Association for Science Teacher Education 2020 ASTE International Conference; San Antonio, TX

Event Date

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Deborah Hanuscin, Emily Borda, and Josie Melton*, Western Washington University; Jamie Mikeska* and Dante Cisterna, Educational Testing Service (ETS)

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Fellows alumnus

Event Type

American Statistical Association 2020 Joint Statistical Meetings; Philadelphia, PA; Aug 1-6, 2020 - VIRTUAL

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Beth Chance and Soma Roy, Cal Poly State University; Josephine Louie, Education Development Center (EDC); Willian Finzer, Concord Consortium; Emily Fagan and Jennifer Stiles, Education Development Center (EDC)
Event Type

TODOS: Mathematics for ALL 2020 Conference; Scottsdale, AZ - CANCELLED

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Pam Buffington and Peter Tierney-Fife, Education Development Center (EDC)
Event Type

6th International STEM in Education Conference STEM 2020; Vancouver, Canada - VIRTUAL

Event Date

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference has been postponed until July 15-17, 2021.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Emily Dare and Joshua Ellis, Florida International University; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen, St. Catherine University; Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota
Event Type

14th International Congress on Mathematical Education ICME 14; Shanghai, China - HYBRID

Event Date

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 conference has been postponed until 2021.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Salvador Huitzilopochtli* and Judit Moschkovich, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Jessica Hunt, North Carolina State University; Kristi Martin, Sam Houston University
  • Wenmin Zhao* and Samuel Otten, University of Missouri-Columbia

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Postdoc

Event Type

American Chemical Society 2020 ACS National Meeting & Expo; Philadelphia, PA - CANCELLED

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Mavreen Rose Tuvilla*, Purdue University

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Fellows alumnus

Event Type

International Society of the Learning Sciences ICLS 2020 Conference; Nashville, TN - VIRTUAL

Event Date

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually.

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

Event Type