American Association of Physics Teachers 2018 AAPT Summer Meeting; Washington, DC

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DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Robert Zisk*, Eugenia Etkina, and Drew Gitomer, Rutgers University (Project: Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy (Collaborative Research: Gitomer))

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Fellows alumnus

Event Type

AISL & Broadening Participation

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

As agency and program priorities, broadening participation research and efforts to attract, prepare and support a diverse STEM workforce are of great interest. As such, the aim of this webinar is to provide guidance to project teams that are interested in pursuing research and development work in which broadening participation within informal STEM learning contexts is a primary goal. The two AISL broadening participation related solicitation-specific criteria will be unpacked and portfolio exemplars will be shared.

Event Type