
Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi is working on completing her dissertation at Montclair State University on shifting math teaching practices towards reform-oriented…
Graduate Research Assistant
Monica Mitchell Monica Mitchell is a mathematics education consultant specializing in education research and program evaluation. She has led and directed mathematics education reform…
Amy Parks
Amy Parks Amy Noelle Parks is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. Prior to that she was an assistant professor of early childhood…
Assistant Professor
R.P.H Chang Northwestern University (NU)
Phillip Griffiths Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Thomas Smith Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education…
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education
Fred Roberts
Ana Ferreras
Nancy Lawrence Nancy R. Lawrence has a Ph.D. in Educational Foundations & Policy from University of Colorado, Boulder. Lawrence has written on diverse topics, including formative…
Research Scientist
Jeff Marshall Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor, Science Education…
Associate Professor, Science Education
Amy Ellis
Amy Ellis My research focuses on middle-school and secondary mathematics education. I am interested in studying students' reasoning, particularly as it relates to mathematical…
Assistant Professor
Zahra Hazari Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Professor of Science Education…
Professor of Science Education
Debra Johanning I am an associate professor at The University of Toledo. My teaching focus is K-8 elementary mathematics education. My research interests include rational number, with a…
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Joshua Radinsky University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Luis Saldanha Arizona State University (ASU)
Stuart Elliott
Mary Kay Stein Email Professor, Learning Policy University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Professor, Learning Policy
Dani Novak
Dani Novak
Elizabeth Edmondson Email Discipline Specialist (Education) BSCS…
Carolyn Hamilton Email Other Ohio State University (OSU)
Nancy Landes Email Educator BSCS Professional Development
Jessica Fries-Gaither I am the project director for Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears and an Education Resource Specialist in the College of Education and Human Ecology (School of…
Susan Courey Susan Courey, Ph.D., is an assistant professor and the Mild/Moderate Program Coordinator in the department of Special Education. Dr. Courey is currently directing a…
Assistant Professor
Marion Usselman Email Administrator Associate Director for Federal Outreach and Research…
Associate Director for Federal Outreach and Research
Vishakha Parvate I knew at the age of six that I wanted to teach Math - not because I was good at it (though in a conventional sense I was and have been - "good at Math") -…
Research and Project Manager
Brian Nelson Arizona State University (ASU)
Catherine Schifter Email Educator Associate Professor Temple University…
Associate Professor
Ellice Forman University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Emily Shahan Vanderbilt University
Amy Palmeri Vanderbilt University
Angela Hacker Vanderbilt University
Rena Malkofsky-Berger
Brianna Donaldson Email Administrator Mathematics
Kenny Nguyen Email Other North Carolina State University (NCSU)…
John Spagnolo John has served as Technology Specialist for Faculty Development in the Reich College of Education at ASU for more than a decade. In this capacity he has assisted faculty…
Technology Specialist for Faculty Development
Hye Jeong Kim Email Discipline Specialist (Other) Texas A&M University…
Anne Wilhelm Dr. Annie Wilhelm is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Washington State University. She holds B.S. degrees…
Associate Professor
Chrystal Dean Chrystal Dean is assistant professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Appalachian State University. She received her B.S. in…
Candace Cabral Email San Diego State University (SDSU)
Gene Moore
Gene Moore 3 daughters 4 years in the U.S. Air Force B.S. in Middle Grade Education Math and Science at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. M.A. Middle Grade Math, ASU…
Jessica Howells I am a graduate student working as a research assistant with Project SMILE. Email Other…
Lynsey Gibbons Email Educator Associate Professor University of Delaware (UD…
Associate Professor
Cheryl Mason Dr. Cheryl L. Mason is a Professor of Science Education and Biological Sciences at San Diego State University. Mason received her Ph.D. in Science Education and…
Janet Bowers San Diego State University (SDSU)
Jose Blackorby Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Center Director SRI…
Center Director
Charles Patton SRI International
Charles Munter Vanderbilt University
Brooks Rosenquist Vanderbilt University
Karin Katterfeld Senior Study Director Vanderbilt University Westat, Inc.
Senior Study Director
Rebecca Schmidt Vanderbilt University