National Science Teachers Association 2022 National NSTA Conference; Houston, TX

Event Date

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DRK-12 Presentations

  • Building Leadership Capacity to Support Science Implementation in Elementary Grades (Presenters: O’Connor, D. & Hayes, K.)
  • Developing Teacher Noticing Capacity of Sensemaking (Presenters: O’Connor, D., Jackson, C., & Wright, N.)
Event Type

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Baltimore, MD

Event Date

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DRK-12 Presentations

  • Noticing and Wondering about Students’ Work: A Path to More Meaningful Feedback and Instruction (Presenters: Amanda Reinsburrow, Annie Fetter, Victor Powell, Laura Kaplan, Joanne Vakil, and Allyson Greenstein)
Event Type