional development model and intervention, in fostering changes in teachers’ and students’ discourse practices as well as their conceptual understanding and scientific argumentation. Findings revealed treatment teachers’ and students’ discourse practices better reflected critical‐analytic thinking and argumentation at posttest relative to comparison classrooms.

Advancing Online and Blended Professional Development Through NSF's DRK-12 Program

The STEM education landscape continuously shifts in response to factors such as changing workforce demands; new knowledge about how children and adults learn; better strategies for broadening participation in under-served and underrepresented populations; and changes in local, state, and national policy. Empowering teachers with new knowledge and approaches to navigate this changing landscape requires ongoing, high-quality opportunities for professional growth.


Short Description

This 2018 AERA structured poster session shed light on the DR K-12 portfolio of transformative research in online and blended teacher professional development.

National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades: Executive Summary

This executive summary captures the results of the National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades, a study designed and conducted by EDC. The survey was conducted as part of the Strengthening Mathematics Intervention project, which was funded by the National Science Foundation. This executive summary describes the key results from schools across the United States, highlighting the national landscape of mathematics intervention (MI) classes.


Amy R. Brodesky

Jacqueline S. Zweig

Karen Karp

Emily R. Fagan

Linda Hirsch

Short Description

This executive summary captures the results of the National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades, a study designed and conducted by EDC. T

Writing a Scientific Explanation

American Museum of Natural History. (2018). Writing a Scientific Explanation. Retrieved from….


American Museum of Natural History

Short Description

This resource provides access to a classroom video of a lesson from the project's middle school ecosystems unit, and the related student scaffold and scoring rubric.

Disruptions in Ecosystems

Disruptions in Ecosystems is a middle school curriculum unit with supporting teacher materials. The unit includes five chapters, each focused on a specific phenomenon related to ecosystem disruption, including questions around the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone and the invasion of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and Hudson River.


American Museum of Natural History

Short Description

Disruptions in Ecosystems is a middle school curriculum unit with supporting teacher materials. The unit includes five chapters, each focused on a specific phenomenon related to ecosystem disruption, including questions around the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone and the invasion of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and Hudson River.