- Yoon, S., Evans, C., Anderson, E., Koehler, J., & Miller, K. (2019). Validating a model for assessing science teacher’s adaptive expertise with computer-supported complex systems curricula and its relationship to student learning outcomes. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(8), 890–905.*
- Yoon, S., Shim, J., & Noushad, N. (2019). Trade-offs in using mobile artifacts to promote action with socioscientific issues. TechTrends, 63(5), 602–610.*
- Yoon, S., Goh, S., Park, M. (2018). Teaching and learning about complex systems in K–12 science education: A review of empirical studies 1995–2015. Review of Educational Research, 88(2), 285–325.
- Yoon, S.A., & Baker-Doyle, K. (Eds.) (2018). Networked by design: Interventions for teachers to develop social capital. New York, NY: Routledge Press.*
- Yoon, S., Bressler, D., Shim, J., Miller, K., Himes, B., Urbanowicz, R., & Gonzalez, M. (2020, March). Assessment of professional development supports for teaching bioinformatics in high school biology: Benefits and challenges. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Portland, OR.*
This proposal will develop and test an open-access, online system of professional development for high school biology teachers in order to build pedagogical competencies for teaching about complex systems and to support the application of those competencies in high school biology classrooms.