
Meredith Park Rogers I received my Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Missouri - Columbia, my M.S. in Elementary Education from D'Youville College in…
Assistant Professor of Science Education
Shelley Pasnik Email Director EDC|Center for Children and Technology
Cynthia Passmore Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor…
Associate Professor
Greg Pearson National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Susan Pedersen Email Texas A&M University
James Pellegrino Email Professor University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
William Penuel Bill Penuel is a professor in Educational Psychology and the Learning Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research focuses on teacher learning and…
Randolph Philipp San Diego State University (SDSU)
Joseph Polman Joseph L. Polman, Ph.D. is an associate professor of educational technology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where he also serves as associate director of the…
Associate Professor
Susan Pruet Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) President STEMWorks, LLC…
Gillian Puttick Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Senior Scientist TERC, Inc…
Senior Scientist
Edys Quellmalz Dr. Edys Quellmalz, Director of Technology-Enhanced Assessment and Learning Systems in WestEd’s Math, Science and Technology program, leads SimScientists projects funded…
Director of Technology Enhanced Assessment and Learning Systems
Steve Rasmussen Steven Rasmussen is president of KCPT Technologies and currently serves as Co-Principal Investigator on KCPT’s NSF funded, Introducing Dynamic Number as a Transformative…
Senior Scientist
Mimi Recker Utah State University (USU)
Frieda Reichsman Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Senior Research Scientist…
Senior Research Scientist
Brian Reiser Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Professor of Learning Sciences…
Professor of Learning Sciences
Janine Remillard University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
Barbara Reys I co-direct the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum - an NSF funded Center for Learning and Teaching. My research focuses on the role and impact of curriculum…
Curator's Professor and Lois Knowles Faculty Fellow
John Ristvey John D. Ristvey, Jr. Manages McREL’s education and public outreach (E/PO) team. He specializes in technical and science education expertise, instructional materials design…
Senior Director
Jeremy Roschelle Email Director SRI International
Ann Rosebery TERC, Inc.
Gail Rosen
Gail Rosen Drexel University
Ronald Rosier Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS)
Julia Ross
Julia Ross Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Professor and Chair University of Maryland,…
Professor and Chair
Robert Ross Email Associate Director for Outreach Paleontological Research Institution…
Associate Director for Outreach
Kathleen Roth Kathleen Roth is Senior Science Educator at the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) in Colorado Springs, CO. Her current research and development work focuses on…
Senior Science Educator
Anita Roychoudhury Associate Professor of Science Education. Email Discipline Specialist (Education…
Associate Professor
Laurie Rubel Email Associate Professor of Secondary Education Brooklyn College, CUNY
Associate Professor of Secondary Education
Andee Rubin Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Senior Scientist TERC, Inc…
Senior Scientist
Randal Ruchti University of Notre Dame
Maria Araceli Ruiz-Primo Maria Ruiz-Primo, Associate Professor at the School of Education and Human Development, University of Colorado Denver. Her work focuses on two strands:…
Associate Professor
Susan Jo Russell Susan Jo Russell was a classroom teacher and staff developer in public and private schools in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. She is currently at the Education…
Math Educator
Kihyun "Kelly" Ryoo Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Assistant Professor…
Assistant Professor
Philip Sadler Philip Sadler is currently the Director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics’ Science Education Department and F.W. Wright Senior Lecturer in Astronomy. He…
Director, Science Education Department
William Sandoval University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Kathleen Scalise University of Oregon (UO)
Patricia Schank SRI International
Leona Schauble Vanderbilt University
Daniel Scher Daniel Scher is the principal investigator of the Introducing Dynamic Number as a Transformative Technology for Number and Early Algebra at KCP Technologies. Daniel joined…
Senior Scientist
Gabrielle Schlichtmann Center for Applied Special Technology, Inc. (CAST)
Steven Schneider WestEd
Glen Schuster U.S. Satellite Laboratory, Inc.
Nanette Seago Email Project Investigator WestEd Mathematics…
Project Investigator
John Settlage Email Educator Professor University of Connecticut (UConn…
David Shaffer David Williamson Shaffer is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Educational Psychology and a Game Scientist at the Wisconsin Center for…
Nicole Shechtman SRI International
Namsoo Shin Namsoo Shin, Ph.D., is a research scientist in the School of Education at the University of Michigan. Her interests are focused on the impact of constructivistic learning…
Research Scientist
Jim Short Dr. Jim Short is the Director of the new Gottesman Center for Science Teaching and Learning at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The focus of the…
Director, Gottesman Center for Science Teaching and Learning
James Shymansky Email Educator E. Desmond Lee Professor of Science Education II…
E. Desmond Lee Professor of Science Education II
Jonathan Singer Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor University…
Associate Professor