
Webinar Resources: Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching

In this webinar, presenters 


Joseph DiNapoli

Eileen Murray

Doug O'Roark

John Russell

Short Description

In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoliEileen MurrayDoug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the DRK-12 projects, Building a Teacher Knowledge Base for the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Resources through the Collaborative Investigation of Video Cases

Webinar Resources: Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching

In this webinar, presenters 


Joseph DiNapoli

Eileen Murray

Doug O'Roark

John Russell

Short Description

In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoliEileen MurrayDoug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the DRK-12 projects, Building a Teacher Knowledge Base for the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Resources through the Collaborative Investigation of Video Cases

Webinar Resources: Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching

In this webinar, presenters 


Joseph DiNapoli

Eileen Murray

Doug O'Roark

John Russell

Short Description

In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoliEileen MurrayDoug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the DRK-12 projects, Building a Teacher Knowledge Base for the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Resources through the Collaborative Investigation of Video Cases

Webinar Resources: Strengthening Educators’ Practices for Engaging and Empowering Students with Disabilities and Difficulties as Mathematics Learners


Amy Brodesky

Jessica Hunt

Karen Mutch-Jones

Judy Storeygard

Short Description

Amy Brodesky, Jessica Hunt, Karen Mutch-Jones and Judy Storeygard shared key components, successes, and challenges of asset-based PD in mathematics. The webinar focused on the pressing question: What are ways to support educators in providing high-quality, inclusive instruction that empowers students with disabilities/difficulties as mathematics thinkers and doers?

Webinar Resources: Strengthening Educators’ Practices for Engaging and Empowering Students with Disabilities and Difficulties as Mathematics Learners


Amy Brodesky

Jessica Hunt

Karen Mutch-Jones

Judy Storeygard

Short Description

Amy Brodesky, Jessica Hunt, Karen Mutch-Jones and Judy Storeygard shared key components, successes, and challenges of asset-based PD in mathematics. The webinar focused on the pressing question: What are ways to support educators in providing high-quality, inclusive instruction that empowers students with disabilities/difficulties as mathematics thinkers and doers?

Webinar Resources: Strengthening Educators’ Practices for Engaging and Empowering Students with Disabilities and Difficulties as Mathematics Learners


Amy Brodesky

Jessica Hunt

Karen Mutch-Jones

Judy Storeygard

Short Description

Amy Brodesky, Jessica Hunt, Karen Mutch-Jones and Judy Storeygard shared key components, successes, and challenges of asset-based PD in mathematics. The webinar focused on the pressing question: What are ways to support educators in providing high-quality, inclusive instruction that empowers students with disabilities/difficulties as mathematics thinkers and doers?

Insight from DRK-12 CAREER Awardees

This resource contains advice from CAREER awardees in the DRK-12 portfolio about how to develop a competitive proposal and successfully manage a CAREER project based on their experience. Twenty-four DRK-12 CAREER awardees responded to the questions:



Short Description

This resource contains advice from CAREER awardees in the DRK-12 portfolio about how to develop a competitive proposal and successfully manage a CAREER project based on their experience.

“Approximate” Multiplicative Relationships between Quantitative Unknowns

Three 18-session design experiments were conducted, each with 6–9 7th and 8th grade students, to investigate relationships between students’ rational number knowledge and algebraic reasoning. Students were to represent in drawings and equations two multiplicatively related unknown heights (e.g., one was 5 times another). Twelve of the 22 participating students operated with the second multiplicative concept, which meant they viewed known quantities as units of units, or two-levels-of-units structures, but not as three-levels-of-units structures.


Amy J. Hackenberg

Robin Jones

Ayfer Eker

Mark Creager

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Three 18-session design experiments were conducted, each with 6–9 7th and 8th grade students, to investigate relationships between students’ rational number knowledge and algebraic reasoning. Implications for teaching are explored in this article.

Tiering Instruction for Middle School Students

Differentiating instruction (DI) is a pedagogical approach to managing classroom diversity in which teachers proactively adapt curricula, teaching methods, and products of learning to address individual students' needs in an effort to maximize learning for all (Tomlinson, 2005). DI is rooted in formative assessment, positions teachers and students together as learners, and involves providing choices and different pathways for students. Although teachers can differentiate for many characteristics of students, we differentiate for students' diverse ways of thinking.


Amy J. Hackenberg

Robin Jones

Rebecca Borowski

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In this article, we describe an example of differentiating instruction (DI) involving middle school students from a five-year project funded by the National Science Foundation.