This project investigates and expands teachers' learning to notice in two important ways. First, the research expands beyond teachers' noticing of written and verbal thinking to attend to gesture and other aspects of embodied and multimodal thinking. Second, the project focuses on algebraic thinking and seeks specifically to understand how teacher noticing relates to the content of algebra. Bringing together multimodal thinking and the mathematical ideas in algebra has the potential to support teachers in providing broader access to algebraic thinking for more students.
Janet Walkoe
University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP)
University of Maryland (UMD)
Mathematics education research has emphasized instruction that asks teachers to use approaches that center students’ mathematical thinking. A significant part of this is how teachers notice, or focus on, analyze, and decide how to respond to, mathematics thinking. One common professional development method is to use videos of mathematics teaching to help teachers understand what is possible for students' learning. This exploratory project aims to understand how facilitators of video-based teacher professional development learn to help mathematics teachers of middle and high school students notice student mathematical thinking.