
Albert Byers National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Jinfa Cai
Jinfa Cai University of Delaware (UD)
Roy Caldwell Email Educator Professor University of California, Berkeley (UC…
Janet Carlson Formerly Executive Director at BSCS. Email Stanford University
David Carraher TERC, Inc.
Jennifer Cartier University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Tutita Casa Dr. Tutita M. Casa is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the Neag School of Education at the University of…
Assistant Professor
Jeanne Century University of Chicago (U of C)
Gina Cervetti Email Assistant Professor University of Michigan (UM)…
Assistant Professor
Kristine Chadwick Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
Barbara Chamberlin Barbara Chamberlin is the Extension Instructional Design and Educational Media Specialist. Dr. Chamberlin directs the NMSU Learning Games Lab, where she researches…
Associate Professor, and Director of the Learning Games Lab
Daniel Chazan Email Associate Professor, Center for Mathematics Education University of Maryland, College…
Associate Professor, Center for Mathematics Education
Bing Chen
Bing Chen University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Britte Cheng Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Education Researcher SRI…
Education Researcher
Ranyee Chiang New York University (NYU)
Jeffrey Choppin Jeffrey Choppin has been a principal investigator on multiple research and conference grants from NSF, Spencer, and the CPM Educational Program; in addition, he has been…
Professor of Mathematics Education
Kathryn Chval Kathryn B. Chval is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Education at the University of Missouri. In addition, she is an Associate Professor of…
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Douglas Clark Douglas Clark is an associate professor of science education at Vanderbilt University. Clark completed his doctoral and postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley and his master’s…
Associate Professor
John Clement University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst)
Linda Coats Email Educator Associate Professor Mississippi State University (…
Associate Professor
Paul Cobb
Paul Cobb Paul Cobb is Professor of Mathematics Education at Vanderbilt University, where he holds the Peabody Chair in Teaching and Learning. His research interests focus on…
Sue Coletta Rutgers University (RU)
Jere Confrey I conduct research on the relationship between standards and assessments. I am building diagnostic assessments for rational number and I am designing an assessment system…
Joseph D. Moore Distinguished University Professor
Brian Conrey American Institute of Mathematics (AIM)
Dale Cook
Dale Cook Founder and Director of the Research Center for Education Technology and the AT&T Classroom at Kent State University. Email…
Summit Professor for Learning Technology
Shelia Cotten I am a sociologist who studies technology usage across the life course and the educational, career, social, and health impacts of this usage. Email…
Thomas Craven Email Educator Professor of Mathematics University of Hawaii at Manoa…
Professor of Mathematics
Barbara Crawford I recently moved from Cornall University to The University of Georgia in Jan 2012; I am full professor of science education; I was recently elected a Fellow of AAAS. My…
Gilbert Cuevas Texas State University
Christine Cunningham Museum of Science, Boston
Albert Cuoco Email Distinguished Scholar and Advisor Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Distinguished Scholar and Advisor
Pradeep Dass Professor of Science Education and Biology. Coordinator of Secondary Biology Teacher Education Program. Discipline Specialist (Education…
Jane Davis
Jane Davis My current research focus is Chaos Theory and its impact on teaching and learning with regard to diversity, multiple intelligence theory and critical thinking.…
Associate Professor
Alexander Dawson Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Principal Investigator…
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth de Freitas Email Associate Professor Adelphi University
Associate Professor
Jimmy de la Torre Rutgers University (RU)
Angela DeBarger My research interests are in the design and validation of innovative assessments. My current work focuses on using principles of evidence-centered design to develop…
Senior Research Scientist
George DeBoer American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Sharon Derry Email Professor, Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison…
Professor, Educational Psychology
Heidi Diefes-Dux Purdue University
Susan Doubler Sue Doubler is Co-Director of the Center for Science Teaching and Learning at TERC (an educational research and development center for K-12 mathematics and science…
Co-Director, Center for Science Teaching and Learning
Corey Drake Email Educator Associate Professor Michigan State University (MSU…
Associate Professor
Brian Drayton Email Other Co-Director, Center for School Reform TERC, Inc…
Co-Director, Center for School Reform
Marion Dresner Portland State University (PSU)
Mark Driscoll Mark Driscoll, Managing Project Director at EDC, has directed a range of teacher enhancement, leadership, and materials development projects at EDC. Recent examples of…
Managing Project Director
Matt Dunleavy Radford University
Jan Eberhardt Michigan State University (MSU)
Daniel Edelson As a textbook author, software developer and educational researcher, Danny Edelson has dedicated his career to improving young people’s understanding of the world they…
Vice President, Education
Lynn Eiland Mississippi State University (MSU)
Arthur Eisenkraft Arthur Eisenkraft, Ph.D. Arthur Eisenkraft is the Distinguished Professor of Science Education, an adjunct Professor of Physics and Director of the Center of Science…
Distinguished Professor of Science Education