
Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks. Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking. Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks.  Includes tasks…
This counterstory (Delgado, 1989; Martinez, 2020) is based on field notes (Oct. 19 & Nov. 1, 2022) from our collective’s ethnographic project working with upper elementary Latiné learners and their transition to middle…
Paper from the 2016 Advancing Social Justice from Classroom to Community Conference. Computer Science Technology Broadening Participation Gaming/…
Activating Math Talk is a resource for promoting high-quality math discourse in grades K-5. The content of the chapters and discussion questions within are meant to spark conversations among teachers, teacher leaders,…
In this article, we—a team of science teachers and a university researcher—present the processes of adapting existing curricular resources to promote equitable learning experiences for diverse learners. Using a middle…
Students need “critical data literacy” skills to help make sense of the multitude of information available to them, especially as it relates to high-stakes issues of social justice. The authors describe two curriculum…
A school-wide and multi-contextual perspective on student engagement in school. School engagement researchers have historically focused on academic engagement or academic-related activities. Although…
In this study, authors use Phenomenological Variant Ecological Systems Theory as a strengths‐based approach to investigate 10 undergraduate Black women’s perceptions of race and gender on their STEM identity development…
Elementary School Middle School Mathematics Broadening Participation Professional Development The goal of the…
AERA symposium presentation on accessible distance learning in science during COVID. Delhaye, C., Borko, H., Wilsey, M., Reigh, E., & Osborne, J. (2021). Building teacher leadership for equitably…
Elementary School Mathematics Broadening Participation Professional Development CAREER: Black and Latinx Parents Leading…
Middle School High School Engineering Mathematics Broadening Participation Educational Technology Special…
High School Mathematics Broadening Participation Curriculum This project explores how secondary mathematics teachers can…
Elementary School Middle School Mathematics Assessment Broadening Participation Curriculum Special…
High School Engineering Mathematics Science Technology Broadening Participation In this study,…
Case Studies from the FAACT project. Case studies from the FAACT project. Mathematics Broadening Participation Special Education…
This chapter describes an ongoing research-practice partnership with in-service teachers in communities across Oregon focused on broadening participation in STEM fields. We explore how our design-based work with teachers…
The current study investigates two questions: (1) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's accuracy on pattern-matching tasks? (2) Do screen size and grid density impact a user's time on task?…
Build a classroom community by building representations and visualizations of data related to students’ names. Build a classroom community by building representations and visualizations of data related…
This brief offers insights from National Science Foundation-supported research for education leaders and policymakers who are broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM). Many of…
This lesson plan template centers the importance of including Elders and Environment in Indigenous STEM teaching and learning, and is a way for teachers to weave Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western Science…
This article focuses on discussion and preliminary findings from classroom testing of the prototype learning module: Investigating Income Inequality in the U.S. This article focuses on discussion and…
This department explores the concept of disciplinary literacy—the conceptual understandings and ways of reading, thinking, and writing involved in critiquing and constructing knowledge in a discipline—and its intersections…
Emerging multilingual students can develop the dimensions of Academic Literacy in Mathematics (ALM) in classroom discussions. But, there is a need for empirically-validated principles for fostering such discussions. This…
High School Mathematics Broadening Participation Classroom Practice Pedagogical Content Knowledge Professional Development…
This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and…
This paper examines the use of Imaginative Education (IE) to create an NGSS-aligned middle school engineering curriculum that supports transfer and the development of STEM identity. This paper examines…
A compilation of resources for making your products and communications more accessible. Background Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was amended in 1988 to require federal agencies to make…
This study examined the relationship between student-centered mathematics instruction and adolescents’ behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and social engagement in mathematics and whether the relationship differed by…
Elementary School Post-secondary Engineering Broadening Participation Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional…
We explored the semiotic choices children in grades 1–6 made that nurtured embodied, dramatizing performances in science classes at urban public schools, serving predominantly students of color in a large US city. We…
This paper investigates how one elementary school child with specific visual motor integration differences constructed a unit fraction concept. Cognitive differences have historically led to deficit…
A growing number of studies have shown the benefits of K-12 integrated science and engineering education. With this study, we add to the literature by documenting the relationship between STEM learning and engagement, and…
This poster presents findings from design and early implementation work of the NSF DRK-12 project which positions 6th and 7th grade students as decision makers in their own learning, integrating culturally responsive…
This study is focused on engineering for sustainable communities (EfSC) in three middle school classrooms. This study is focused on engineering for sustainable communities (EfSC) in three middle school…
Middle School High School Technology Broadening Participation This project investigates learning as students, supported by…
Using structural equation modeling, the researchers test a path model of various physics identity constructs, extending an earlier, established model. In this paper, they also compare a preliminary structural analysis of…
Women and many people of color continue to be minoritized in STEM and notably in physics. We conducted two studies demonstrating that exposure to counternarratives about who does physics and why one does physics…
Elementary School Broadening Participation Curriculum Systems Reform This study provides evidence on the confluence of…
This paper explores African American middle-school girls' perspectives of their experience with the Supporting Computational Algorithmic Thinking (SCAT) project and perceptions of themselves as game designers…
This article explores middle school girls' reflections about the difficulties they faced while using computational algorithmic thinking capabilities as they engaged in collaborative game design for social change. Authors…
The purpose of this study was to describe how families utilize science activity packs at home. The role that caregivers can play in their child’s science education is often overlooked within science…
Middle School Mathematics Broadening Participation Curriculum Pedagogical Content Knowledge This project will…
This article looks at context-based approaches to science instruction. Authors studied the effects of changes to a set of secondary science teacher education programs, all of which were redesigned with attention to the…
Cognitive differences intrinsic to children with learning disabilities (LDs) have historically led to deficit assumptions concerning the mathematical experiences these children “need” or can access. We argue that the…
This is a description of a new methodological tool to gather response process validity evidence. The context is scholarship within mathematics education contexts. Response process validity evidence…
This paper discusses the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. Students with learning…
This brief describes how to support equity for students, teachers, and communities through place-based science education strategies. This brief describes how to support equity for students, teachers,…
This 2-year qualitative case study focuses on one emergent mathematics teacher leader, Mr. Miller, and his conceptualization of Social Justice Mathematics (SJM). SJM is a justice-oriented pedagogical approach where…