Webinar on NSF Opportunities: Broadening Participation in STEM

Event Date

This upcoming webinar on Thursday, June 22, 12:30-3 pm ET, will highlight upcoming funding opportunities within the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) that are aimed at broadening participation in STEM. 

Event Type

AERA 2017 Poster: Unit Coordination and Partitioning Activity of One Child With Mathematics Learning Disability: A Case Study

Principal Investigator:

Click image to see poster.


Purpose: A continued instructional focus on the development of conceptual understanding of fractions as quantities for children with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD) is critical. We investigated “What ways of partitioning and unit coordinating does a fifth grade child with MLD display in equal sharing tasks? “

Click image to preview:

AERA 2017 Poster: Teacher Learning in a Combined Professional Development Program

Principal Investigator:

Click image to see poster.


We examine whether teacher participation in a professional development program that combined Lesson Study with discussions of videos and animations increased teacher noticing of students’ prior knowledge. Four questions guide our inquiry in relation to changes over time in teachers’ video club discussions:

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